Chapter 14

*Jayden's POV*

I walk into the school library and almost bump into someone, I look down at them and notice it's Lou.I follow her eye's to know what's keeping her so focused, 'Ofcourse it's Endo and Elsie' sheesh. Lou then quickly whips around and crashes into me. Guess she didn't notice.

She wince's as she look's up

"Hey Jayden"

I throws a quick glance at Endo and Elsie then return my gaze to Lou.

"Sup pretty?...wanna do something fun?"I say to her with the brightest smile I could pull.

She seems a little hesitant so I just decide to string her along.

"Come on" i say taking her by her hand and gently pulling her out of the library. I take her to my favorite spot in the whole city, A cafe that looked like any other cafe on the outside but actually has a beautiful secret. There's an underground library with special room's in them. I'd come here so much that all the part timers and even the manager and owner now know me. I know Lou's gonna love it.

"I thought you said we were going to do something fun" Lou says throwing me a 'really' look.

I smirk a little and reply her with "Wait till you see the inside."

I'd managed to keep in touch with Lou the past two years...Everyday was fun and she'd gotten comfortable around me, we'd tell each other literally everything and sometimes when Endo was a jerk I'd help her cuss at him. There was only one problem in all this matter how many times I told myself to get over my feelings for her, I just couldn't seem to do so. And it hurt me everytime I got reminded that her heart belonged to Endo, I was also pissed off at Endo for not seeing how perfect she was and how power he had over her emotions.

Lou keeps looking around as we other our coffee, I paid for four hours cause I thought three would be enough for her project and then she could just lounge around with the remaining hour,but then we had an extra hour added to our time as a gift to me for being a regular and for bringing in another customer. I say my thanks,grab our coffee and room key.

once we're at the underground floor I can literally see the excitement in Lou's eye's...'She definitely love's it'

"So... what do you think?" I say slightly smirking

"I've been here half a year and you're just telling me about this place, I thought we were friends?"she says as she pretends to tear up while sniffing.

I let's out a small laugh cause I find it both cute and funny.

"Well now you know, don't you?" I say while rolling my eyes...I then continue to say "Grab the books you need for your report,I paid for five hours(actually I paid for four and we got an extra one as a gift)But I'm obviously not telling her that, not rn atleast...if you finish on time we could read a few comic books,play games and even play loud music if you want, the rooms are sound proof"

"oh I like the sound of that alright"she responds

"Of course you do"

She finished her project in 3 hours like I'd suspected and we just lounged around the remaining 2. Once our time was up we leave, she pulls out her phone and starts texting someone and I could just tell it was Endo from the way she was grinning ear to ear. A few miles into our walk I see bike heading right towards her so I pull her out of the way. I think I startled her cause her ears and cheeks are so red right now...

"I startled you didn't I?, I'm sorry"

"Yeah you did"she says

"You should really watch were you're going tho"I say as I let out a sigh.

"Look up from your phone one's in a while if you're going to keep texting while walking, okay?!"

She looks back at her phone and after a while her facial expression changes,'ugh what did Endo do this time?'

I end up taking her to an ice cream shop to make her feel better,she looks up ate looking a little confused

"Pick whatever you's on me"I say

"You really don't have to do that, you've already helped me a lot today"

"If you feel bad why don't you treat me to pizza next time?!"

"Let's do that then" she says with a smile

Once we're done with our Ice cream I decide to keep her busy for as long as possible till she feels completely better.

"is there anything else you want to do?"I ask her

"uhmm...I haven't been to a party in a looong time so do you happen to know anywhere there's a party rn?"

"Nope...but I do know a great cub close by, if you're down for it."

"Most definitely"she says

"Let's go then"I say with a smile


Hiya everyone been a while....sorry to keep you waiting. Keep enjoying the story and I'll see everyone tomorrow🥰