
Chapter 17

After Amelie left,Aiden read the document he had assigned her to translate out of curiosity.He was impressed at her accuracy.

Aiden wasn't well-versed in italian,but he had already memorised the translated version the partner company had sent.After reading a few more lines,he noticed that something was wrong.

Aiden immediately opened the translated version he had gotten through an email and read it again,trying to compare them.

After rereading a few times.Aiden finally noticed that there had been an error,but he couldn't tell whether it was from the original or Amelie's translation,but the notes Amelie had left trying to explain her usage of words better,made it hard to think that her version was the one with the error.

"Nick,to my office.Now."It didn't take 5 minutes for Dominick to be there after the voice message was sent.

"Is there something wrong?"His face was completely serious,with no hint of playfulness like usual.It was about business after all.

"Can you send these documents to a legal adviser?One that's very familiar with Italian documents to tell me if there's any error in these two translations of this document and if there is bring me the correct version."

Dominick nodded and immediately got to work.

After two days.

"Here are what you requested sir.And I brought the adviser here with me to further explain."

"Good afternoon!I'm Marco Baruzzo."

Aiden shook his stretched hand and offered him a seat.

"From the documents you gave me sir,this one was the most accurate to the original."

Aiden stretched out his hand and took it.It was Amelie's translation.

"The notes on the side were also correct and would be very helpful for a person unfamiliar with the language.I just adjusted it with legal terms."

Aiden nodded while reading the new version."It looks good.Great work!"

After a few more discussion,they bid eachother goodbye and Marco left.

"That was a good save sir.If we had signed that version,who knows what could've happened."

Aiden nodded.Who knew his excuse to stare at the girl he liked for a bit more would help him get out of an unknown tricky situation?

The other company might've really just had an error in translation and never meant to do it on purpose,but in the world they lived in,even a comma in the wrong place,could change everything.

"Nick,bring me the team leader from country A."

"On it."


"You had called for me sir?" an accented deep voice spoke after given permission to enter.


Ivan was ready to listen.His eyes were completely focused and serious.

"How's your department doing?"

Ivan was a bit surprised from the question,but continued giving a brief explanation.

Aiden nodded,while listening.

"Good.Your team has been really promising and has exceeded my expectations and your leadership must've played quite the huge role.I hope you keep up the good work,we might be seeing eachother more often in the future."Aiden gave a calm smile.

"I'm flattered!"

Aiden's words seemed simple,but meant much more.With these few simple sentences,he managed to tell him that he acknowledged his hardwork,was impressed and wanted to recruit him in the headquarters in the future.

Saying it didn't feel good to be acknowledged would be a lie.But the way this guy had been eyeing his sister made Ivan feel a bit prickly.

"Then I'll get to the main point."Aiden cleared his throat."The reason I called you today,was for one of your team members,Miss Amelie."

Ivan's aura immediately changed at the mention of the name.His face was still serious,but his eyes had become much colder and a bit...dangerous.This guy wasn't planning on asking him for help to date his sister,right?He wouldn't be this dumb,right?

"What about Amelie?"

How could Aiden not feel his glare?But he just pretended to not notice.

"She has also shown an excellent performance,but I heard that she wasn't a permanent employee?"

"Yes,she's the founder of an IT company back in country A,but she also takes a few works as a freelancer.We've been working together like this since before she found her company."

Aiden listened with interest.He could tell that this guy was full of pride when speaking for his sister.Yes,he knew she was his sister.After Amelie accepted his following request,it was easy to figure out.After Ivan finished bragging for his sister Aiden got to the point.

"Two days ago,I had given Miss Amelie a task outside of her field.I had given her a document to translate from italian and because of her hard work we managed to avoid a miscorrection that could've cost our company a lot."

Ivan was surprised.

Aiden continued."Since you are her team leader,I thought that it would be better to notify you first so you can pass the message to her.I'm planning on giving her a bonus." This way Aiden was hitting two birds with one stone.He wasn't making Amelie uncomfortable by calling her to his office,also following protocol and he was giving face to her brother.

"I'll notify Amelie about this."

Maybe he should try pushing his luck a bit."That would be good.Please,tell her to come to my office so we can discuss this further."

Ivan gave him a look,but Aiden acted calmly like a normal boss.

When Ivan told Amelie,she was thrilled.She had never thought that a little thing like this would earn her so much,in fact, she had even thought that Aiden most certainly was messing with her.

"[The director wanted to discuss this more further with you.After you finish your task,go upstairs.]"

Amelie nodded. The corners of her lips were upwards,barely containing the happiness.

After finishing the work quickly,she went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"You called for me,sir?"

Aiden rolled his chair and smiled.

"I did."He then got up and walked towards with hands in his pockets."You've earned yourself that bonus you asked for."

Amelie raised her head and smiled at him.Aiden was getting closer and closer,his handsome face had a grin and his ocean eyes were looking at hers.


"Mmm,and you've also earned the gratitude of this boss.So when are you free for dinner?Friday?Saturday?"

"Mr.Aiden,I have a question?"

Hearing his name come out of her lips for the actual first time,felt like he had consumed a type of drug he would never get over.


Amelie's body slightly trembled.As if a current was going through her spine and spreading to her legs.She tried hard to control her face and put on a charming smile.She whispered slightly.

"When did I ever agree to a dinner with you?"

Aiden came closer and closer,getting drawn into her beautiful eyes and reaching for her beautiful lips.He then stopped just a few centimetres away,the tips of their noses slightly touching.

"I didn't think it would be necessary to ask.Even if you refused,I would be following you around until you agreed.I thought we should skip this tiring step and get straight to business."

"What if I wanted to see you chase me around everywhere?"

"Then I can proceed to do so,starting from now."

Their distance was getting closer and closer.Their breaths entangled with the others.

Amelie's eyes had turned hazy,getting lost in that deep blue ocean,that had no end.That deep blue ocean was looking at her lips,about to unleash its desire.

"Amelie?"his bewitching voice whispered her name.


"I'm not stopping this time." he whispered on her lips.

Her silence was affirmation.

His hands slithered on her waist.Pulling her body closer.Then he raised one hand and grabbed her chin gently.

Their lips got closer and brushed against eachother.


Amelie pushed him away immediately and turned away.

Aiden who was yanked away,falling a few steps back was stunned,but then he laughed when he saw her bright red face.

They didn't manage to kiss,but they could next time.Now he didn't need to wait for a green light anymore.

"Come in!"

"Then I'll be leaving."

Amelie nodded to his assistant and ran away.

Aiden hid his smile when he saw her back leaving,but after the door was closed his eyes were cold.He was interrupted from one of the best moments in his life,of course, he would be in a bad mood.


"These documents need your signature."

"Leave them there and get out."his tone wasn't exactly rude,but neither was it friendly.

The door closed.Aiden sat down on his chair and started reading the documents.Suddenly the sound of a notification from his phone came.

Seeing the sender his eyes immediately lit up.

"Saturday would be fine."

"Great!I'll pick you up at 7!"Any later he suggested she would probably refuse,it was better to play it safe.