Ch 8

In a king-size bed, a couple can be lying naked, they had their hands intertwined together, one of them is a mature woman who is sleeping with a blissful expression while the other is a fair-skinned man who is awake looking at a set of papers in his hands.

Despite the romantic atmosphere, the surroundings of the bed are anything but romantic.

There are various markings and runes along with candles lit up uniquely. It looked like a demonic ritual is happening.

Cael looked at the results of his experiment.

'It took less time than I expected to gain the harmony. In four months, my magic circuits are almost in tune with my body. This should boost the effect of the magecraft by at least 10,000 times. Of course, the increased charm is just a side effect'

Cael pondered if he could increase the boost more. The runes touko Aozaki has can boost her magecraft spells a million times, he merely tried something similar with this ritual, but the result is not on the same level, he felt improvements can be done.

'Also, Aozaki's is more of an active effect, it can only be used on certain spells and the rune power diminishes over time while mine is a passive effect, now all my spells are more powerful than before and the need for a ridiculous number of reasons and foundations can be reduced to perform magecraft. So, this is a success I guess not to mention...'

Cael placed his finger on Breanna's lips she began to suck it even in her sleep, he underestimated the thirst a magus has for making their magic circuits more compatible.

Breanna's cooperated more than he expected. She had sex with him almost every time even when there is no need to, all because she thought she could do better and gained harmony quicker.

'Harmony' in this ritual is nothing but feeling pure pleasure during sex with the partner without any other thoughts like lust or love. It's easier said than done.

They both drowned themselves in deep desires and she even proposed the most degenerate types of carnal desires exploring every crevice of each other's body.

Still, Breanna's idea looked possible and he agreed. Sure enough, Breanna got a 100-time boost up to his estimation while he got a 10,000 times boost.

Of course, both of their beauty also increased especially Cael's but Magi cared less about their appearances.

"Hmm~, Is it already morning my angel~"

Breanna woke up groggily but still, she leaned on Cael while her hand slowly began to roam towards Cael's legs holding his dick.


Cael answered as he observed Breanna's behavior, he snapped his fingers.

The paper in his hands immediately shone brightly on both Breanna's and Cael's faces for a second. When it dimmed, two identical graph patterns appeared on the sheet.

'We should take a break. I thought it was just me but even Breanna's mind is morphing, Both of our minds are almost on the same wavelength now. She and I both are lacking clarity compared to the first day. We already succeeded twice. So, I guess it is good to conduct the ritual again, but it will be the last time'

Breanna got annoyed by the light and said "There you go with that annoying spell in the mornings."

"Breanna, we should stop this ritual for now"

Cael announced, he didn't mind her complaints.

But this statement jolted Breanna awake.

"Huh?..W..What?! Did I just annoy you now? Hey, I won't complain but please don't say that, let's continue, Shall I suck your dick as breakfast or maybe you would want me as a slave for a day"

She argued looking like she was on verge of a mental breakdown.

'It's more serious than I expected. So, the ritual comes with the cost of little sanity. The references didn't mention this or it might be due to our bodies being from age of man.'

Cael Analysed and sighed. Even he could only keep himself sane with healing magecraft slowly healing his mind from degenerative thoughts but even that is just like first aid, not cure.

"Breanna, Calm down and listen!!"

She did due to his serious tone and after which he began to explain his reasons.

"We need repercussion time. The ritual did succeed but we are losing our sanity slowly. Look at our brain waves and the brain waves of the average mental asylum prisoner, Ours is beginning to match theirs. Do you want to give up your ability to use magic circuits because it will happen with the way things are happening now"

Finally getting back to her senses, Breanna activated her magic circuits and cast a spell before sighing. She appeared calm and then thanked Cael.

"Thanks, Cael. I was not thinking straight just now"

there is a change in her tone but Cael didn't sense any malicious intent.

"What did you do to think clearly again?"

He asked curiously, this is like an instant change of mental state.

"I forced a mental suggestion onto my brain. Still, this is only enough for now. Anyway, I'm surprised the contract didn't activate despite losing my sanity. It could have stopped both of us"

" I think the reason is we are both enjoying the degeneration into carnal pleasure and not seeing it as a threat. Also, this contract is not that strict so, this might have become a loophole"

"You are right. Still, It is worth it in my opinion. This ritual did succeed. The pain of opening magic circuits is almost nothing to me now and I think the spell-casting ability is even more powerful now." For Breanna, this is a huge benefit and is worth the time and effort she put in even if there is a huge risk.

"We can do this one more time. After that, the ritual is useless for both of us. I recommend we take two years to do this ritual again. It will be enough time for our minds to heal completely" Cael suggested to which Breanna agreed.

"I accept but...I won't deny that I enjoyed your company. You are better than my husband. Still, why don't we continue this relationship, my angel~" Breanna seductively spoke and is aware of what she said. She sat on his dick and began riding to make her point clear.

If he didn't have a lifetime of experience. Cael would surely fall for such honey-coated words. His hands held her hips, pulled her towards his chest, and whispered in her ears

"Don't think, I can't see through your cunning plot, you sly devil. What you truly want are the benefits I will bring to you. Of course, you can rope me in by providing some more benefits to me. Still, such evil schemes, as an angel I should punish your evil"

"Ahn~, role-playing are we? Very well, angel. This devil will comply to your Ahn~, yesh~, requeshts~. 'Punish' me more~" Breanna agreed to his terms as she enjoyed the 'punishment'.

They did even more horrifying stuff during their time together for ritual. Sex and role-playing are simple games compared to that.

After having one last round of sex. Both of them took time to freshen up. They rarely took baths after one month of starting the ritual.

'Now that I think about it, I don't think these experiences can even match up to my previous life experience. This is so vulgar yet so enjoyable'

Looking in the wide mirror, he suddenly exclaimed

"What the f*ck? Why do I look like an Androgynous vampire and what is this growth rate? Isn't this too much?"

Since charm isn't his main focus. He didn't focus on his looks these four months, he only checked his magic circuits.

But now, his entire physical body experienced a change he never guessed. His skin is almost pale white, his face is not just charming but supernaturally handsome and his teenage body changed into that of a mature adult. His pinkish eye is nearly grey. His new height is 6 feet which shouldn't be possible for someone from Japan due to gene restrictions.

"Have I stumbled upon a mystery and used it as a base for this ritual? No, that doesn't make sense, but this body, has its charm been affected by age of Breanna thus changing my body to match hers? Ah! That makes more sense. I can feel the compulsion being emitted from this face"

It took some digest his new looks, he is sure if he went to Clock tower like this, powerful mages will definitely use him as a lab rat for experiments because he's sure.

"My face is almost a 'mystic face'. It's best to change the location of my workshop and not appear in the clock tower much. My apprenticeship is also coming to an end anyway. I will petition my 'Beauty magecraft' . It should be enough to promote me to an official magus with a low rank"

Even Breanna is surprised by her change in looks but she didn't have a massive change like Cael's.

When they met again at the dining table, Cael's face didn't surprise Breanna on the other hand, she was eyeing him but didn't think much of his change.

'Sure enough, I have a compulsive charm. She's not even caring about the drastic change however, it can be attributed to being with me for a long time. Let's try something else'

"Breanna, keep this ritual a secret, don't share this with anyone"

"Okay. Oh, let's discuss the benefits you asked for in our relationship" Breanna agreed and even spoke about their further relationship.

'So, it's working even if the effect is reduced. But it seems it won't have much effect on those who have their magic circuits activated. Breanna's magic circuits are resisting my compulsion a lot and those are not even turned on.'

After that, they discussed the terms of their relationship. Breanna would provide some resources through her channels while Cael would prioritize her when it comes to magecraft that benefits her. Sex is just a bonus.

After leaving the mansion, Cael used his 'beauty magecraft ' to conceal his true appearance.

"This should last a few hours with my new boost. I should buy a new property "