Chapter 16

"Welcome mother fucker. I am alive.".

Then a loud gunshots echoed out inside the room.

"BANG... BANG... BANG... BANG...".

A trigger of gun resounded and one man got shot on a knee.

"You remember me?. I would never ever forget you.". Said by the villain.

BANG BANG BANG BANG.... gunshots once again echoed out.

"YOUR STILL alive boy.". Then a guy hanging on his breath answered.

BANG ... gunshots replied on him and he said.

"Oh your not hurt? Not even one.".

BANG.. before he could even speak, he created action out of it.

"WHY DONt you kill me.." barely clinging to his life he said.

"Kill you? Why? Why would I kill you in sec. Why dont I have a taste of your fucking daughter.. ". Said by the villain as he walk unto the nearest room. However he has gone nuts and all he could do is to fire his gun.

bang. A single gunshots could trigger terror inside the house.

Then at that moment one man arrive so hurriedly and he appear on a sec and died in one shot.

BANG. The barrel of the gun flew so high that he even smile and he said.


Then he starts to roam the entirety of the room. "Finders keepers you looser. Your son is dead. How about I have a taste. Of.".

A woman as swift as the wind appear. However its too late, she barely spoke her words and she said.

"Please, have".

BANG.. when a bullet welcomes her head.

"I'm really sorry, but I won't fuck your wife. 2s gone, 3 next. " Said by the villain.

"Why dont you just kill me instead.". Said by the man, on his knees are blood. Gushing river of blood. He is barely clinging on his breath.

"Oh you fuck my mother several times. Have you forgot?.". Said by him.

At that moment, he said "You only have three rooms how about you move out. Then he stomp the doors room and a guy shivering. Did appear and he killed him in a sec.

BANG. One bullet did killed a young man on his head. Then he went on another room there he saw the young ones. Too young to suffer death. Gradeschool if you want and he start to gave out a gunshot.

BANG. Then he said "Gradeschooler is dead.". Then he saw a beautiful 16 year old lady and he said.

"THERE you are.. how about I start fucking you in front of your dad. Unfortunately he is lump.". Unfortunately, the villain have gone accustomed to what pain is. He knows what he is doing and he knows what is right. So as a mutant, he starts to do his xmen thing.. She filled her with lubricants.Then what comes next is a great way of strangling her on her insides. The tentacles went start to rummage her belly and what comes next is a great fire. The lubricants on her inside starts to Melt what is in and what comes next is a tentacles on his nose. Then he starts to make her eyes roll. Her eyes went white, and what comes next made her loose her strength. Then like how aphrodisiac works, the woman start to moan. In just a minute she fell on her knees. "Not over yet.". He said. Then he starts to rummage her insides for more than an hour and as soon as she opened up she starts saying Yes, so he fucked her even more. She start to crawl unto the ground and the villai said "I remember, an old woman, close to Mine. Her actions are not usual. Her eyes are no longer of the norm. She is stressed mentally and physically. Fatigue if you want. Yet the crowd do not took pity of us. Look at you, for decades you live a luxurious life.". The great villain produce another mixture of gas and he went out of the room, letting someone be suffocate on such gasses. He look at the dead and he start to smile.

"One man died, one wife gone, 2 sons dead, 1 daughter dead. One virgin is about to taste lust.". So he went for his day and he locked locked girl being basked on lusts.

He went back after an hour and there he saw a timid girl. Then he start to close the door once more and like wise he starts to release liquid unto the girl. It was liquid enough to be called as lubricants. Then he took his phone and there he starts to change the mood. "I will make you lusts beautiful one." Said by him as he opened up and application. Then that moment, lust filled the room. He went out and he took a nice glimpse of the house. He then did said "Nothing really change. It's the same house built by my grand mother. Same house, yet this asshole deprived it unto us.".

Another gunshots resounded and he Look on his gun. "It seems to me, that I have to reload it.". Then he did so.

"Can you still hear me. In the afterlife?.".

Then another gunshots resounded. Then went to the nearby living room and he start to check the ceiling. On it is agreat masterpiece of wood. With a not that great moving huge fan. With a chandelier on its center. Then he went for more walk and he start to look what is outside the house. There he saw a building which he do not even like. Then he smiled and he said "This used to be an open garden filled with grasses and trees. Enough for a kid like me to play. My father, built this building and this family like usual took it as theirs.". He went inside and he start to talk "Well good thing is that the other family recognizes us.". He start to clean his gun and he went for a nearby sit. "Comfy, and peace.". He checked the gun and he said "Traitors and murderers. I used to remember a family with out them." He start to remember his mother caught on stress and fatigue "The moment this family entered this place its no longer the same. Like usual, I am telling myself, that I am the youngest.". Then he start to check the cabinet and he said "Afterall, they are not really worthy of living.". Then he closed his eyes and he start to relax. He remember a family happy enough sharing good times and bad times, yet the moment one man arrive, everything changes. The man he is talking too, is the dead man lying on the ground. The guy, took everything as took it as him, he claims it as his own, yet in reality, he dont even shred one blood unto it. The villain opened up his eyes and he said "Rest in Peace.". He then did start to realize something is strange. He stood up and he start to verify things and there he saw things crawly peacefully. "Told you, I missed this girl.". Then he vanished and he start to took her on another room. "This room is memorable to me. This used to be the room of our grandmother.". There he saw a trembling woman. Then he released another aphrodisiac and he start to talk. I no longer entered this room since then. "You took it as yours right?." However she can no longer talk. He nodded and he said "Thats right, it's chemical. I won't have sex with you right now. It feels great to be back. There used to be a safe drawer here?. Do you opened it?. Without our consent?. Makes sense. How about the treasure chest. There used to be a book which I adore in here. I can no longer see it. I see that It did changes a lot. What do you expect, we have our own houses. Do you want me to start a story telling, miss teacher? Once upon a time, on that book it says, hundred years is the lifespan of a mortal, half of it is fifty and right after that, the dead will judge you on your deeds. 50 years is enough to trace whether you are evil or not. There I saw, that once you died, Holy angels of the heavens will guide you on your way. Want to know why, I love that book, its our grandmother's book, not yours." He stood up and he start to lock the door. He went to the corpse of a man he starts to talk. "What have you done in your first 50 years, old man?.". Then he talk to himself ", Sex, Sex and lot sex, Pure evil?". Then he start to talk once more and he said "That book shows me that once you died, someone will judge you if you are evil or not. When he judge you as good, then the angel of the Lord will guide you to the heavens, but if not, he will guide you to the depth of..". He look above him and there he saw spiders and lots of cobwebs."Nothing really change.". He stood up and there he went to another room and he said "Its play time. I can hear you moaning.". The moment he opened up the door, the villain expected it and just like that.". "BANG". . Another gunshot opened up and a woman naked just died. He took her and escorted her to the next room.

A hopeless woman is on the ground. Then the villain throws the dead on her front. But by bit, he took them and let the woman witnessed his crime. "You stole everything unto us, you played victim and let the crowd see that you are right. You brain washed the community and act righteous infront. You love brotherhood right, makes sense. I never saw, cielo, citadel, nor herson stay on this place. I never saw them smile nor even stay a week. I never ever saw some of them stayed for a month. Not even allyza, nor maya, not even me. And look at you looking high and mighty. Not even us share the luxury of this house. I could see an abandoned truck outside, I could see and abandoned building in front. I could see your greed, your a thief. I will give you a day of lament for your parents.". He closes the door and exit like usual.

He went to the nearby table and he sat on it like a kid and he says "I missed this position, this is a place where I, in mychildhood would usually take some notes and books, and I remember the soul of an old lady teaching me on this place.". He look above him and he saw the cobwebs and he start to smile "Half of my life I was good, I hope the heavens could understand my hardships.". Then he closes his eyes, he could see his older brothers enjoying such house, one young man is doing karate on the room, one man eating ravishing dishes, one woman with a rabbit tooth smiling, one young man with broken arms playing PlayStation on agreat house. One man being torture inside and out.". Then he start to smile "I could smell a dead pig in here. Not a white one, but a blackone." The sun starts to dim and the world shifted its day, now its night time and he stood up. "I have taken a rest, I'm tired.".

Wang, Wang Wang, Wang. A loud siren then did appear and what comes next made the villain stopped. He tilted his head and he checked if he still have some barrels and he pondered of it. Then he said "Your brothers are here.". Said by the villain. Then he checked his gun and he start to wonder, how in hell is he going to protect himself from the authority.


He tilted his head once more and he said "How would I handle this.". Then he start to act like a kid, he kicks his leg like a ballerina and he turns and turns and turns and dance like a ballerina and then he gave out a wide bow and he stood up. He took his gun and checked the barrel if its already reloaded then he smiled and he clapped.