Elena: Interesting

Libert's heart raced as he entered the training center, his eyes fixated on the expansive glass walls that framed the towering building. The modern structure stood as a testament to architectural brilliance, with its sleek glass facade reflecting the vibrant cityscape. Clean lines and a minimalist design gave the edifice an air of elegance, amplifying Libert's sense of awe and anticipation.

Beside him, Elena's voice erupted with boundless excitement. "Let's go!" she exclaimed, her tone laced with an infectious enthusiasm that contrasted sharply with Libert's lack of fervor.

"Yah…," Libert responded with a subdued mutter, his voice failing to mirror Elena's contagious energy. His apprehension clung to him like an invisible weight, dampening any semblance of excitement that tried to surface.

Together, the pair of young adolescents made their way through the imposing entrance, stepping into the foyer of the training center. The reception area immediately drew their attention, and their eyes met the gaze of a poised figure—a female receptionist stationed behind a polished mahogany desk. Her demeanor exuded a perfect blend of professionalism and warmth, instantly putting Libert and Elena at ease.

Elena wasted no time in familiarly proclaiming, "A standard room, for two hours."

The receptionist's tone carried a subtle urgency as she responded, "Of course, Ms. Lief," acknowledging Elena's request with efficiency and precision.

The name "Lief" lingered on Libert's lips, triggering a fleeting sense of familiarity that he struggled to place.

The receptionist gracefully led the teenage duo down a short hallway, their steps echoing softly on the polished floor. As they reached the end of the corridor, they encountered a formidable stone door, an imposing barrier that guarded what lay beyond.

The hinges creaked with an eerie screech as the door swung open, unleashing a deafening sound that reverberated through the air.

Libert's eyes widened, taking in the sight that unfolded before him. The room they entered stood in stark contrast to the elegant reception area.

It was a barren expanse, devoid of any adornments or distractions. Cold brick walls enclosed the space, while a concrete floor stretched out beneath their feet. There were no windows, no doors—only an oppressive emptiness that amplified Libert's unease.

Dim light trickled into the room, casting long shadows that danced along the brickwork. Lamps, discreetly positioned in the four corners, served as the sole source of illumination.

The meager glow they emitted seemed almost swallowed by the vastness of the room, creating an atmosphere that oscillated between intrigue and foreboding.

Libert couldn't shake off the feeling that he had encountered this place before, or perhaps a version of it in a different moment.

His mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of memory that teased at the edges of his consciousness. There was a name—Lief—that resurfaced with inexplicable significance, yet its origin remained frustratingly elusive.

As the weight of the room settled upon their shoulders, Libert and Elena exchanged a silent glance.

The sound of the receptionist's retreating footsteps reverberated in Libert's ears, intensifying the knot of tension that coiled within his skull.

It wasn't the presence of Elena that made him uneasy, but rather the imminent unveiling of his perceived weakness in comparison to her. In this unforgiving world, power and experience held sway over all.

His head swiveled abruptly, his gaze fixated on the closing doors behind him, while a solitary droplet of sweat slipped from his quivering chin.

The words stumbled hesitantly from his lips, burdened by a tone tainted with shame and embarrassment. "U-um... I don't know h-how to make a portal."

Elena's response, however, carried an unexpected buoyancy, as if her sapphire-colored eyes had pierced through the heavy atmosphere.

"Oh, that's okay!" she chimed cheerfully, her voice resonating with warmth and reassurance.

A bewildered pause lingered in the air as Libert absorbed Elena's words. Individuals devoid of power were typically dismissed as useless, their shortcomings magnified. Yet here stood Elena, offering a glimmer of understanding and a promise of guidance.

"I'll teach you," she declared, subtly creating a moderate distance between herself and the young man.

As the ambient air crackled with arcane energy, Elena's hands gracefully extended before her, palms turned inward as if embracing a hidden force.

Engaging in a mesmerizing dance of digits, her fingers deftly interlaced, their movements akin to an ethereal brush stroking in a circular motion, through the very fabric of reality. Within the confines of her intricate motions, a transformation stirred.

A luminous portal materialized, its mere existence defying logic and reason. Its form pulsed with an otherworldly radiance, vibrant hues of iridescent blue and violet intertwining like spectral ribbons in an eternal waltz.

Through the ever-shifting veil, tantalizing glimpses of distant realms, uncharted and alluring, beckoned the curious.

Libert's breath caught in his throat, his wide eyes fixed upon the ethereal spectacle that unfolded before him. "Wow..." he whispered, awestruck by the sheer magnificence and unfathomable power Elena effortlessly harnessed.

The radiant portal stood as a testament not only to Elena's mastery but also to the vast possibilities that lay beyond the confines of their known world.

It symbolized a gateway to the unexplored, an invitation to transcend limitations and embark upon extraordinary journeys.

In that transformative moment, Libert's initial fears and self-doubt began to dissipate, replaced by a burgeoning ember of hope and determination. But the ember of hope soon became replaced with the emotion of weakness

'Can I get as powerful as her,' such thoughts lingered in Libert's mind.

"Are you ready?" Elena's voice broke the heavy silence, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Libert drew a deep breath, steadying himself as he nodded in response. Despite the doubts that tugged at his spirit, he couldn't deny the flicker of curiosity and eagerness that still burned within him. The prospect of unlocking his potential, of transcending his perceived limitations; called to something deep within his core.

In the midst of Libert's attempt to create a portal, Elena's voice cut through the air, her words a gentle reminder amidst the swirling energy. "Now, focus your intent," she said, her voice carrying a soothing rhythm. "Feel the energy flowing through you, and imagine the portal you want to create."

Libert closed his eyes, shutting out the external distractions and honing his concentration. He felt the raw power coursing through his veins, his very essence intertwined with the fabric of existence. With a newfound clarity, he visualized the portal taking shape, its ethereal glow pulsating with an otherworldly allure.

Slowly, Libert extended his hands, palms facing inward. As he moved, he could sense an unknown energy responding to his command, coalescing into a vortex of shimmering light. His fingers traced an intricate path through the air, an invisible conduit through which his intent flowed.