

Boston was but a blurry outline in the morning, wrapped in the storm. Brandon had planned to go shopping with me, but it was plain to see we wouldn't make it past the hotel gates in that weather. So he ruled we would stay in the suite and rest until lunch, and then we would go to the spa together. Not like I was about to refuse.

I stole one of his tees, all of them white or light gray, go figure, to take the breakfast leftovers to the kitchenette. Back to the bedroom, I found him sitting in the middle of the bed, wearing his trunks without my permission, flicking through a notebook. He saw me coming and motioned for me to go back to bed, throwing the notebook into his bag from a few feet away.

We spent the rest of the morning just cuddling in bed and talking, mostly about all the things he kept finding out ever since the cleansing.