Ch 3

At the same time, Cael is negotiating the contract.

A certain Kaleidoscope magician is opening a book in an unknown space.

"Interesting, how come this timeline diverted from its predetermined fate? This technology isn't supposed to exist at this point in time"

As the wizard marshall is checking his grimoire which contains the details of every probable future of the reality from major events to personality and likes of random citizen A. It's one of the many applications of his magic which affects realities below the 5th dimension.

{A.N; Even Kaleidoscope can't penetrate Avalon, which is considered the 5th dimension.}

He felt something amiss

"How is this even p-"

A hand from the unknown knocked out the Wizard Marshall Zelretch. He didn't even get to see his assailant.

A figure appeared and snapped his fingers.

The unknown figure turned his head and saw something before turning back and vanishing.

Zelretch woke up and closed his Grimoire.

"Why did I open it? No matter the immortality, I guess I'm a human after all. The old age is catching up to me"

Zelritch laughed it off.


"So, you want my semen every month in this container?"

Cael asked in a bewildered tone. He did read about replenishing mana from magus fluids but he didn't expect the bookworm principal to ask this directly. Then again, All Magi are degenerates or eccentric.

" While it might sound weird to you. Poor magi sell their semen and blood to earn money in any magus organization. I don't mind having sex with you to replenish my mana but I can't expect you to be at my beck and call every moment "

"Alright. So, I give you my semen every month for 2 years and pay 100 k pounds to you per the contract to let me join this clock tower?"

"And you have to pay another 500 k when registering at the clock tower"

"It's expensive. Are you sure this is not some kind of scam? the things you ask me Just to join are ridiculous Mrs. Belerona."

"The fact about me scamming is right but I'm not joking about Clocktower. You will do these scams yourself in the future when you run out of resources"

"Alright...So, where do I sign up?"

"Not yet, first I have to unlock your magic circuits and know your alignment. If you are willing to pay me 100 thousand more, I will even tell you your origin "

'This b*tch is abusing her power..  Knowing the origin is a must but first to not raise suspicion'

"What is an origin?"

"It's complicated to explain but it is good to know one's origin. "

It's not like I need an explanation anyway. I know plenty much about it.


"Come to my home, tomorrow along with the money and keep this container with you. Careful with the container, it's a mystic code, a magical item"

Cael took the mystic code and left. He's glad that he doesn't need to have sex with her.

The next day, Cael ditched the college and went to Belerona's private mansion.

After paying the money. Belerona dropped the warning he expected.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Most common people don't have magic circuits. Even if they have, they will probably have in lesser quantity and quality. If you don't have magic circuits I will have to erase your memories. "

Cael deadpanned and stared at her "You could have just said this to me yesterday"

"Then, I wouldn't get this money. Don't worry, I know you would at least have 1w"

"How? "

"Woman's intuition. Anyway, remove your shirt and lie down"

Cael rolled his eyes and did as he was told.

"My~, for a Japanese you have a well-toned body. I expected you to be a skeleton with skin"

"I practice martial arts and go to the gym"

"I see. Anyway, I will now channel my magical energy into your body. If you have magic circuits, they will open up. Remember that feeling because from next time every time you want to use magic circuits. You can use that feeling along with a mental trigger to use them"

Belerona activated her magic circuits and channeled her magical energy into Cael's back.

Cael felt like a dam is about to burst open in him as Belerona's magical energy is acting as an opposing force on the dam. Simultaneously his body heated up a little.

Then, Belerona stuck a paper on his back with some patterns in it.

"I feel hot!"

"Don't worry about it. It's common. Magic circuits are something foreign to our bodies. It's your body's reaction to a foreign substance. Even though, they emerge from the soul. Now tell me, there are several cards in front of you, touch the one which feels close to your mana"

Cael saw a few cards in front of him specifically tarot cards. He picked up the Queen card.

"Good now, tell me what did you see in the card"

"Huh? It's just a queen ca-, wait, I can see zeroes and ones"

Belerona took the paper on his back and wrote something.

While Cael began to feel the lines on his hands and body. They are like extra nerves which he can command. He assigned his mental trigger on the spot remembering the feeling.

A dam about to burst open.

He thought about it and the magic circuits are closed. He felt normal.

"Oh, I see you already assigned a mental trigger. Good, now open and close your circuits a few more times because even though you can do it now. There's a chance you might not remember it after an interval"

Cael did as told. The surreal feeling of nerves on him is amazing and agonizing.

"So, I have good news and bad news" Belerona spoke after some time.

"Tell me the bad news first then the good news"

"Bad news is you only have 10 magic circuits, good news is they are high-quality circuits."

Belerona Immediately said "Don't be disheartened, the fact that you have 10 magic circuits itself is a miracle, and to have high-quality ones means you are very lucky. First generation magi like you generally tend to have single digit number of circuits and average or above average quality circuits"

"I see, so what's next"

Cael didn't mind having a low number of circuits. There is something wrong with his magic circuits due to the ring, he felt it as soon as he opened the ring. Which means the number Belerona knows is false.

"Your alignment or more specifically, element is 'Water' "

Cael felt glad his element is 'water'. Unlike other magic systems, here 'water' doesn't mean just water.

His element or alignment is related to flows, forms, cycles, combinations, and manipulations.

"Your Origin most probably has to do with 'Logic' "

"Is it because I saw ones and zeros"

"That's what you perceive as Logic. Another person with 'Logic' as origin would see something different"

"I see"

"Put on your clothes. We will go to the clock tower"

Soon, they reached Clocktower. Belerona instructed him on how to enter the clock tower and the rules needed to be followed by a magus like keeping the supernatural a secret.