Chapter 4

BANG, a loud gunshot filled the entire place and what comes next is an opened tomb. The devil is just standing right in front of the opened tomb giving of barrage on it. Then he said "Rest In peace you maggots.". Then he started to remember everything on his younger age. "Right before you were burried, that woman did directly spoke unto you.". He then paused for a while then he said." She said, mother please woke up, you are still alive. Even though you are already dead". Then he added another gunshot and the silence of the afternoon is filled with resounding noise then he said "So they all are lunatics, genetically lunatics. Which is why I also inherited it. What a shame that they all trampled me to the very earth since I was young. My apologies grandmother, they all have died.". Another gunshot did covered the entire place. "So that woman, opened up your tomb so she could confirm if we have chips inside our head.". Another gunshot resounded and he added "Too bad, there aren't any micro chips inside our head.". He then did laughed once more and he said "This, this curse, runs inside our blood. I guess.". He tilted his head and he gave one last gunshot on such opened tomb "Rest in peace grandmother". He then dragged his asses on the nearby tomb, a tomb which is safe and unopened. He then did start to open fire mid air and he became serious and he said "Your head... they opened it up right after you died. They open up your skull, broke it into two and did check your brain if it do really have some chips. The whole town who have seen it were disgusted. I myself saw it, Unfortunately there's none.". He opened fire again and he said "I hope for your sons and daughters safety. This family, is a family of lunatics.". He then did added "The whole family knows that you are poisoned and some micro chip is inserted unto you. But there isn't, your eldest, is murdered by her own kin. She died a horrible way. Your sister, once filled with crowd and grandeur, have luxury of its own, betrayed by those that around because of something inside the head. The torture inside our heads and around us could somehow lead to a murder. Your sister was one of it, was stabbed in her back with a knife. A man, part of our family. Who knows, someone did also manipulated that guy with the use of such concept of microchips, inside the head, the torture gets more worse and worse, but there is none causing him to kill that woman your sister to die. This head thing, this head thing is a torture". He paused for awhile and he said "What was It again, telepathy?. Is a curse.".The devil did gave out a loud sigh and he said "The saddest thing is that, I myself, is suffering same thing too.". He then did pointed his finger on his head and he said "This lineage,this lineage, is lunatic, that even I myself am hearing voices, 24/7. My eyes?". He then did opened fire again and he added "Someone is watching me right before my very own eyes.". He fired the gun once more and he said "No wonder, the family is shredded into pieces and I.". He paused again and he said "I am getting insults day and night.". Then he smiled and he said " You know what did I do to them?.". He look behind him and there he saw lots of tombs and he said "Killed them by my very own hands. But I still have this one guy, that is so coward that he runs away from my very sight. Rest In peace, unc". He then did pointed his gun to the opened tomb and he said "So sad, that one is able to escape.". He then did started to go for another tomb and he said "Your daughter," while walking and after several minutes he started started talk and he said "Your daughter opened up your tomb, to check if there is a chip on your head. However we failed to see not even one. It was dark". He then remember such scene "It was barely 6 pm since we opened up your tomb. Your bones are already submerged on the water. I am grateful". He paused for a while and he said "That there's no microchip on it.". He pulled the trigger once more and a loud gunshot covered up the silence around him " I offer my Condolence to you, grand father.". He then did pulled the trigger on such opened tomb and he said "Rest in peace.". He then throw the glock on the opened tomb and he dragged his asses back to his old Nissan car. "Rest In peace to you all, lunatic familia.". He started to laugh like the joker and as he dragged his asses unto it. He did successfully made his funeral visit.