Ch 57

'Chaldea should be clearing the sixth singularity by now. They should be here sooner than I expected '

A handsome man can be seen walking in the forest with grace while thinking. His face has a delicate tone to it, with golden eyes and white eyelashes and hair there's also a halo on his head. He's wearing a pure white chiton held by two sun pattern golden clips on his shoulders with 2 metal chokers around his neck and a Golden Halo over his head. His arms and legs are coveted by full-length pristine white clothing as if protecting him from becoming impure.

This is further emphasized as he begins walking toward the thicker parts of the forest. The beasts would give him way rather than hurt him.

'Finally, the mystery I have accumulated meant something. The noble phantasm is also cool and this freedom is amazing'

The Caster servant thought, during his time in the Reverse side, he has accumulated mystery and it only kept increasing as his body got used to that side, and even after he came back, he held on to that trait, using it to craft his servant form.

As he's walking through the thick forest, Caster encountered the human civilization. It is a village that is being destroyed by the beasts with only ordinary soldiers trying to defend them.

"Ah!!! Someone save us!!!"



Innocent people are wailing seeing the death of their loved ones as the phantasmal beasts are devouring them.


"Commander!! Reinforcements won't make it in time!!"

The guards are trying their hardest to kill the beasts to save the citizens.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Caster walked towards the bloodbath, his presence increased with each step revealing a pair of snow-white wings from his back.

Every beast in the vicinity froze on the spot. Humans seeing this trembled and then laid their eyes upon the Angelic figure with extreme Radiance.

"I order you not to harm these citizens or soldiers" Caster said in unified language.

The beasts were released from the space lock. As if understanding and acknowledging the Angel's words. They ran away from the establishment.

'ah! That actually worked. Goddess Nammu's blessing did grant me immunity from the beasts, they even listen to me, probably fearing the blessing of her from me. This should get his attention, he will pursue me now'

As he was thinking, the citizens knelt thanking him and calling him an angel from the heavens.

"You don't have to thank me, I'm just a passerby. If you want to thank me, then don't waste my effort. Travel to the fortress city east to this establishment"

Caster healed all the wounds of the soldiers and common men who revered him as an Angel of beauty as they couldn't determine the gender from the androgynous voice and looks of the servant.

He didn't speak much after and left the establishment.

'Now is the time to see how my concealment Art skill works. Those citizens should be reaching the city of Babylonia by now'

****Fortress City, Uruk****

King Gilgamesh sitting on his throne listened to the report of his guards about an Angel saving people and sending them here. Siduri and Merlin are present as his loyal subjects.

"An Angel from heaven that can speak to beasts?"

Gilgamesh pondered, as having authority towards beasts is not a common trait.

Merlin is also in deep thought, he said to the king in a serious voice.

"I can't see that servant from anyone's memories. I also didn't notice anyone with my clairvoyance, well there is someone but it is like an empty husk of nothing. That 'Angel' must be an assassin class servant"

"That still doesn't explain the servant's ability to command beasts of the Goddess. Only Time will tell how things will turn out. If you encounter that servant, be careful" Gilgamesh gave his orders.

*** Somewhere in the forest****

On a tall tree, Caster sat enjoying the beautiful scenery of Nature.

Watching the conversation between Merlin and Gilgamesh with his clairvoyance, Caster smiled confidently.

"Oh! So, that's what the output looks like. But Man~, being a servant is restricting"

Caster lamented he had to give up many of his armaments like his cloak of invisibility and jewel of eternal flame or his special body. Except for his mystic eyes which are a part of clairvoyance,  no mystic code is allowed including his staff.

He can create them again with his servant class skills but he can't see value in them.

The only non-restriction section is magecraft. He can use all his magecrafts which formed the creation skill.

He had to fill the made-up record and empower it with his mystery which condensed a few skills like concealment arts which he tested just now, Creation skill which is a skill that lets him create virtually any magecraft, and finally his noble phantasm, which is the crystallization of his life as an Alchemist.

"Even with these new skills, I feel my original body would destroy me. Is this how most heroic spirits feel? Fighting in a weakened form?"

He mumbled while thinking about the next course of action.

"Took you longer than I expected. I've been waiting for your arrival. It's almost nighttime, glad you made it before sunset, Lancer. ah, I forgot, you are not a servant, Kingu suits you well"

A chain from a golden portal attacked Caster who dodged it by jumping into the air.

"I don't care who you are but you must die"

Kingu, the revived chain of heavens didn't let his guard down in front of Caster.

Multiple portals opened up as various golden chains targeted Caster who kept on dodging them by flying in the air until all of the chains ricocheted and pointed towards him from all directions at the same time.

Just as they were about to hit him, he tried to teleport away but Kingu didn't give him that chance. With his lightning hand, he cut the caster into two pieces from his torso and fall down

Seeing the body that falls on the ground. King saw the bloodied torso of Caster.

"What was I expecting? Of course, besting you physically is impossible whether I'm a Caster or not"

To Kingu's shock, Caster's body reformed perfectly like he didn't take a hit, even his clothes are undamaged. Kingu deciding to go full offensive without holding back, tried to open multiple portals but he failed to do so.

"Still, I want to test something" Caster opened his wings.

Kingu tried again and again but his portal couldn't open in this vicinity no matter how hard he tried.

Caster's body glowed with an aura for a split second then he vanished and punched Kingu straight into his face.

Kingu reacted pretty quickly too and blocked the punch with a sword that has been made of clay with his noble phantasm.

Kingu suddenly stopped as he realized something.

"You! But how?"

Caster withdraws his attack saying "You mean the blessing of Goddess? Yes, I was sent here for the same purpose as you do and I know that you are on the Goddess' side."

Kingu saw the Tiamat's blessing on Caster.

"I was just testing my abilities. Anyway, why do you want to kill me? Can't you just ask me why I can control the beasts?"

Kingu gave him a stare that made Caster realize how stupid he sounded.

"My bad, anyway. Does that mean we are Allies?"

"Even if you have the blessing of Mother. Why should I trust you?"

"Valid point but I made a pact with Goddess. So, I have to make sure, she descends into this world. You also know, Merlin currently placed her in a perpetual dream. So, how about we work together and wake her up?"

"I don't need your help, I have my plans" Kingu still refused.

"Fine, then. I can wake her up with my magecraft if I really want to but since you refuse, why should I bother? I'll see how things turn out, if you fail I'll wake her up"

Caster is about to leave but Kingu stopped him. "Can you do it?"

"Well, I already examined the magecraft Merlin used on her. It contains a potent mystery so, It will take some time to dispel the dream but yeah, I can do it. I'm first-rate in magecraft and to some extent in magic"

Kingu contemplated for a while but decided to ally himself with Caster. Their goals align and it's better to have him as an ally than an enemy.

"Alright, I'll help you but one last question. I can tell, you deliberately let your presence known to me, why do you need me?"

"Isn't it simple? I'm a Magus focused on Creation and concealment. I don't have much offensive might. By no means, I'm weak rather, I want a strong ally who is good at offense"

"I will acknowledge you as an Ally , you can work together with me. Anyway, what kind of Angel are you? I don't sense any divinity in you"

Caster replied "I'm the Angel of Beauty, A Caster servant. As for your question, I don't have the memory of the past. All I know is I must complete the contract"