Ch 35

A psychic refers to one who has a mutation, an abnormal ability gained as a result of the brain being able to comprehend a "channel" (common sense, or perception of reality) not native to humans. It is a different type of Mystery than magecraft although similar.

They are like mutants from X-men but the mutations happen in Magic circuits rather than the physical body.

All they have to do is think to bring out the effect.

Some are pyrokinetic, Telekinetic, clairvoyant, or even sharing the senses of others. There is even a psychic ability that can show ways to actualize a future.

Cael observed the kid from afar, with his Clairvoyant eyes, he can see the things which humans can't see and understand all the things in reality.

So, what he saw left him speechless 'To think, I would be surprised twice in a single day '

As it became night, the boy packed up everything and went to a small shack.

Cael saw the boy treating a young girl and feeding her.

'Urgh! What a cliche! A sick sister and a psychic brother who is doing everything for her. But, I can use it for my advantage'

He knocked on the shack, which alerted the boy.

The boy opened the 'door' and saw an otherworldly handsome man which dazed him for a while.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" Cael asked in Portuguese.

"Why should I?" the boy asked, his fist clenched behind the back but he trembled as Cael's figure is quite imposing with his six feet Stature and toned muscles.

'As I thought, he has potential. To resist my innate compulsion so easily. He must have had some high-quality magic circuits'

Due to Cael's Beauty Magecraft ritual, ordinary people can easily be compelled without his conscious effort. It's like a passive ability. Only those with prana like Mages can resist.

He used Origin analysis on him proving him correct.

"Aren't you curious why you are able to see and command them? You know, like the 'soul' of your mother"

The boy froze upon hearing the words, he thought it is his secret.

"Oh no, it's not a secret at all. Any trained magus would notice the abnormality, of course, they won't negotiate peacefully like me"

Cael's words caused him even more terror as he felt like his mind is being read by the man in front of him.

"I can tell you that I have come with no ill intentions. If you listen to me, I can even cure your sister as an exchange for following my conditions"

Seeing that the person in front of him knows everything about him, the boy gave up and decided to gamble.

'Interesting, Is the soul protecting the boy due to its motherly instinct? Or is it his subconscious command?'

The soul surrounded Cael like it would kill him if he tried to kill the boy.

The inside is just a small room, if it could even be called that, containing a bed which is broken and a table which surprisingly has books on it. The girl is sleeping on the bed, the boy immediately went there covering her from Cael's view.

"What's your name?"

"José Baros"

"Since when are you able to see the souls?"

The girl woke up seeing that someone are there "Brother, who is he?"

"Maria, shh" José wanted his sister to stay asleep but she already woke up.

"I will heal her first as part of our deal"

"What deal? I never agreed to anything"

José denied but Cael didn't care about it. José began to float which freaked him out, while Cael used Healing magecraft on his sister.

His Basic Healing Magecraft can cure any biological disease belonging to the human body. So, all it took is just an instant to heal Maria.

"She's fine now. You can ask her, I cured her malnutrition along with her disease  but the malnutrition will return if you didn't feed her well"

José once again stood on the ground but he is in shock about everything that just happened now. Even more shocking is his sister's healthy complexion, she got up and danced around hugging him laughing happily.

"Brother, I feel so happy, I can run and see, I can hug you without pain. Thank you so much Magic uncle!! "

Maria exclaimed and thanked Cael, as a 9-year-old, her imagination is quite active.

"Do you want to see even more Magic?"


'That's reminding me of certain someone'

Cael thought while commanding his spirits.

'Efreet, Nixie, entertain the child, I'll use magecraft so that she can see you'

Nixie replied 'Kids are my favorite!!'

Efreet however tried to decline 'Kids are so annoying, I don't want to'

'Efreet, That's a command' Cael exerted his will which annoyed Efreet but she has to provide services as part of the contract and it's not like Cael is asking for anything life-threatening.

'Alright, fine!'  She caved in.

Maria seeing the two flying fairies appear exclaimed as her eyes shone with excitement when they flew towards her asking her to play with them.

"Wahh~ fadas voadoras"

José seeing the spirits felt instinctual repulsion. It is like

"You hate anything that's living, don't you? You are slowly losing your touch of common sense, no, your common sense is different from others. your sister is the only thing keeping you sane"

"Stop reading my mind!" José exclaimed.

"I'm not reading your mind. Generally, espers have both normal common sense and different common sense. However, there are some unlucky people, that are just born with Different common sense like you, they will slowly degenerate into murderers"

"The are two options, one is you have to 'cut' your 'common sense' but there is no method to do so without killing you. The other option is me, I could create a way for you to escape that fate. Of course, I'm not doing this for free or because it's the right thing, I want to research your ability in return I will cure you"

Cael's words are like bitter medicine to José, even though he hated it he had to take it because everything Cael said is right. He couldn't fit into society, he was too different to think like others, and the only thing that stopped him from going crazy is his sister.

He knows that others think it is wrong to use souls especially one's own mother like he is using even after her death but he didn't care, no, he has no ability to care for such matters.

Looking at his sister who is playing blissfully, he asked "I'll accept everything you say, you can do whatever you want with me, In return, I want her to be happy"

"Consider it done" Cael agreed, as long as he gets to research the Necromancy-type psychic ability, he didn't mind such trivial wishes.

"Zeta, Take care of these two until I returned. Take them to a fancy hotel nearby. I'll come back in a few days"

He summoned one of his homunculi that is a good caretaker.

"On your command, Master"

After the chat, He continued his journey, while José and Maria are cared for by Zeta.

Cael created most of his stuff by transmuting rocks and leaves into trekking stuff and other things needed for exploration.

His destination is somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest.

Watching the entire forest from the cliff, Cael took a deep breath with excitement on his face looking at the breathtaking scenery.

"I know adventures are best, I still can't lose this feeling even if I like Magecraft"

Efreet appeared and said "I never took you for a guy who likes to venture around. Most of the time, you are cooped up in your basement doing research"

"That's a necessity, this is something I like. Anyway, do you sense the Earth spirit?" He replied.

"Since you have two high spirits, you won't understand how rarely spirits appear in the human world, let alone high spirits like us. You are searching for a High spirit, not some common one. It's especially difficult to find Earth spirit"

"Is it that difficult?"

"Terra hates humanity and hides most of the time and she has the direct blessing of our mother. So, it's difficult to sense her even for high-spirits, even if we are related"

"Then, how did you know she's here?"

"This is the last place where humanity's presence is almost zero and nature's presence is high. Terra likes a place like this"