
A Little House on the Hill

It was quite an adventure for me, with many firsts. First time leaving the Manor for so long, first time going to the West Coast, first time travelling with Brandon, first time flying on a private jet. Thank God for Trisha, because going all by myself would've been plain overwhelming.

Monday was a long day. We left the Manor at noon and spent the whole afternoon at Mrs. William's to shoot her interview. We took off after having dinner in town and technically added three hours to our day as we flew west, not to mention the flight took forever in its own right. But we eventually landed on Los Angeles on a sunny morning.

Isaac's wife had invited Trisha to stay with them until she got her own place. We all agreed she'd most likely done it to know who her husband would spend weeks on end around the clock with, and decide if she was okay with it, jealous, upset or plain ready to file for divorce.