Chapter 5

A few days had passed and the two people that didn't know the existence of eachother were pretty busy with their careers.

Aiden had been going to golf clubs, restaurants, all the places these old people hanged out,inviting himself in each activity,trying to have a conversation with them.

Amelie on the other had been dealing with her company and recently she was discussing with her brother for a project that involved his company.Her brother was an electronic engineer working in the branch of a foreign company.He had a high position there and when there were a few projects that needed a software engineer,Amelie was more than ready to take the job.

Both had had long days and Amelie who also worked during her time home would have a long night.She finished her work and closed her laptop.It had already been 3 am.

As tired as she was,Amelie didn't feel very sleepy.She went to the kitchen quietly,walking barefoot on the white,marble floor and reached the kitchen.She opened the fridge and saw a cartoon of milk and poured herself a mug.

She slowly sipped as she made way to her bedroom.The bedroom was big and had three beds.The very late hours seem to always make people more melancholic and sentimental.

Amelie remembered the days when she would share this room with her older siblings,but just like that one by one they had left to go on with their life.She had already gotten used to this loneliness in this room,but still she felt a bit sad at how this cycle had finished and they had started a new one,one where she wasn't really appart of.She felt left behind and lonely seeing her brother and sister visiting even more rarely,because they wanted to spend that free time with their children and spouses.

Amelie looked at their orange tree on the window.The shadows of its leaves would drift with the light spring wind.She opened the window and let the warm wind,blow on her face.

Her parents also wanted for her to settle down like her siblings.It was true that times had changed and she wasn't considered old for marriage,but her situation was a bit more special which made her parents even more concerned.She had never been in an actual relationship despite her age.

At first she had focused on her career and had no interest in dating.After finally finishing her masters,she decided to step out a bit from her comfort zone and go on a few dates with people that had asked her out,but those all dissapointed her.

Her standards had always been sky high and she would refuse settling for less than she deserved and could offer.All the guys she had met,she didn't find attractive or they didn't like how ambitious she was,mostly even both.Sometimes she tried to give up on the attractive part,but the once 'nice' people wouldn't sound so nice anymore.She had always been sensitive to other people,and could pick up their intentions really quick and well, like some detector.

This was her strength and weakness.If she didn't like the vibe,she would immediately run away and refuse to mingle with the people.No matter how she tried surpressing her negative feelings, she would subconsciously be more colder when the person didn't feel genuine.

The last straw was when she discovered that a guy who she had been texting was actually engaged and already had a child with his fiancè.That broke her last straw and she gave up on dating for the last few years with no plans of getting back for a while.

Amelie took a deep breath.The way that the people around her made it seem so easy and nice,made her feel like maybe she was the problem.Maybe there was something wrong with her?These thoughts made her feel empty.

After staring outside for a while,she closed the window and turned on the light.Then she took one of the romance books hidden on the shelf and started reading it.Though Amelie hated to admit it infront of others,she was an otaku,an addicted reader and especially a sucker for the romance genre.She loved reading others people love stories feeding hopeless romantic selve with even more expectations,contributing even more to the rise of those sky-high standards.And especially now that she felt lonely and empty,rubbing the wounds on her cold,never been in love before heart.

Mostly she would furrow her eyebrows and have a face full of disgust when she saw PDA,but only she knew the felt jealousy when people talked about crushes and partners.As scared as she was from heartbreak she was very curious to fall in love.If she didn't fall now that she was young and slightly naive,she never would.

Reading the chapter where the Male Lead confessed his love to thr Female Lead as she stared into his eyes,her heart beating fast,made this woman in her late twenties pause a few times because her heart could barely take it and then blush and giggle while kicking her feet.When it got to the kiss scene,her heart beat even faster and she involuntarily touched her lips.How would that feel?She had asked herself many times.She wanted to do it too,Amelie screamed inside her head,but of course she wouldn't.Because this stupid stubborn self of hers wanted it to be special and with somebody she genuinely liked or at least felt attracted too and no one,no one close,no one real had made her feel that way!!!

After finishing it,she closed the book and headed to sleep after turning the light off.At least tomorrow she could sleep in again.


Aiden sat up from his bed and felt satisfied with himself.Yesterday he had met the last old man he needed to meet and based on their reactions,he probably had this in the bag.

Today they had another meeting for something else,but the topic of the leader would definitely get touched and if those old hags-ahem gentlemen said a few good words for him,his grandfather wouldn't play this much hard to get anymore.

Aiden took a shower and dressed up while humming a bit.He climbed downstairs refreshed and ate more than usual.Then he took his car keys and headed to work.

For the first time in a while he felt like turning on the radio and started listening to the new hits,different from his usual playlist he played for years.

During this drive he found three new favourite song to add to the playlist.

Then he parked,took the elevator and walked to his office while greeting the workers.The new ones found it pretty weird,but the old ones knew that their boss had these certain days of happiness sometimes.It's just that lately he had been more stressed than usual.

Aiden closed the door to his office and took the work on enthusiastically,anticipating the afternoon meeting.


"Before we close this meeting,do you have any other candidates to recommend for the leadinf position?"

The people were all quiet.Aiden slightly casted a glance around,no one would say a word.

Some started speaking for other candidates.

"I was thinking about Mr.Louise.He has been really successful lately and seems to have a bit of experience.He might be a bit young,but he isn't too young."one of the men spoke.

Aiden looked at him directly.This man had been one of the ones he had tried hard to entertain these few days.Heavens knew how he had to stand on the sun in a golf course and play with this old man who hated defeat.He had tried losing a few times,but still he would want to play again.If before he slightly disliked golf,now he absolutely hated it.

And now this man shamelessly looked at him as he spoke about another candidate for HIS position?Ridiculous!

But as much as he was boiling inside,Aiden kept his cool on the outside.That's what he was best at.Looking cool and unaffected by the world,while he was very much affected by the world.

Next time he would meet this old man he would definitely make it even.

And Louise?Louise?That s** of a b****?God knew how he could barely stand that guy!He had been his older brothers friend and having him at his house constantly.He would never forget how this s** of a b**** broke his mother's favourite vase and blamed it on him and his younger twin sister that was there and had a huge crush on Louise,shamelessly said that it was him too!

Now, this guy was his brother-in-law and his nephews and nieces father.That cradle snatcher!He had known his sister since she was 6 and he was 12 and shamelessly married her 18 years later,while she was 5 months pregnant with his baby.He barely held himself from causing a scene back then together with his older brother,who was usually an "all about peace" type of guy.Who can blame him?Having one of your best bros going after your younger sister,obviously isn't cool no matter how much of a calm person you usually are.

But what everyone was seeing,was a calm Aiden,elegantly opening his water bottle and casually taking a sip.

The other men agreed and started talking too.What was the cherry at the top,was the fact that most of the men that agreed were all the people he had met these days,with the thought of them being his support.

The meeting soon ended after a few more words and Aiden looked at all the men who acted like normal,completely guiltless.He would remember this day pretty well.After all he was the young one,the hope and the future,they would need him more in the future than he would need them.

Aiden walked outside directly to his office.Guess he would need to have another conversation with his grandfather again.