
Chapter 51

The next 2 days Aiden stayed passed with them barely seeing eachother,except for when they were with her family.

Amelie would find the excuse of showing him around and then go separately.

The last day was also the same.Aiden's flight was early in the next morning and they found an excuse again.

Her family had misunderstood that they wanted some alone time together, so they didn't bother them and let the young couple free.

Amelie had parked her car somewhere near the city centre again and continued walking without looking at him.

When they were climbing up, Amelie stopped. Aiden's face bumped on her back, and he rubbed his nose, frustrated.

"Move if you don't have to walk."

But Amelie didn't move.

"Hey!I said move!" Aiden said again.This time, Amelie murmured something before putting on a perfect sweet smile,completely different from her usually cold face,giving Aiden goosebumps.

"[Hi!It's been so long!]" Amelie said in a high-pitched tone and went to the woman who was a head taller than her, hugged and kissed her cheeks.

"[It's really been so long Amelie!How have you been?]"

"[Great!And you?]" The two women started chatting together,leaving the two men accompanying them on the side.

"[I saw your marriage pics!Congratulations again!May you get old together!]"Amelie said to the couple.

Eris smiled a bit shyly and thanked her several times. Finally, she asked.

"[Oh,and who is this gentleman?]"she then raised her eyebrows in a teasing manner.She had noticed this tall and handsome man since before, but Amelie wasn't making an effort to introduce him herself.

No one noticed how Amelie's smile became a bit stiff.What should she tell her?Aiden had missed his chance to leave the premise and act as complete strangers so she couldn't say she didn't know him.

"[Oh,this,this is ...my...boyfriend.]" the words came through gritted teeth,but no one could hear that."[He's not from here.]"

"[Really?Well he doesn't give the vibe of someone from here.]"

"This is my high-school and university friend, Eris and this is her husband!" Amelie turned to Aiden with a smile.

"Hi,I'm Aiden,pleased to meet you!" Aiden wore a picture-perfect smile,bright enough to blind the people around.

After that, it was silent.

"[How about we get a cup of coffee together?]"

Eris and her husband recommended.

"[No,no, it's okay!You seemed to be in a rush!]" Amelie politely rejected.


Here they were, the four of them in the same table. Surprisingly, Eris had insisted too much and the people pleasing Amelie couldn't reject.

Right now,it was an awkward silence after getting their order.

"So how is work?I saw the article about your company."They didn't want to leave Aiden out of their conversations.

"A bit hard,but managable.What about you?"

"Nerve wracking and the people around aren't helping."

Amelie nodded in agreement.

"What about you,Aiden?What do you do?"

Aiden looked at Amelie and just said.

"Recently, I got my position as CEO."

The couple was impressed."A successful couple." Eris laughed.

Amelie just smiled and nodded and took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Did you open a company here?"

"...We do have a branch here,but no.It's part of the Yoxal group,I am the CEO of Yoxal Technology."

Eris's husband almost choked with his coffee and Eris was also shocked.They were both programmers,so they had a hunch of this company.

Eris looked at Amelie who pretended as if she wasn't there.One sentence was in her mind.Good job,girl!

Not only was she a beautiful and outstanding woman,she had even managed to get a very outstanding and handsome husband.Amelie had really won in life.

After this,Aiden was asked a lot of questions which he replied patiently.

Amelie could see how he wanted to end the conversations about work soon.One side of her wanted to see him suffer,but alas, her nice side wouldn't allow it.It didn't want her to stoop in his level.

Amelie found a space to bring the topic back to the young couple,asking about their married life.

"Lately,we've been discussing about having a child.I think it's already time for us." Eris said as she grabbed her husband's hand and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Well,that's very nice."Amelie smiled.

Eris had a weird look seeing them like this.

"Why are you two sitting so far away from eachother?"

"What do you mean?"Amelie asked confused.Her and Aiden were sitting so far away from eachother, that a third person could also sit between them.Not only that,they seemed a bit uncomfortable and on edge with eachother.

Aiden watched the couple and could tell that they noticed something was wrong,so he stretched his long arm and put it on Amelie's waist and pulled her to him casually as if he had done this hundreds of times.Amelie slid from her original position,next to him,their bodies touching,her eyes widening.

Aiden then slightly rubbed her waist with his long fingers.The table was short so the couple could see all the action clearly,and the way he was rubbing her waist.

Aiden hooked his lips up and looked down at Amelie with a pair of charming eyes,then he put on a friendly smile saying to them.

"She's always shy about these things,so I try my best to let her be when we're in public."

Eris laughed out loudly.

"She's really like that!She has always been shy since we were in high-school and would barely talk to anyone!"She then turned to Amelie who's face was as bright as a tomato,laughing at her even more."You really need to fix that side of yours."

After that,until they were about to get up,Aiden didn't remove his hand on her waist no matter how many times Amelie shifted or moved.

When the waiter came with the bill,Eris and her husband had a full on fight with Amelie on who was about to pay,finally Amelie let them pay and handed them a money bill insisting on them taking it.

"[Consider it as my wedding gift!]"

"[I'm seriously not taking it!]"

"[Don't return my hand!I have nephews I need to marry!]"Amelie said like an old lady.

After back and forth,Eris finally took the wedding present and thanked them.

"[Seriously,this wasn't very nice!]"she said.

Amelie brushed her off and hugged her again, then shook her husband's hand and said goodbye.

Aiden also shook their hands and said goodbye the same way.That was one of the few words Amelie said in her language that he had memorised.

Since they were the ones leaving first,Amelie and Aiden were forced to hold hands together and stick to eachother like glue.

Amelie was obviously very uncomfortable and Aiden wasn't any better,but seeing the furrowed eyebrows and pouted lips,he would hold her even closer.


Early in the morning,Aiden took his luggage and went down the stairs,with Amelie behind him.

Her parents were already downstairs and had woken up to greet him.

"[Didn't I tell you to just sleep?]"Amelie reprimanded them but was completely ignored as they were giving Aiden a few things to take with himself. Her parents seemed to have fallen in love with Aiden and would only ask and look for him.

Aiden also played the role of a great son-in-law.He would spend quite some time with them and wouldn't act high and mighty,but was completely humble and caring.Making Amelie always question if he had a personality disorder or something.

As her mother was giving him a few foods to take with himself,she began to cry.Aiden was taken aback and stressed about what to do.

"[Mum!]"Amelie just said and sighed."[Why cry?He's going back home,not being sent to war!]"

"[Oh,stop!How can I not cry?I got used to having another person around!How can I not cry when my daughter is far away from her beloved?]" Helena said as she wiped her eyes.

Helena was always very sensitive and with the passing years it got easier to make her cry.

Amelie felt like the words stabbed her.Her mother was here crying for her,thinking that she was lonely,while she was lying to them.

Aiden saw Amelie's face wasn't good,then he saw her mother also bawling her eyes and asked out of concern.

"What's wrong?Is she okay?Is she sick?"

Amelie gloomily replied.

"She's okay."

"Why is she crying then?"

"Because you're leaving.She's crying because she thinks I'll be lonely and sad when you leave." Amelie's eyes were a bit red."She's crying because she believes our pathetic lie."

Aiden was taken aback by her red eyes and lowered his head.He looked at Amelie's parents' feeling guilty about everything.

Out of everyone,it were these two innocent people that would be more heartbroken after discovering everything about their daughter.It was really horrible how fate would play.

He went to them and gave all of them a hug, which he hadn't done before.

"Thank you!I had a wonderful time here!I hope we can meet eachother again soon!"

As if they had understood,the couple nodded and smiled.

Amelie looked at them and turned her head,barely holding her tears,she got in the car and took it out of the garage.

Aiden wanted to close the gate,but Aryan didn't allow him.He then got in the passenger seat and glanced at the silent woman who didn't even spare him a glance as she drove all the way to the airport.

Before Amelie could reach the gate,Aiden told her to stop.

"It isn't necessary anymore."

He then took his things and left.Amelie looked at his back getting farther and farther.Him never turning his head to look back.

It was only until the car behind her honked that she continued to drive away.

Amelie hadn't noticed when her vision had become blurry.She stopped on the side of the road and covered her face while she silently sobbed,but it was futile because those wiped tears would never carry the sadness of her heart away.