Ch 48

A wooden scepter is summoned by Haleth. His body size shrunk back to normal.

"I will take care of him, get back"

The Mindflayer as much as it wants to curse Cael. It needed Healeth's Magic and decided to withdraw.

"Magician Cael, Is it? Whatever you want to do, you shou-"

Before, Haleth could complete his sentence. Cael Froze the Entire Area in Ice.

'Nixie, don't stop! Use your full power! Don't worry about pollution, that Octo-F*cker is too pathetic to pollute us now. Efreet, Use my magical energy as the source and consume the soul of the Elf'

Cael summoned his two spirits and gave them orders while Haleth is speaking his monologue.

Haleth who is frozen in ice began to glow, the Ice broken into several pieces.

'Cael, he's trouble. I can feel my Ice is intact but that doesn't look like that'

Nixie Telepathically told Cael.

"He is cutting the space to escape. Nixie, summon the oceanic pressure and focus it on him"

At the same time, Cael began to use his staff to restructure the surroundings destroyed by him.

"Whispered words,

nature's embrace,

Creation weaves,

a sacred space."

After the surroundings returned to normal, Cael used another incantation, this time to create a new world for his battle.

"Mystic chant,

realms unfurl,

worlds created,

beyond this swirl"

With the creation of a New Dimension. Everything changed into a new world.

A light beam shot towards Cael who dodged it easily.

"I have to give it to you, that pressure even killed a Great Hero once. He's known for his durability but you are shrugging it off like it's nothing"

Cael complimented Haleth seeing him stand like he was not under intense pressure. 

'He can't be that durable, Is it God's power?' Cael assessed he didn't plan to use Eye of Enlightenment now in the middle of battle.

Cael dodged another spell, that's what he thought but then, noticed that his luck is draining rapidly.

"Mana Implosion"

Using his Staff, Cael released some of the magical energy inside of it causing an implosion in an area.

The space around the dimension dragged itself into the Middle.  Haleth's body is also sucked into the spatial point.

Cael seeing he 'killed' Haleth felt something is amiss. He immediately felt a sense of threat.

'Logic Craft: Neo-creation'

Cael instantly cast a spell, at the same time, his 'body' twisted into a point mass.

"I underestimated you, You are a worthy opponent"

Haleth said as he appeared once again from nowhere.

Simultaneously,  A body formed in less than an instant.

"No, I should give you that compliment. You just manipulated reality into affecting me with my spell. I should take you seriously "

Cael praised Haleth. Haleth is also impressed that Cael survived the Implosion, that implosion threatened reality itself. Yet, Cael is still standing somehow.

"Likewise, I should get serious too" Haleth said opening his third eye.

Cael gave up the incantation spells and decided to use Arcane Magic.

Haleth cast a spell using his acceptor distorting the space into multiple shards.

Cael felt his being sucked into gaps between the spatial cracks. And Cast a spell with Arcane Magic to remove everything from existing.

Using Gravity Jail, Cael created a black hole sucking the spatial shards into it.

leaving both of them in a space.

"Really? You just dig your own grave, fighting me in this domain"  Haleth said preparing his next spell.

But nothing happened.

"I introduce you to Nothingness"

Cael said, as his body along with Healeth's began to disappear into Nothing.

Cael's original body was outside the dimension, looking at the destruction of his soul self and Haleth sighed.

But again, he immediately used his Staff to create a new dimension but this time with no concept of Space. He Irritatingly said

"How persistent, Why won't you just die!"

Cael directly punched Haleth after teleporting in front of him.

Haleth blocked the punch with his hands, and due to the sheer force, his hand blew off from his body.

However, he still didn't have any feelings of pain. In place of his ripped-off arm, a tentacle manifested.

"I, Will save her, no matter, what"

He punched Cael with his tentacle, Cael seeing this dodged Immediately. His reflection field is corroding just by being near the arm.

'Efreet, what is the status of his soul'

'Ca-Cael, he's already dead. His soul has already been crumbled' Efreet mumbled as she hid behind Cael.

"What?" Cael confirmed it with his clairvoyance.

He couldn't believe it, the sheer willpower Haleth had to fulfill his wish is forcing the magical energy in the area to act on his behalf and fueling his existence.

Cael used his staff to recreate the world with no magical energy.

Yet, Haleth is there with just his willpower. 

Haleth is trying to attack Cael with his decomposing body which Cael dodged easily. The decomposed body part is being replaced with Tentacles.


Haleth murmured attacking Cael who is looking at him in a different light.

Haleth's face once again morphed into tentacles "Argh! This useless vessel! Oh lord of Abyss, the elder god of the ocean, please grant me your presence to annihilate this sinner, take over this worshipper's body "

Cael felt dread seeing Haleth's body Morphing into a giant Elder god.

The Great Old One, Cthulhu appeared.

The homunculus from his Reality Marble quickly warned Cael.

"Master! The Divine spirit level Prana signature is once again available on our radars. It is right in front of you"

He quickly erased the emotion of dread but it kept coming back. Seeing the figure is driving him mad no matter how much he tried it.

"Everything has a price, the price you paid for your reality marble is your submission to me. No matter what, you will always be my servant "

Cael focused all his power on controlling his emotions, to not just pray to the Elder god in front of him.

No matter how much he tried, the madness is driving him crazy.

The Great Old One, Cthulhu spoke once again sending tremours with his speech.

"I don't care for weak worshipers. I won't kill you for harming my weak worshiper, Accept your servitude, I shall bless you to eternity with power"

Cael tried to use his Arcane Magic to nullify the effects of the control, the elder god has on him.

He believed it would work, after all, it can Bend the Reality itself to his liking.

"Fool! You are mocking yourself trying to use 'The Blessings of Outer Gods' to rebel against me"

Listening to the truth shocked him to his core.

'The Arcane magic is the blessing of Outer Gods?'