That's why she did it

The Unjust friend

Thereon everyone was standing in a circle Looking at each other in silence!

“Where is the so-called sleep with?” Jhonia asked, breaking the silence. Ramace was entering when his phone rang, and he stopped! Shaquan pointed at the path towards the kitchen. Jhonia left Tianjie with Madiea and walked over to where Grian is with Shaquan, while!

"I'm sorry, I have to head into the office. I will send your driver for you." Ramace said, looking over at Shaquan and Jhonia walking away.

"I will meet with her next time." Ramace added with a kiss on Madiea's lips before leaving. Shaquan, and Jhonia, were surprised that there was no one there!

“Where is he?” Jhonia asked, looking at Shaquan with her eyebrows raised.

"He was supposed to be here, but I don't care where he goes. My only concern now is my wife, excuse me."

Shaquan said walking away from Jhonia, and over to Tianjie who stood with Madiea. However, Tianjie was not okay with Shaquan getting closer to her.