Ch 22

"The Grail is corrupted, whatever wishes you have cannot be granted, No I'm wording it wrong. Whatever wishes you have will be twisted, and destruction will happen for the creation of your wish"

Assassin refused to believe Cael's words "No, how can you tell that just from the few shards you found in that girl?"

"You guys don't know how this war operates. A human vessel is transformed into a holy grail. It is used to summon the greater Grail which grants wishes.

Of course, it's not the only way but it's the easiest way. As long as the condition that, the souls of servants must be used to fill the grail is fulfilled. The grail will grant wishes"

"That means..." Assassin quickly understood what Cael meant.

"You are right, after the last servant and master remained, the master should order the servant to commit suicide. Only then, the wish could be granted. Now that, the grail is corrupted, it is not working like how it is supposed to be"

"This is a ritual created by magi. Sakura is used as a vessel for grail this time but now that she's not a vessel anymore. The war can't happen anymore unless another suitable master is converted into a holy grail vessel. I think Einzberns generally took this role so, it's not completely hopeless. The Grail can grant wishes but it won't be the same wish you like"

There is drop-dead silence in the room.

"Master, why are you not bothered by this? Since you can see the future, do you already know this?"

"It's simple Assassin, I didn't believe in this whole wish granting. From the third holy grail war, only disasters happened. The Grail did grant wishes in the first and second wars but not anymore"

"So, you already knew this is a pointless war at the very beginning?"

"More or less, I hoped the grail could grant wishes however, reality is often disappointing"

Assassin vanished in spirit form. Cael sighed, he already knew Assassin will not take this news lightly so, he tried to think of ways to tell her, now a chance appeared and he used it.

He can only hope that Assassin comes to terms with reality.

"Rider, Sakura what do you think? "

"I'm glad I don't have to fight anymore, I'm forced into this war but what happens to Rider?" Sakura didn't care about the war from the beginning.

"I can use the grail shards to create a mystic code that can tether Rider to reality if she really wishes"

Rider and Sakura is shocked to hear that "You can do that?"

"It's not really me, The grail shards are imbued with Second True magic and Third True magic. I happen to be a top-level alchemist.

With those pieces,  I can make a mystic code that can tether Rider to reality even after the end of the war. Of course, this is not for free, if Rider helps me in some experiments in the future, I will create it"

Rider believed in his skills so, she asked "What kind of experiments? "

"Nothing too cruel like killing yourself or harmful. I can say that much, my Magecraft surpassed Age of Man already. So, I can take some liberties to make sure that you won't suffer, the same applies to you Sakura"

"Can I talk with Sakura for a few minutes in private?"  Rider asked.

"You are on my property, remember?"

"Ri..Right! Master, I want to talk with you, please come with me"

Rider and Sakura left Cael's office room to discuss among themselves.

Cael leaned on his chair and said

"So, you think killing me will make my words a lie or is it just resentment for lying to you?"

Assassin's body materialized, she's holding a knife against Cael's chest.

Ready to kill him. 

"Why? Why give me hope when you know the wish itself is impossible? You could have told me at the time you summoned me"

Cael however didn't fear the killing attempt. 

He asked calmly "What would you have done when I said your wish can't be granted at the beginning?"

"I would be angry..."



"See, It's pointless to tell you then. Sure, you would come to terms with it in time, then what? What's your wish anyway?"

Assassin withdraws her knife.

"....I was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. I lived my life fulfilling my desires and...those very desires destroyed my kingdom. The man I love died and my child is killed before he can even grow up.

I desire nothing more than to see my love but still, I just want to undo the destruction of my kingdom to atone for my sin"

'So, Guilt over love but it is not possible to undo history ' Cael respected her feelings but changing history is impossible.

"The fact is your wish to undo the destruction of your kingdom will be condemned by the 'Will of humanity'. It's going against the established fate and history.

Even if your wish is granted, 'Will of Humanity' will butcher everyone, even if it didn't, the world will come to an end because 'will of the planet' will erase it from existence for going against the established history"

Assassin just asked "How do you know? How can I believe that your words are true? The Grail is Omnipotent"

" It is a man-made creation and it cannot be Omni-potent. Truth is bitter but you have to accept it. It is better to wish for reuniting with your husband and kid "

Cael didn't continue anymore. It's not his life, at most he could suggest, and nothing more.

He went to his workshop and then drew runes that would stop someone from spying.

He then concentrated on his mind and closed his eyes, he could feel it, the thing he was waiting for.

When Cael opened his eyes, in front of him stood ever contracting and ever-expanding universe that is being created and destroyed spontaneously making it look stagnated.

He could will something into existence in here from reality and it will be in a state of stasis.

"This is my reality marble? It's based on existence and non-existence, true and false, a state of stagnation. Time doesn't exist in this reality marble that applies to everyone and everything In here, I am the only one who can move"

"It's extremely useful for many things. I can tell this is 'outside of the reality but it is still inside the world', I can even stay here as long as I like and not even an instant will pass on outside, also nothing will decay here. I can store anything here and even summon my true body in here and since I can see the reality from here..."

He could theoretically teleport to other places limited to all the 7 continents and oceans on 'physical reality'.

He tried to summon his body and then 'expel' his body into his bedroom in his cottage in Scotland.

The Homunculi were about to attack but when they saw it is Cael, they bowed respectfully and apologized but Cael didn't care about it.  he shouted loudly

"YES!!! I can Teleport!! I'm closer to magic than any magus ever could be!!!"

Teleportation is in the 'realm of magic' for the modern magus.

Few can teleport and those are humans from Age of Gods or the beginning of the Age of Man. For them, it is in the 'realm of magecraft'.

It just shows his accomplishment as a magus.

"All of you, remove your clothes, it's time for an Orgy!!"

In excitement, he ordered all of his 18 homunculi to strip and enjoy himself for his accomplishment.

After a day of wild sex, he teleported back.

He immediately went to his home in Fuyuki City and entered the bounded field.

"It's been a long time, Master"

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta bowed as they welcomed him.

After meeting with Rider, he didn't come here as he didn't want his identity exposed.

Even now, he didn't say his name to either Rider or Sakura.

"I will teleport you back to Scotland. I don't need your help anymore, take care of chores there"

"Yes, master" All of them accepted the order.

Cael summoned the entire bounded field which contained his mansion and homunculi into his Reality marble.

If he has only one thought process, he could only enter the reality marble and his body will be in a coma making it vulnerable but it's not the case.

His consciousness is divided into three parts.  Allowing him to access the reality marble in his mind, and control his physical body in reality at the same time.

He then teleported the homunculi to his cottage in Scotland.

Inside the Reality marble, Cael saw his mansion.

In the real world, Cael summoned his gun and it appeared.

"Sweet, Its Inventory function is amazing. Could I store spells? Since my reality marble follows the principle of stagnation at its core"

Cael cast a normal water conjuring spell with his spirit magecraft and then he stored it.

The spell itself is complete but its effect didn't take place as it is in a state of stasis.

When Cael 'expelled' the spell from his Reality marble, a stream of water conjured in front of him.

"Amazing, I can deploy this reality marble to keep someone in 'stasis', all of them will be frozen in time but I'm not sure if servants can resist it. If Rider accepts my deal, I can test it with her"

"Still, I would have loved if I got a combination of marble phantasm and Reality marble but a Reality marble is not bad at all"

"Its name shall be 'Cosmos of Eternal Statis' "