Black dot of a pen, did gradually start to write things on a white sheet of paper. It starts with a curve and a diagonal line creating a letter then on it, it says. "An apology, to the higher ups. Agent is on a mess.". Then he said "I know our town is in jeopardy. We have some under cover agent here. I too, do know that you are in a mess. An apology to the government.". He pasted it on his TV screen. When suddenly, an image of a congressman and a senator appear. "So you know.".. "uhuh, how would I know..".. "Since when?.".. "Had a hunch, the scientist did know.".. "you're talking to us live in TV.". Then the man himself took a cartoon and he hid his face on TV. Then he appeared on its front once more. "So why are killing them?.".. "Oh come on aren't you blind, they are causing ruckus and they are abusing in silence.". "Then 12 senators appear on TV and its like how Fury talk with them. Then the guy on mask clapped his hands and he said "Look at me, I am an avenger now. Xforce.". "Mr. We the government, and we are watching your very move the very first place, your actions made us wonder how are you able to hear them the criminals.". Then he said "You see, I've been torture from the very first year of my life. You are watching me. You government do know the eyes. Then I know it too, and with my hand, I myself did bring chaos. They deserve it as you know.". "Uhm, and why did you write an apology.". "Its because, I know your watching me. The very first time we played it games in the very early years of my life. At 6 years old, you are watching me.". Then the senators nodded on the television. Then they said "Well, good job for recognising us government. Job well done. What are your next move now.". "Lie low, hear the voices and maybe give justice unto them.". "Then I guess, jobs done. You will be under the eyes of the government from now on.". "I knew it, don't worry.". Then the government on television vanished. Then the masked man clapped his hands and he said "Now I that apologise to the government and the show their faces right in front of us. Then I guess it's time for me to head and visit another, place.". He stood up and left the stool rolling. He took his mask and he left.