
Chapter 58

After the ceremony they went to a reception,that was organised for guests that weren't exactly close to the couple since they were mostly business partners and family friends,after all this was a high society wedding so this wasn't a normal reception,but an opportunity to form connections and socialise.

The newly married couple changed to another attire.Amelie wore an off shoulder,puff sleeves,with a pair of short gloves that a bow,with one peral in the middle of her wrist.The dress was made off creamy white silk with no other embroidery,simple,elegant and very easy to go around with since she had to constantly move to great everyone.This time she had let her hair down in huge waves and wore an elegant,pearl hairping in one side.

She looked very beautiful and graceful.

The couple went around the whole reception hand in hand,greeting and thanking everyone for coming with a smile.None of them could take a breath easily,there were too many people they didn't know that they had to accommodate and to Amelie who was literally seeing all of them for the first time was even harder to act all friendly and chatty with a more than considerable amount of people she didn't know off.The good thing was that since the others mostly were for business, they didn't have to say much to her,she could only stay on the side and smile sweetly like an accessory.She would take that role happily if it meant she didn't have to talk with anyone.

Finally,this reception was over at about 6 pm and luckly they had until 9 pm to relax for the real party,the one that was with only their close family members and a few friends of Aiden.

Amelie looked at her relfection in the mirror as the stylist was retouching her hair and makeup again in a daze.She looked at her reflection and then at her lips,she unconsciously put her fingers on them and her cheeks heated up,remembering what had happened a few hours ago.

It was her first kiss, and it was so hot and passionate.The moment kept replaying in her mind,making her face get even redder.

Then, when the kiss was over,Aiden held her face, and rubbed his forehead against hers.The look in his eyes was imprinted in her memory.It weren't the eyes playing tricks on her,right?That look full of love and desire,it wasn't just her imagination, right?

Maybe it was true.The look in someone's eyes never lied.It wasn't easy to fake something like this.Did he also feel it too?Like her?

Amelie groaned and almost slammed her forehead on the table,like she usually did when she was confused and overthinking,scaring the stylists that were doing her hair.

After realising what she was doing,Amelie said sorry with an apologetic smile,and said a believable excuse for her actions.

Then she got back to looking at her reflection with a bit of annoyance.What an easy person she is,just a kiss and she was already faltering,going back to square one.Now she feeling all bubbly and full of butterflies,like she did more than a year ago,when her feelings for Aiden had just started to take root.

And just like that,in thoughts,Amelie found herself in front of the mirror for the final look check with her third dress,a soft tulle dress with thin straps,comfortable for her to dance and move around easily.Under the light the once invisible glitters would shine as if she was a fairy sprinkled in fairy dust.Her hair was blowout and fluffy and had no accessory.

After looking at herself in the wedding dress, she made a decision.She would see how his attitude was tonight for the whole evening and when they'd be alone, she would question him about everything.She would get his real feelings out of him herself.Being honest was important for a couple whether they were real or not.

Just like that in her thoughts,Amelie didn't notice the tall figure behind her, and she jolted when a big,hot hand grabbed her small,cold one.

"Did you have enough admiring yourself in the mirror?" A deep,hoarse voice whispered intimately on her ear.

Amelie's body shivered at the breath on her ear.Her legs involuntarily became weak and she was desperately trying to properly stand on the ground.

The voice whispered again on her ear.

"Ame...You look beautiful!"Amelie looked at the man,with her big watery eyes.The man hesitated a bit but didn't avoid her gaze.The soft,hesitant voice completely caught him off guard,as those watery eyes asked him for truth and assurance.

"Do-Do you really mean it?"

Aiden looked at her stunned and in silence,but the girl still looked at him,determined to get an answer.He then gave her a powerless smile and put his forehead on her forehead,like he had done at the church,giving an answer Amelie had never thought she would get.

"I mean it more than anything.I've been wanting to tell the whole day these past few months since the day we met."

Amelie blinked, and her cheeks went red. Then, just like that, she chuckled and rubbed her forehead with his,expressing her emotions with just that small touch.

"You really are something."Then, after a bit of silence, she called out to him."Aiden."


"You look very handsome too!"

Aiden looked at her radiant smile as she said those words. He couldn't help but plant a kiss on that smile. This time, Amelie was the one caught off guard,but she didn't avoid the kiss like she used to before.She completely let her guard down and welcomed him.

This knew feeling wasn't so bad after all, and she was getting so used to it quickly.The feeling of being the only ones in the world,maybe love would be too strong of a word so she couldn't pinpoint what this feeling was.But if this felt so good then how would actual mutual love feel like?

After they broke from the kiss,Amelie looked at Aiden with the purest look he had ever seen in his life.There was no veil and no hint of that distance he had felt before,only truth and honesty.

"Aiden,we're going to be honest with eachother from now on,okay?"this time Amelie decided to ignore all of the sadness and anger she had once felt towards him,putting aside her pride to lay her heart bare to him.Maybe if she was honest,then he would be honest too,right?

"Let's tell eachother everything we feel and everything we want,let's not hurt eachother anymore!"

Aiden silently looked with a bit of hesitance,but maybe he was really touched by her honesty,so he promised her.

"Tonight,let's tell eachother everything."Aiden said as he brushed off a lock of hair."From now on, I'll be honest with you."From now on there's no more hiding.

Seeing his honesty and hearing his promise, a beautiful smile bloomed on Amelie's face.It was innocent and genuine,maybe the most genuine he had ever seen,since the day he had met her.

Aide couldn't help,but return her smile,he then grabbed her hand,their fingers intertwining, leading her towards the door.

"Then shall we go now?"

"We shall!"

Hand in hand,the new couple walked out of the room after laying their hearts bare to eachother.From now on this party wasn't a celebration for a ceremony of empty vows,but a celebration of their genuine and honest feelings.