Ch 28

In an artistic room filled with relics and art models, an old lady sat while listening to metal music on her iPod.

Cael stood observing her, he can sense the spells that are constantly trying to 'calm' him down and let him get 'emotional' and the old lady is smiling like she was not doing anything.

But, his Mana Resistance is ridiculously high now that, all Magecraft will be nullified regardless of age or power.

Only True Magic, Gods, and strong phantasmal species can hurt him.

'So, that's Inorai Valualeta Atroholm, the current lord, from the info I gathered, she uses Sympathy Magecraft and Sand Magecraft. She is a rare holder of affinity to three elements unlike me who only have water element'

'Valualeta Bloodline as lord means, our department will slowly turn into a democratic faction from a neutral faction. What a pain. I miss the old lord, he didn't give a fuck what we did as long as we research in peace'

"Hu~, Metal music is just the best, isn't it? Mr. Arsya"

"I like the pop genre more"

"Art is subjective. So, Mr. Arsya, with a cunning person like you, I can only get to the point"


"You have a scary talent that revolutionized our department and you are close to our ideal human with absolute beauty more than anyone else. Despite everything happening, you are never the center of attention"

"I prefer enjoying the luxuries of life more than attention."

"I can understand your ideals, it must be tough being an orphan right?"

"Not really, I'm free from human constraints called family. I don't have to carry any responsibilities. I never felt anything for being an orphan"

Inorai observed Cael and thought about his replies 'So, he's a sociopath, no wonder I can't 'sympathize' with him no matter how many times I have cast the spell'

Inorai's sympathy magecraft helps her read others without others knowing that she's doing it and can influence them to a certain extent.  But to those who are biologically emotionless, it doesn't work.

That's what she thought, the idea of her magecraft being nullified never crossed her mind.

Cael who could see through her superficial thoughts understood he succeeded in making her believe in him as a sociopath.

"I Initially summoned you to propose something"

"If you don't mind me asking, what would it be?"

"Mr. Arsya, your research is groundbreaking. You have changed the beauty magecraft forever and have the potential to reach the Root. Joining a magi family would give you more opportunities to do so."

"I understand what you are implying, I indeed have talent but you are overestimating me. I did that research with our department's goal in my mind. As for reaching the root, Only 2 magicians appeared in the last 2000 years. Even centuries-old magi families have failed. I am not capable of such a feat, In my mind it's just a waste of time"

"That's regrettable, then why don't you just produce a child with my daughter? There is no need for marriage, We can use that child as an experiment"

"My apologies but I decline"

"My daughter is extremely beautiful, she's a good match for you. Just think how beautiful your child will be?"

"I still decline"

Cael's answer didn't anger her "I see, I respect your opinion"

"I can fulfill your other requests with the best of my abilities "

"Is that charity?" Inorai said mockingly.

"Not really, think of it like a surety for my safety"

Inaroi pretended to be hurt and said "Mr. Arsya, you didn't just think I will hurt you for declining my request, do you?"

"Yes, I did"

"I'm not angry, I was just upset. Still, At most, I will knock you with my daughter. You just don't know what you have just missed"

"what can I do to make up to you?"

"I'm interested to know why you want to do so?"

"I believe magi should only care about benefits. I only interact with others if it benefits me and I believe the same is true with others. We humans are just dolls that put self-preservation above anything else, don't you agree lord Inaroi?"

As Cael spoke, His eyes showed no glow showing his absence of emotions.

Inaroi got creeps and thought 'This guy is terrifying, his words are influencing my mind and it feels like reading my mind. Is this how others feel when I 'sympathize' with them?'

"I have to agree, you impress me. Very well, you must know about Spiritual Tomb of Albion, right?"

She directly went into the topic. She didn't want to deal with him anymore, he's terrifying in her eyes.


"Then, you must have heard about the miracles there"


"My ancestor left a mystic code a few centuries ago in that Tomb in the hope of evolving it. I want you to bring that mystic code left in the Tomb. I will permit you to get there."

"Is it a hereditary mystic code? Just an intuition"

"That's correct, only someone of Valualeta bloodline can unlock it and find it"

Cael thought about the request and used mental interference magecraft subtly.

"Why me though?"

"Aren't you the one who said you will do anything?"

That's what Inaroi thought she has said but she didn't know she said her thoughts out loud.

But she couldn't hear it. She could only hear what she wanted to say however, her mouth spoke what she thought.

"stop acting like you only know Beauty magecraft, I gathered information that you can produce unique mystic codes with Alchemy from my sources and I'm sure you can get that mystic code from the Tomb. It will also give chances to my daughter to produce an offspring with you"

'As I thought, it's impossible to hide everything. Daphne must have told her family about the Mind Flayer Incident and Inaroi must have learned of it  Visiting the tomb of Albion is not a bad deal. If anything, that's the only place I can benefit from now on'

Cael's magecraft is capable of almost anything now. So, normal resources of the physical world won't cut it.

The tomb of Albion is a sacred place for magi. It's the dead carcass of the white dragon, Albion which didn't leave the physical world even when every phantasmal species left to the reverse side of the world.

By the time, it realized that staying in reality is suicide due to the severe decrease in mana, it's already too late.

It tried to forcefully go through the earth's crust but it died. Its mana is extremely potent to the point that even after its death which happened thousands of years ago, its mana didn't exhaust. The leftover mana started creating mysteries and miracles.

Things stop making sense once you enter its cave.

Now, It's a small world of mysteries.

Cael agreed to the request. In return for the work, Inaroi promised that she can grant safety to Cael. Which he didn't think much of, Magi is the last person to be trusted.

He also couldn't force her into a contract as she's a lord.

The risks outweigh the benefits if he used magecraft on her for some feeble protection and so-called safety.

"Is there any description of mystic code? Even if there is, It must have changed a lot with the influence from the mana of Top level phantasmal species like a dragon"

"You aren't going alone. I will send someone from my family with you. Only someone from our bloodline can sense it. You just have to keep it a secret. Officially, you are going for research purposes. Your true purpose must be kept secret and protect that person in the tomb"

This is a high-risk task but for Cael, he has chances to come out unscathed.

"Well then, Let's meet again next time, Lord Inaroi"

Inaroi saw Cael putting on a fake smile and leaving the room.

'So, he wears a mask' Inaroi thought, she clapped her hand. The Sand Vase in the office turned into a human.

"My lady, Orders" the person said.

"Observe him, he's got the potential, and protect him in the Cave if necessary," Inaroi said. 

"What if he steals the mystic code?"

"You can take care of him then. But don't kill him, he's useful to us alive"

"Very well"

The person vanished from the room. Inaroi sat in her chair.

Both are unaware that Cael already sensed the 'Vase' and even put 'trackers' in the room to hear their conversations.

'As I thought, She is slowly changing this department into democratic factions. I should look for a new department'

***Tomb of Albion's Entrance***

A handsome man can be seen standing at the entrance of a cave.

"Oh my~, the rumors are indeed true. you look like an angel"

Cael saw the girl that compliment him, the girl looked to be in her twenties. She has blonde hair and a petite figure. Despite that, she's extremely pretty with a fancy dress that enhanced her beauty.

"You are?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Arsya. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Lennart Valualeta. You can just call me Lenn"

"Call me Cael"

"Sir Cael, I just want you to know. My mother asked me to conceive a child with you but I don't want any of it. Let us just find the mystic code and part ways"

Lenn appeared cute with her small voice when she said this.

"I understand"

"Alright. With that said, Before we went inside the Cave. There are some rules we have to follow"

The rules are fairly simple, whatever they find will belong to the Clock tower and should be handed to the magus guarding the tomb.

They can only take 2 'research materials' from the cave as they have a Lord's permission to do so. This means Cael can take only one material to the outside, the other material is the mystic code they have to find.

The other rule is they both have to be extremely careful in the cave as laws don't make sense anymore.