Ch 32


After running some series of tests, Cael found the oddity in his Ichor.

"I have gained Affinity with Fire and it is quite high"

The fire pit in Tomb of Albion is the creation of mystery. so, It's property to change his element is possible.

Fire spells are related to consumption, heat, entropy, fuels, energy transfer, and thermodynamics.

"With such a high Fire element, my Rune magecraft should have gained a massive boost. Spells that are based on consumption and heat. Hmmm, I am getting some new ideas"

After completing creating some spells, he left the workshop and went to a bungalow in the city near his home.


A spirit opened the door and bowed to Cael greeting him "Please come in sir Cael"

He met with Rider and Sakura, who is going by the names of Nana and Fracena respectively.

"Fracena, your apprenticeship is over officially. You can do whatever you want now"

Fracena has grown up to be a pretty woman. Her appearance looked different from her initial Japanese looks. Cael used his beauty magecraft to change his appearance.

"Sir, I want to go back to Japan"

"Sure, you don't need my permission for that. Just don't use your old name."

Fracena and Nana left Scotland while Cael sold the property they have stayed in.

He returned to his workshop and continued his creation of new magecraft.

He found it easy to create magecraft than before.

"Preparations are complete but just to be safe"

Cael summoned the 'Visionary of Moon' and created an Elixir of Youth that can grant infinite lifespan, Regeneration, and Eternal Youth.

After drinking it, he'll be forever 30. He's already an immortal but this is just a backup for him.

"Now, I can test confidently"

He created an arrow and placed it on the Magic circle drawn on the ground.

He began his Aria

"From the depths of my soul, I call forth ancient power untold. Let the universe hear my plea, As I conjure magic, wild and free.

Elements of earth, air, fire, and water, Unite and grant me the power to alter. With the rhythm of my heart and the strength of my will, I cast my spell, let the magic fulfill.

By the light of the moon and the stars above, I call upon the spirits, ancient and wise. Grant me your wisdom, your magic, your love, As I work with the powers that arise.

From within and without, I gather my strength, As I cast my spell with intention and length. Let my magic soar, let my will be done, As I create my reality, one by one "

The life force from him transferred into the arrow, which formed multiple writings, the arrow then pierced him and vanished.

Two white wings manifested on his back.

"Okay...what do they do?"

He flapped the wings but nothing happened. He can't even fly with them.

"Do they vanish?"

With just a thought, they did. Cael once again manifested the wings.

But he couldn't figure out what to do with them.

"Even if they are just cosmetic. They are nice. I will find what they do later, for now, I should focus on the barrier and mystic codes"

It took half a day to create a barrier around himself with Gravity.

Unlike Gojo's barrier, it's more like Accelerator's barrier.

Using the power of  Gravity, he created a barrier that would repel everything except light. It is adjustable and can be deactivated at any time.

"I don't think, I can use this barrier with the human body. Not bad. Now, onto the next step"

Creating the mystic code with the invisible flesh is easy. Cael used special means to detect the flesh, the invisible creature cannot be sensed by general senses. He could only sense it with his Mind's eye.

He created a Mantle Mystic code with the Flesh of the invisible phantasmal species.

Cael equipped it and channeled his Ichor.

Sure enough, his presence is completely erased and he became invisible. He also modified it, so it could not be sensed by even someone with a mind's eye.

"Now for the mystic eyes"

He used origin analysis to find the source of the power and after some tests, he fused the Gazer's mystery with his eyes making them pure eyes.

It increased his comprehension and understanding of reality to its peak.

He Gazed at the Homunculi and they didn't freeze like he expected.

"So, I gained Mystic eyes but not the same type as Binding. This is more like high-ranking clairvoyance with the distance I can see and I can understand everything that is happening. it has potential to grow with age since these eyes are conceptual in nature"

He can previously see a few kilometers with his Ichor enhancement and Sacred gear but now, he can see and understand what is going on in reality beyond his initial distance.

He merged the mystery of Gazer with Sacred gear along with his mind's eye forming a Strong Clairvoyance that is conceptual in nature and grows with time.

He is happy with the improvement even if he couldn't get the Mystic eyes of Binding.

"Let's just name it 'Clairvoyance'. Now for the Flames"

He took out a container that has white Flames.

The flames are hot enough to incinerate anything, they are like the flames of the sun. These have the minuscule power of the Fire embers that killed him multiple times.

"It's still burning. I can make something like Tokiomi's jewel staff but mine will be just better"

"I'll go easy with this one"

He created a concentrated jewel that could contain the fires and merged them into his right palm.

"Simple and efficient. Now, for the Firestone"

He took out the firestone from his reality marble and tried to use Origin analysis. At most, he could get the detail that, this is a crystal related to spirits.

So, he summoned Nixie.

"Nixie, Do you have any idea about this Firestone?"

"I can smell Efreet's essence on it. It is an Element stone, I have one in my domain"

"Is it important?"

"Generally, it is used to mark one's domain but It's not used like that anymore. Those are just stones that happened to be in the presence of spirit"

"Can I get your element stone?"


Nixie summoned a transparent stone. Cael could sense healing property from it when holding it.


But as they are speaking, a fiery red light manifested in front of them.

A childish voice screamed out "Yay!! I finally find a host!!!"


The light turned into a fire element spirit.

"Hey! No Fair Marid! Why does an idiot like you have to gain a host before me and you didn't even share that with me, No fair"


Hearing Nixie's True name and Ifrit's name. He remembered that Marid is generally seen as someone who is easily tricked by humans, while Ifrit is deceitful and cunning.

"No, that's not my name. My name is Nixie"

"It doesn't work like that Marid, you can't change your name," Efreet said cheerfully while spinning around Marid.

Cael decided to step in and asked "What do you want exactly? Since you are a spirit like Nixie, you must be aware that we are in a contract right?"

Efreet stopped circling and examined Cael.

"Wow, How are someone like you here?"

Cael narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You are clearly not human. I can't see through you. So, you must be someone from the other side"

Cael asked Nixie "Do you also know this?"

"No, I first thought you are human, you were human even when we made the contract but after you saved me, you were no longer human. "

'So, the moment I gained the divine organ, I stopped being human. Interesting, I thought the philosopher stone made me non-human. However, that's one case solved. Now, for the nuisance'

"It's an encounter that changed me into more than human. Still, if you are here for a contract with me, then I apologize. My contract with Nixie came with a condition that she can be my only familiar"

"Hehehe~, you fell for such joke~, since she didn't use her real name, the contract is broken from the start. You are in contract but the rules of contract are null and void" Efreet revealed crucial information.

"Nixie, is it true?" Cael asked in a chilling cold voice.

"It's...true. I didn't believe you could save me at the beginning so, I used a Void contract with you. But, I was not lying about the advantages"

Cael rubbed his eyes thinking about the contract. He's glad that he's not limited to the conditions but the fact that he couldn't see through a lie is .... infuriating.

However, he didn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. He also has to deal with Efreet now.

Nixie is someone easy to control but the same can't be said about Efreet. Some legends depict Efreet as a scheming spirit.

"Alright, why do you want to form a contract with me?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's fun!!"