In two weeks

Raziel walked passed the princess like he didn't notice she was standing there, and Luciana walked closely behind him, wondering what was going on between them. She didn't notice how the princess glared at her back.

After they were out of sight, princess Evelyn grabbed the nearest maid there. She was human.

"Who is the wretch following my prince?" She asked the maid who had her head down.

"I... I don't know your highness."

She then slapped the maid. "Useless! Follow her, and give me reports on her if you don't want to end up as meat to wild animals."

"Yes your highness." The maid answer in a fearful voice, before she scurried out of there to gather information on Luciana.

Just then, general Lorenzo entered, but when he spotted the princess, he quickly turned back, not wanting to deal with her. But luck was not on his side, as she already saw him;

"Hey you! Where do you think you are going, come here!" She ordered.

Having no choice, the general walked to her.

"Your highness." He bowed in greeting. When he noticed her scowl, he began to explain. "I was going to check on the prince, but since you are already here, I don't think there would be any need for that. I should take my leave my princess." He said and turned to leave.

"I didn't ask you to leave."

Lorenzo screamed internally.

"I apologize your highness. May I know what you want me to do for you?"

"You go everywhere with my prince right?" She asked with anticipation in her eyes.

"Everywhere he wants me to go with him." Lorenzo answered.

"So you are actually close to him. More than others." Evelyn inquired.

"Yes your highness."

"So you would know a lot about his preference. Come with me." She ordered.

Lorenzo's face paled. He didn't want to go anywhere with that princess.

"Yes your highness."

He wondered where she would take him to, but he just followed her without complaint, at least not vocally.

She took him to her quarters, and he stopped when he saw her going towards her bedroom.

"Did I ask you to stop?" Evelyn questioned the general.

"No your highness. Just... it... your bedroom..." He cleared his throat, as he struggled to make a coherent sentence.

"It is not proper for me to walk into your bedroom."

"Don't make me say this again. Come with me." She ordered in a stern voice.

Lorenzo felt like crying. He wondered what she needed him for. If someone should see him entering her room, he would suffer a consequence for what wasn't his fault, and he was quite sure she won't defend him. He prayed to his stars that nobody would see them. He then walked into the room, almost in a rush.

She got herself busy searching through the closet, while Lorenzo looked around aimlessly.

"I want to impress Raziel and I need you to help me. I have been here for a few days, but he doesn't seem to notice me at all."

Lorenzo wanted to scream. That was her problem. It had nothing to do with him!

"Uhm... your highness... It's not your fault. It's quite difficult to impress the prince." He stated, hoping she would let him go.

Evelyn paused her rummage and turned to him. "Right? I can't be the problem. I am effortless flawless, both in looks and character."

"Of course my princess. You are perfect." He quickly agreed with her, looking at the door.

She then brought two dresses out, one pink and another sky blue.

"What is Raziel's favourite colour?"

"Black your highness."

She frowned. "What a stupid and dull colour. I would help him change his taste, and add a little colour to his life. He should be thankful he has me." She said proudly.

"That's true my princess."

She then decided to go with the pink.

"Do you think this dress is to his taste?"

Lorenzo wondered how he was going to answer that. What was he even doing there? He was a general, he had soldiers to train, not to be picking dress. Didn't she have maids for this?

"Of course. You'd look fabulous in it." He answered.

"Good. I thought you were going to be useless, turns out you are not too useless. Now one more thing."

Lorenzo gritted his teeth. Now what?

"This is the most important thing. How can I be useful to my prince?"

Lorenzo facepalmed himself internally.

"I think you are already very useful. Your presence is all he needs. Just make yourself available."

He knew that the prince would skin him alive for his advise if he hears of it, as he didn't want the princess anywhere near him. But he couldn't come up with something better at that moment.

"So if I make myself more available to him, he will give me his time?"

"Of course princess."

"This better work. If not, it will be your funeral. You may leave now, I will call you when I need you."

Lorenzo happily bowed. "Thank you my princess." He then rushed out before she could ask him something ridiculous again.


Prince Raziel lay on his bed trying to catch some sleep that night, when he heard his door open. He looked and saw someone peeping at the door.

Even though it was dark, his vampiric vision allowed him to see who it was at the door. The princess he was supposed to marry.

"Leave!" He ordered, not wanting to deal with her.

"It's me." She let him know in a soft voice.

"I know. I still want you to leave." He said without standing up.

Not listening to him, Evelyn walked in.

"Are you tired?" She asked in a caring tone.

"Tired of your presence? Yes." He replied, and she pouted.

"I dressed up for you. Do you want to see?" She asked coquettishly, but Raziel ignored her.

He then felt her fingers caressed his legs.

Raziel finally stood up. Without saying a word, he pushed her out of the room and locked the door, before going back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Raziel was woken by the sound of a knock on his door. He wondered who it was.

"Your highness. I am sorry for waking you up, but the king wants to see you now." He heard the voice from outside his door.

"Tell him I would join him soon." He said, and the person left.

He took his time getting ready, before he went to see his father. As he expected, he met him on the throne.

"To what do I owe this summon father?" Raziel asked. He noticed that his father was furious, but that was the least of his concerns.

"How have you been treating the princess you are supposed to marry?" The king questioned his son.

Oh, so that was the reason.

"Like a vampire."

"Raziel! Behave yourself. The princess reported to me how you beat her up."

Raziel seemed surprised.

"Oh really?" He asked in sarcasm.

"But she was kind enough to forgive you. She even requested that I have your wedding date fixed. You will be marrying her in two weeks."

Raziel nodded. "What else?"

"Raziel you better not mess this up. We need her kingdom as an ally."

"I thought it was because you wanted me to be king." He said in mock surprise.

"That too son. But we have a more pressing issue at hand. I heard that the king of Kazeeria is planning a war against us." The informed his son.

"Give your orders father, and I will bring you his head." Raziel said, knowing that his father would most likely ask that of him.

"No son. This is different. I heard that he and some other kings are planning to join forces against us. I believe we would be greatly outnumbered in this coming war..."

"So you need me to marry Evelyn to get them to fight with you." He completed his words.

"The princess is a sweet girl with a strong personality. She's very beautiful too."

"You should marry her then." Raziel suggested.


"I have duties this morning father. I should take my leave." He then bowed at the king, before taking his leave, ignoring his calls.