
Chapter 20

Dominick had left Aiden alone for more than an hour.He wanted to enter but was too hesitant to do so.

Leaving him alone to blow off some steam was the right thing,but he couldn't help but worry when no noise came from the room.

Dominick picked up the courage and quietly opened the door.Seeing how the office was he sighed.

All over the floor were several pictures, documents,pens everything the table had.

Aiden had his back turned and was unmovingly looking at the window.His hand held a glass full of whiskey and the bottle was also on the floor almost empty.

Dominick noticed that his knuckle was bloodied and the blood had dripped to his glass and already dried.Only then did he notice the smashed glass on the table.

"Nick...Is there a possibility for those photos to be fake?"The usually stern and energised voice was weak and powerless.

Dominick didn't know what to say,but his silence was already an answer for Aiden.

"It's got to be fake!I don't believe it!I refuse to believe it!"

"I also thought the same way,but things proved out to be different.There are also witnesses."

Aiden turned his head.His eyes were bloodshot.


"Melanie.She said she saw her go inside your office more than once."Melanie was his assistant.

"Let's go ask her.I'll question her myself."

Aiden wore his suit and put his bloodied hand inside his pocket.He pushed open Melanie's door making her jump out of her seat.

"What can I help you with,sir?"

"Dominick told me you had seen someone enter my office.When did you see her?"Aiden went straight to the point.The look on his eye was sharp making Melanie have a chill down her spine.

She was obviously a bit intimidated and spoke with a bit of a stutter.

"I-I had s-seen her before a few other times,but since you sir were also in the office sometimes I didn't t-think much of it and th-thought she was on an errand.After Burdis Tech released their article that's when I started to be suspicious."

"Get to the point.When did you see her?"

Melanie hurriedly spoke.

"I don't remember well,but the last time was when sir was with the president."

"You better not be lying to me."

"I'm not sir!"

Aiden looked at her once again and then left the place with no words.

That day was the day he gave her the task to translate the document.

Back then he had hurriedly left his laptop on in a rush,since his grandfather wasn't someone with patience.No one dared to enter his office and the place was full of security cameras.

But that day had been the unlucky day when their cameras weren't working due to a malfunction.No one was brave enough to act during daylight,but it seems that he had underestimated his enemies.

Seeing Aiden being scarily silent,Dominick felt even more afraid and sad for his friend.It would've been better if he yelled and smashed things.


Aiden glanced at him with lifeless eyes.

"I'm sorry!If I didn't try so hard to push her in your way,then this wouldn't have happened."

Aiden was silent for a moment.After a minute,he finally spoke."It's okay.It's not your fault.It's mine for trusting the wrong person."


After the successful launch,Amelie had been given some days to rest.During this time she had been waiting for Aiden's texts,but after a few days, he suddenly disappeared.Amelie thought she would be too clingy if she texted him for unnecessary things since they weren't exactly in a relationship,but this sudden silence made her a bit scared.

What if he wasn't interested anymore?What if he found her too boring?What if he was just playing with her?

These 'what ifs' kept invading her mind and for a moment she felt heartbroken.After realising that her thoughts were getting too far and imaginative,Amelie shook herself up.

"[He's probably just busy!You've also been busy before!This situation was stressful for everyone and he as the person with the most responsibility has even more work than all!When things get better he will finally contact you!]"

Amelie went back to bed after putting her phone on sound,different from the usually silent mode.Suddenly she heard a 'ping'.Amelie almost jumped off her bed and grabbed her phone,but the person wasn't the one she wanted it to be.

It was Rosè.

"[Amelie,I'm here in my hometown!Let's meet together!]"

Amelie sighed and texted her back.After texting for a while, she got up and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a loose white T-shirt.

She straightened her hair,applied a bit of light makeup,wore a black bucket hat and left.

When she met Rosè,she saw how there was something wrong with her.

"[Are you okay?]"

"[I'm fine.]" Rosè tried to smile as if nothing was wrong.

"[You're obviously not.]"

That sentence finally broke the dam and Rosè's tears started to slip.Amelie saw this and immediately sat next to her giving her a hug and shoulder to cry.She didn't know how to exactly comfort a crying person,so she let Rosè vent herself while patting her back and caressing her hair with a soft,whispery voice.

"[Shhhhh.Let it out.Don't keep it in.]"

Rosè kept crying and sobbing even more hardly as if she got courage to vent from those simple words.