Ch 37

The spirit stayed quiet for a while, a vine extended and placed itself on his head. Some locations and their information on them appeared in his mind.

"You have to kill every human in these regions," The spirit said. 

Cael who is already aware of the entire Rain forest by now knows the layout.

Honestly, he's not surprised by the request. The planet hates humanity to an extent.  But what surprised him is

"Are you sure you are not mistaken? I think you left some tribes in the forest"

The spirit declined  "They are essential for balance in the forest. The rest you have to eliminate are people that overpopulated this place. Kill every man, woman, and child"

'You think 10,000 is overpopulated? Whatever, it has nothing to do with me'

"I accept the trade" Cael said, he activated the Mantle of Invisibility, turned invisible, and began floating in the air.

After flying to a point where he can see the entire forest and the tribes present in them.

He used mental interference magecraft to command one human from every tribe to slaughter the rest of the tribe.

While the 'puppets' are doing the job, he observed the forest and noticed a barrier surrounding the forest.

"Are these safety precautions? If I didn't manage to do the job and tried to escape from here, I will be confined here, isn't it"

Cael didn't mind such arrangements from the Earth spirit and continued to decrease the population of the humans in the forest with the help of 'puppets'.

"When does it end?"

He didn't use his potent magecraft to stay away from Humanity will, Alaya's radar.

Except for one tribe everywhere else, the humans are slaughtered.

Cael descended onto the tribe seeing some dead bodies, the rest have just fallen unconscious. All of them are inside a bounded field.

A voodoo doll is in the center of everything supporting the bounded field.

When he deactivated his mantle and destroyed the bounded field with a tap of his finger on it shattering it like glass, a heavy voice sounded from the voodoo doll.

"Why are you doing this to us? What did we do to face your wrath oh great magus?"

Cael used Origin analysis on the voodoo doll. He found that it's a type of guardian spirit that has a soul in it and some amount of prana.

"Oh, I'm not doing this out of anger or anything, I have no personal vendetta. It's just a deal I made with Earth spirit."

"Earth spirit? Terra? I knew it is evil from the beginning. Why do you support such Evil?!! Why commit such evil actions!! You are killing your fellow humans"

"Evil? Good? I personally don't like these concepts. What I'm doing is pure trade. Give me an Earth Elemental stone, In return, I will stop this massacre"

"Earth Elemental stone? What is that?"

"This stone" He showed the stone.

"I don't have that but I can probably give you something of equal value. Please spare my tribe! They are innocents"

"I see, If you don't have what I want. Then, my apologies"

The voodoo doll stood still not doing anything.

"What? Don't you want to defend them?"

"I can't defeat you, you are a monster. You hate humans, don't you? You have no remorse for killing others" The voodoo doll's voice sounded heavy with regret in his voice and trembled.

"It's a fact that humans can be disgusting, I have seen some horrendous things humans can do. So, I don't have remorse. But I don't hate humans for that. It's a piece of what makes humans human"

"I understand now, you are no human. That's why you have such twisted thoughts"

"I don't care about such trivial things anymore. Efreet, Burn the bodies to dust"

"No, please. I beg you! Please. At least spare the children, they are innocent and pure. Oh great magus, I will serve you eternally for this, please!"

The Voodoo doll begged desperately.

"Gladly" Efreet exclaimed joyfully and burned the humans until nothing was left. She started with kids watching the voodoo doll in despair.

"You don't have to do that, you know?" Cael said he found it unnecessary.

"humans are scum and a spirit protecting them just disgusts me" Efreet said with hate.

"Not all humans are the same. There are some genuine good humans, some dangerous people, they come in all varieties"

"Why do you support them, didn't you say that humans are disgusting?" Efreet asked.

"It's part of humanity. It only comes out in desperate situations, because at their core, humans selfishly want to live which is not wrong because all life-forms instinct is to seek survival"

"I still can't stand humanity" Efreet huffed.

'It is to be expected. You are an extension of the planet' Cael knowing it's useless to argue anymore didn't continue anymore.

At that time, he sensed a powerful curse.

The voodoo doll burst into a Glyph and is about to attack but a wall of Earth formed between Cael and the doll. It absorbed the curse.

"You did well eradicating the Disgusting humans" 

From the wall, a wolf head appeared and praised Cael for his contribution.

"You don't need to praise me, I'm just doing my part of the deal"

"I would like to give you my Blessing of Nature for eradicating the disgusting pest called humanity in this forest. All vegetation and living beings except humans will not be hostile to you, Nature protects you"

'Damn, just how much does the planet hate humanity? The earth spirit is going beyond the initial deal '

A green aura formed around Cael and vanished.

"I have a question, why didn't you slaughter these humans yourself? They are just bugs compared to you" He asked curiously.

"The 'will of mankind' is interfering every time I tried. It didn't let me exert my power, at the same time it doesn't want the humans to know about mysteries. I was forcefully contracted with it to not attack mankind directly. So, I had to use proxies"

"I understand your disgust for mankind now"

Honestly, Cael is not surprised. Alaya, the will of mankind's goal is to save humans. So, it makes sense that Alaya takes a drastic measure. He's surprised it negotiated with the spirit instead of directly butchering it.

"If it makes you happy, I recommend you let the will of mankind do as it pleases, you will be happy with that decision in future" Cael said to the Earth spirit.

"How so?"

"It's simple, Humanity is slowly killing itself and the will of humanity is the key to destruction. Humanity will end and it is inevitable. Even the Gods cannot save humanity from its extinction because the 'will of humanity' will not submit to gods"

"Then what about you? Aren't you a human in the past, I can sense great power in you, I believe you can change the outcome you told"

Cael said with a smile "I can but that doesn't benefit me now, does it? Even if the planet itself is destroyed, I will be completely fine. So, Humanity's extinction doesn't bother me"

"Very well, I will hang on to your words"

With that, the spirit vanished leaving the burning ground.

Cael walked through the forest, and due to the blessing, the trees gave him a way, he could also control the movement of trees with his will.

Nixie manifested and said "It's rare for Terra to give her blessings"

Efreet manifested and said "We are better than that cheap blessing. If Terra made a contract with you, giving you a blessing is useless but ...If I were in her position. Even, I would have done the same"

"Is it because I killed so many humans?"

Efreet joyfully said "Yay!, you got the right answer. I loved the way you just nonchalantly slaughtered those humans"

"Once again, It is purely business "

'I am getting bored hearing the same thing but ...if it raises the favourability of spirits towards me, it's not all bad'

Cael returned to the hotel room the kids are staying in.

"Alright kids, get ready. We'll start in an hour"

Maria and josé followed his words obediently.

"Zeta, is my flight here yet?"

"Yes, master. Theta has arrived at the nearest airport. She is waiting for your orders"

He gave orders to Zeta before coming here to bring his private flight.

Even though Cael dabbles with Magecraft most of the time, he is filthy rich due to some of his homunculus running businesses in Europe. He is a multimillionaire with so many assets but he pours most of it in magecraft research. Still, he could afford to live luxuriously for a long time.

He downloaded his business skills into 5 Homunculus, which does the business for him.

"Efreet, when was the last time you had contact with wind spirit and where?"

"I think it is in China"

"So, the next destination is Asia"