Venue: Outrage

Libert stood still, feeling a slight but refreshing breeze soar across his face, carrying with it a hint of relief. He let out a sigh, allowing the magnitude of his predicament to sink deep into his mind.

The weight of the consequences loomed over him, and he fully acknowledged that if he failed— if he couldn't succeed in this crucial endeavor— he would have to face the brutal wrath of his father, a prospect that sent shivers down his spine.

His uneasy eyes shifted toward the imposing building that stood before him, casting its shadow over his uncertain form. The structure rose tall and proud, its sleek glass facade reflecting the vibrant cityscape like a mirror as if daring anyone to question its presence.

Its architecture boasted clean lines and a minimalist design, exuding an air of contemporary elegance that blended seamlessly with the urban landscape. It was a monument to modernity, a symbol of power and opportunity.

"Wow…" Libert whispered in complete amazement, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

But his awe soon became accompanied by doubt, creeping into his consciousness like a stealthy predator. The scale of the challenge he was about to face became clearer, and the weight of expectations threatened to crush his spirit.

"I'm sorry, honey, but you're gonna have to go in by yourself," Libert turned to face the owner of the mild voice, his mother. It was a moment he had anticipated, knowing that her presence would no longer shield him from the storm that awaited him.

Yet, the reality of her departure was vastly different from the abstract expectation he had held in his mind.

"Oh…okay," Libert replied, his words tinged with tremendous anxiety. As his mother drove away, leaving him behind, he felt a surge of anticipation mingled with trepidation.

The absence of her reassuring presence left him vulnerable, exposed to the unknown challenges that lay ahead. In this moment of vulnerability, he silently pleaded for divine intervention, an act of supplication borne out of desperation rather than a lifelong faith.

Libert's senses heightened as his mother's car disappeared, leaving him standing alone at the threshold of this extraordinary opportunity. It didn't take long for him to realize that he was becoming the center of attention, drawing the gaze of onlookers who marveled at his audacity.

To them, it was inconceivable for a humble peasant like himself to qualify for such a prestigious examination.

While many would have been disheartened or intimidated by the scrutiny, it only fueled Libert's determination to prove himself to the world and to challenge the established notions of worth and privilege.

With an intense focus, Libert surveyed his surroundings, searching for the entrance to this formidable institution. His eyes caught sight of a gathering, a sizable crowd that seemed to be forming near the building.

Curiosity and instinct compelled him to swiftly make his way toward it, hoping to find guidance or a sense of belonging amidst the sea of faces.


As Libert approached the crowd, a sudden thunderous bang reverberated through the air, jolting his senses and halting his steps.

His ears caught wind of an enormous eruption of voices, entangled in a heated exchange. In that instant, he realized that the crowd wasn't merely a queue forming for the entrance; it was a swirling tempest of emotions, a tumultuous gathering that had devolved into a raging battle of words and egos.

"What did you say!" a voice laced with fury cut through the cacophony, rising above the din of voices. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Libert managed to distinguish the distinct tone of outrage in that response, a collision of emotions that resonated deep within him.

The disheveled but curious teenagers struggled to obtain a visual of the situation, their necks craning and heads turning in a desperate attempt to catch a glimpse of the unfolding drama.

Libert's initial focus on finding a visual gave way to an overwhelming urge for escape, his instincts warning him of the dangers that lurked within this uncontrolled storm of emotions.

"Oh, sh*t," Libert muttered in frustration as he frantically scanned his surroundings for a means of retreat. The pressing need to find an exit fueled his anxiety, transforming it into an all-consuming force that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

"Stop!" A stern voice carrying wrath suddenly pierced through the charged atmosphere, commanding attention and respect.

As if a spell had been cast, the vicinity instantly fell into silence, a collective hush spreading through the crowd like a contagious wave. It was as if everyone, in that fleeting moment, had lost the ability to speak, move, or breathe.

The entire group of agitated teenagers swiveled their heads, their eyes desperately searching for the source of that authoritative voice that had brought them to a sudden standstill.

But instead of finding a fellow student or an instructor, their gazes landed upon a figure who defied their expectations. It was a towering man, his large frame radiating an aura of power and command, his presence filling the air with a distinct sentiment that demanded respect.

"If you do not want to be disqualified," the voice continued to penetrate the vicinity, its firmness leaving no room for negotiation or disobedience, "I suggest you enter the building."

The weight of authority behind those words carried an unspoken threat, a reminder that their dreams and aspirations hung in the balance. The choice was clear: comply or face the consequences.

Within the blink of an eye, the ginormous group that had swelled with tension and hostility swiftly dispersed, scattering in different directions like leaves caught in a gust of wind.

Libert found himself swept along, carried by the current of students who instinctively knew that their path lay within the building.

The large wave of aspiring students surged forward, a tide of ambition and determination propelling them into the grandeur of the building. Libert took a step back, momentarily pausing to absorb the awe-inspiring sight before him.

The interior of the building unfolded like a masterpiece, bathed in an abundance of natural light that accentuated the grandeur of the space.

Open areas beckoned with their spaciousness, while high-tech amenities hinted at a future brimming with possibilities. The seamless blend of form and function created an atmosphere of innovation and purpose.

But then it returned…