
Chapter 48

Amelie flinched and looked down at the hand on her waist.She slightly scanned the people in the room.Yes,all of them had noticed,her brother and father's expressions seeming a bit off,while her mother and sister had a sneaky smile.Amelie wanted to slap Aiden right there and then.She gave him a look,earning a questioning gaze by him and just casually removed his hand from her waist while slightly shaking her head.

'These things aren't allowed here' her face basically said.

It wasn't that it was forbidden or something.Her brother and sister-in-law did it all the time. Personally, Amelie found PDA really embarrassing and she was even particularly more shy about it around her family for several reasons.A bonus was also the fact that she would probably be made fun of by her sister and mother later.

Little Mattia, who had seen the whole thing, glared even harder at Aiden and hugged Amelie even tighter,he then pulled her sleeve.

"[What's wrong?]"Amelie asked him.

Mattia whispered something in her ear and Amelie just smiled and said okay.

Mattia sat on her lap,while hugging her neck and snuggling his head on her chest.

"[Mattia,don't bother your aunt!]"Paulo reprimanded him with an authoritive tone, meanwhile, the kid ignored him.

"[It's okay!It's okay!He's not bothering me!]"Amelie said while gently rubbing Mattia's back.

Hekaterina felt a bit embarrassed at her kid.This kid seemed quiet right now,but he actually was an untamable animal.Only they knew how much they suffered at home.He never listened and never stopped running around and that sharp mouth of his didn't help.Lately Mattia seemed a bit more gentle,because he saw how his mum struggled at the most easy tasks,but he still was too much to handle for the normal person.

The only person he listened to a bit was Amelie,his favourite person in the world and he would even refuse to share her with anyone else when they were together.Right now they could definitely tell that kid was jealous of Aiden.

Finally, it was time for dinner.During the process of laying the table,Aiden was completely alone with the men.His expression seemed normal, but only he could feel the sweat on his back.The invisible pressure was too big.

He sighed with relief when Helena called them to eat at the dining room.

On the table the atmosphere was more quiet as the people slowly savoured the food.Aiden was really impressed by the food full of rich flavour and asked several questions,while the others would answer.

"[Me and Amelie cooked everything together.]" Helena said cheerfully while filling his plate.

Aiden looked at Amelie questioningly about what she said.

"She said that me and her cooked everything together."Amelie said and then stuffed her face.

"You can cook?"Aiden was surprised,she didn't look like the type that could.Amelie just nodded at the question.

Aryan loved alcohol and urged Aiden to drink more.The usually quiet people became a bit tipsy and wouldn't stop chatting and laughing,this time it was Ivan who was more chatty than usual, though he was mostly questioning Aiden.Amelie felt how the wine was making her head spin a bit and filled her glass with juice.

After dinner,Mattia seemed more energetic and would just run around with the other children,but he wouldn't forget to often come to Amelie and give her a cuddle while looking at Aiden,then he would run off again to play.

The next time Mattia came,he was eyeing Amelie's glass of juice and he said something to her.Amelie smiled and nodded and went to grab his glass,but she couldn't reach.Aiden grabbed it for her,filled it and handed it out to Mattia who just stared and didn't take it.

"[Why aren't you taking it?]"Amelie asked.

"[I don't want it anymore!]"


Mattia just stared at Aiden who seemed to have understood the problem.

"He doesn't like me."

"Oh,don't mind him!He's just jealous!"Hekaterina said while laughing."He doesn't like anyone that takes his aunt from him."

"I see."Aiden smiled and decided to provoke the kid.He put an arm over Amelie's shoulder and looked at the kid smugly.

"Your aunt is mine!"

Mattia, as if he had understood the words,loudly yelled.

"[No!]"and pulled Amelie's arm while trying to push his away,but hile wasn't tall enough.

Amelie, who was in between two 3 year olds,one big and one small,just covered her face with her palms while all the people around the table laughed.He was definitely doing this on purpose.

Finally,Paulo got up and picked up his son who kept clawing on Amelie's arm while squirming.

"[Just leave him there!He's not bothering me!]" Amelie felt guilty as she saw her little nephew crying while trying to grab her arm.

Amelie gave Aiden a glare.He awkwardly removed the arm on her shoulder, feeling a bit guilty making a kid cry.He then took the little kid from Paulo trying to fix the situation only to finally making him cry loudly.

"[Mattia,look at aunt!Mattia!]"Amelie grabbed his little cheeks and wiped his tears."[Why are you crying?]"

"[He'll *hic*,take you away,*hic*!]"Amelie gave Hekaterina a look and she guiltily sipped from her glass.What have you been telling the child?

She knew really well how much her older sister loved bullying little kids.The first victims were their little cousins,then their brother's children and now her main target was her own child. Mattia who was generally very expressive, amused her even more.

"[No one's gonna take aunt away.Okay?]"Then she pointed out at Aiden who was holding him,but inside she wasn't believing her own words "[He is a good person.See?]"

Mattia raised his head and looked at Aiden who smiled at him,but he still wasn't convinced.

Aiden suddenly got an idea.

"How about I give him his present?Maybe he will calm down that way?"

"Let's try."Amelie nodded and led him to one of the bedrooms,while Aiden held Mattia on his shoulders.

"[Mattia do you want to see the present uncle Aiden got you?]"

Hearing the word present the kid blinked and sniffed.

Aiden gave the kid to Amelie and opened his smaller luggage, and took out a box.

"[Oh my,what do we have here?]"Amelie hyped the situation as Mattia silently stared at the box.

"Do you want me to open it?"Aiden said to him, while Amelie translated.

Mattia didn't say anything and only stared.Aiden took it as a yes and opened the box revealing a cool toy.

His eyes flashed a bit,but he didn't give in easily.

Both the adults kept playing with the toy hyping it up,until Mattia murmured like an adult.

"[Who do you think you're lying to?]" and turned his head away.

Amelie's shoulders shook and she couldn't hold her laugh anymore.

Aiden was confused.

"What did he say?"

"He says 'Who do you think you're bribing?'"

Aiden couldn't help but also chukcle.Amelie ruffled his brown,curly hair and gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"[He's not lying,he just wants to be friends with you.Will you please give him a chance?Hm?]" Amelie used the puppy eye trick,knowing this kid was pretty soft hearted despite his stubborness. She then nudged Aiden to do the same.

Mattia looked at the two adults trying to catter to him.He looked at Aiden suspiciously and reluctantly took the toy.

He murmured.

"[Thank you very much.]"

"[Can you try saying it the way he can understand? ]"

"Thenk u."Mattia said with a huge accent.

"No problem!" Aiden accepted the thanks and chuckled while ruffling his head.

Mattia immediately tried fixing his hair after that with his lips pouting.Just because he agreed for his aunt's sake didn't mean he would be friends with this weird huge guy.

Aiden then went to give the others their presents earning their thanks.Since it was his first time meeting them,Amelie's family had also prepared him a little present.It was a really expensive watch.

Though Aiden had a few more expensive watches, he knew that this present wasn't shabby at all and very hard to obtain,so accepted it with gratitude and put it away carefully.

The rest of the night went great,until it became a bit too late and the others had to move.

Amelie yawned and,with Aiden,headed to her room.

Her mother stopped her."[Where are you going?]"

Amelie looked at her weirdly."[My room?]"

"[Are you serious?Go upstairs!]"

"[Why bother?We can just stay in my room.]"

"[It will be more comfortable for Ayden that way.]"

Aiden, hearing his name looked at them confused.

"Is there something wrong?"

"My mother tells us to go upstairs to sleep instead of in my room."

"Would that make a difference?"

Amelie thought for a bit.Maybe it would be better since they wouldn't have to act all couply that way since they would be alone.

"[We'll go upstairs.]"she then turned to Aiden."Get your things."

This time Aiden finally had the time to see the room.There were three beds and two of them had each a stuffed animal on it.The walls had a few different paintings of the sky in different times of the day.Did she paint those?Aiden asked himself when he saw her signature in all of them.

He then walked towards the big window in the joined annex.One of the its walls was filled with several books and stuffed animals as decorations. The curtains were a light, aquamarine colour.There was also a desk with a white leather chair where she probably worked from home.

She seemed like the type who would have a black, minimalist bedroom.This space looked a bit childish for her temperament.

"Did you get your things?"

Amelie pulled him out of his thoughts.Aiden took his things and nodded.

"Then let's go.Don't forget to turn off the light!" and continued before him.

Aiden turned off the light and noticed something on the ceiling.There was several small glowing stars and a huge moon,he then looked at the headboard of the middle bed and saw a few glow in the dark butterflies.He then closed the door.