Arena: Elegant

The pair stood in the center of the vortex, their senses overwhelmed by the inexplicable sights and sensations that unfolded before them. Libert's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as he beheld the unimaginable.

"What the fu-," Libert's words were barely a whisper, his voice trailing off in disbelief. Before them stretched a vast and grandiose arena, its sheer magnificence defying comprehension.

Ethan, too, was taken aback by the spectacle before them, but his excitement mingled with astonishment as he voiced his thoughts. "This is crazy," he exclaimed, his tone brimming with wonder, his eyes eagerly scanning their breathtaking surroundings.

The arena was a masterpiece of architectural brilliance. Towering walls of pristine white marble reached towards the heavens, while the floor below shimmered with the elegance of polished onyx. Every detail spoke of meticulous craftsmanship and unparalleled beauty.

Amidst the awe-inspiring backdrop, Libert's focus shifted from the architectural marvel to the participants in the competition. His gaze darted from one individual to another, analyzing their demeanor and gauging the competition that lay ahead.

As the pair absorbed the atmosphere, palpable energy seemed to emanate from the portals that encircled the arena. The vibrant colors of the swirling vortexes illuminated the grandstands, casting a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of light across the expanse of the arena floor.

Libert's attention was briefly diverted to the large monuments positioned at each corner of the arena. His curiosity piqued, he pointed towards one of the human-like statues, prompting a question to escape his lips.

"What's that?" Libert asked, his finger indicating the imposing figure.

Ethan's expression morphed into surprise at Libert's lack of knowledge. "You don't know?" he responded, momentarily taken aback. "Those are the Paragons."

"Paragons?" Libert pressed further, his curiosity piqued.

Ethan's excitement and awe radiated from his voice as he delved into an explanation. "Yeah, the Paragons. After the Cataclysm, when chaos reigned supreme, these four individuals were able to unite the continent, bringing order and stability to our world."

Libert nodded, processing the newfound information. However, his reaction lacked the expected astonishment, his mind preoccupied with a different realization.

"The four are Xavier Kolt, Natasha Nix, Maximilian Sinclair, and Atticus Montgomery," Ethan continued, his words filled with reverence.

A sudden change came over Libert's expression, a mixture of assertiveness and intensity burning in his eyes as he interrupted Ethan's enthusiastic account.

"Who is... Xavier Kolt?" Libert's voice carried an unwavering determination, a demand for answers hidden within his words.

Ethan opened his mouth to respond, to shed light on Xavier Kolt's significance, but before he could utter a single word, a commanding voice resonated through the arena, interrupting their tense conversation.

The joyful voice of the announcer reverberated through the extravagant arena, causing a sudden hush to fall upon the gathered participants.

Libert's curiosity compelled him to whisper, his voice barely audible amidst the silence that enveloped them.

"W-who's that?" Libert inquired discreetly, his gaze fixated on the suspended podium that had become the center of attention.

Ethan, facing the figure with a mix of familiarity and respect, answered Libert's question. "That's an Exemplar," he explained, his tone carrying a hint of reverence.

"Exemplar..." Libert repeated, his mind racing to grasp the significance of the term.

The mysterious voice continued, dripping with a tinge of animosity as it acknowledged the post-Cataclysm world and the struggles that had ensued.

"As many of you may know, ever since the Cataclysm, we have had to defend our rights from the many perils of the world," the voice intoned, its authority resonating through the arena.

Libert strained to identify the source of the voice, his eyes searching for a clear visual amidst the grandeur of the surroundings.

"I am William Kopf, the overseer of the A.E.E.," the unknown man declared, his words filled with an unwavering assertiveness. "The purpose of the A.E.E. is to identify hidden talents, talents that may be of great use to esteemed agencies such as Gate Institutes."

A sense of bewilderment washed over Libert as he realized how little he knew of these entities, their existence shrouded in the shadows of his ignorance.

"It may not seem like it, but representatives of the top-ranking Gate Institutes are currently watching us right now," William revealed, prompting countless pairs of eyes to scan the surroundings in search of these elusive observers.

"At least I know what that is... clans that protect the portals of the rich and powerful," Libert mused sarcastically, a touch of cynicism tainting his thoughts.

Straining his gaze upward, Libert attempted to assess the Exemplar's aura, his eyes fixed on the resplendent golden podium situated several feet above his head.

But it proved to be an overwhelming task. Instead of perceiving a mere conduit of energy or a raging fire, the Exemplar appeared to be an infinite waterfall of power—a force that transcended mortal comprehension.

Suddenly, a searing pain lanced through Libert's cranium, causing him to wince in agony. The intensity of the sensation startled him, leaving him momentarily disoriented and struggling to regain his focus.

"There are three phases of the test," the man's voice resumed after a brief pause, drawing the participants' attention once more. "First, the academic phase; then, the affinity phase; and finally, the survival phase."

Libert's mind whirled in confusion at the mention of the final phase. "Survival?" he whispered under his breath, bewildered by his lack of knowledge regarding the nature of this trial.

"So, we will—" William began to explain further, but before he could continue, the wretched sensation abruptly returned, clawing at Libert's consciousness with renewed intensity.

The piercing agony reverberated through Libert's skull, causing him to momentarily lose his grip on reality.

It was as if an unseen force had latched onto his mind, mercilessly tightening its grip. With a clenched jaw, he fought against the onslaught, determined to maintain his composure despite the excruciating torment.

William's words hung in the air, unfinished, as the debilitating pain consumed Libert's senses.

His vision blurred, colors melding into an indistinguishable haze. He instinctively reached out, grasping onto Ethan's arm for support, his knuckles turning white with the strain.

The torment seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each passing moment an eternity of suffering.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain subsided, leaving Libert gasping for breath and shaken to his core. Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead, evidence of the intense ordeal he had just endured.

"Are you alright?" Ethan's concerned voice cut through the residual haze of agony, his gaze filled with worry and compassion.

Libert nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "I...don't kn-know."