| The Path from the Stars

Prologue (Arc 1) | Skylight

"Ugh, new day, same me..." Tsubasa muttered irritably as she woke up, a scowl on her face.

Tsubasa, a regular 17-year-old student, lived a life without much excitement. Dwelling alone in Tokyo, she often felt a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction. Despite completing her assignments and projects diligently, she found herself underwhelmed by the monotonous tasks.

Her classmates couldn't fathom how she effortlessly excelled in her studies without appearing to put in much effort. Even Tsubasa herself couldn't understand why she seemed so naturally skilled, as those around her claimed.

"Oh right, there was that lecture today."

It was noon, and a lecture on the philosophy of astronomy was scheduled to start just as Tsubasa woke up. "Ugh, another hangover!" she grumbled to herself.

While subjects like science, art, and finance didn't pique her interest, there was one exception: astronomy and cosmology. Tsubasa was genuinely passionate about these fields and wouldn't miss any opportunity to engage with them.

She glanced at her disheveled wardrobe and spotted something resembling a detective outfit. Checking her alarm clock, which hadn't gone off, she realized she still had 30 minutes to make it to the lecture. "I know what I need to do."

Despite this realization, she went back to sleep.

How many hours can one sleep? An hour? Three hours? In Tsubasa's case, it wasn't just a nap—it was more like hibernation.

12 hours later...

"What a refreshing nap!" Tsubasa exclaimed with a satisfied smile.

To her surprise, it was now midnight, precisely when the constellation Cassiopeia was prominently visible. "Perfect timing," she said confidently, knowing that her actions were well-calculated. Grabbing her telescope, she gazed at the cosmic marvel in the night sky.

"What a magnificent sight... I wonder if aligning with these celestial stars could lead to something extraordinary."

In the dead of the night, Tsubasa embarked on a spontaneous adventure. The distant hum of car engines as she pursued the fainter stars hardly registered as she chased after her cosmic fascination. Without concerning herself about the potential consequences, she pressed on.

Tsubasa was inclined to do eccentric things for no apparent reason. In a field surrounded by grass and abandoned structures, she finally reached out to the night sky, hoping for a stroke of serendipity. She voiced her plea: "Grant my wish, Kami-Sama!" Childish perhaps, but her eyes sparkled with sincerity.

As she withdrew her hand from the sky, the dome above her began to radiate an intense light. "Incredible!" she exclaimed with relief. Then, playfully, she added, "Okay, maybe a bit too much kami-sama! Why's everything so bright? Did Truck-Kun not show up?"

Closing her eyes, she pressed forward through the brilliance of the Aurora. The bewildering transformation left her sprawled on the grass, struggling to comprehend the bizarre turn of events.

And then, a voice emerged...

"Listen closely, young one. I didn't intend for this, but something has gone awry in your world... I can't remain here this time, as it's our duty. Eventually, you'll realize that picking up the pieces is the last thing you desire. Time is short, and I can't explain much, but each attempt to break this cycle only leads us back to the beginning. So this time, follow your heart, mind, and soul. The answers will come in due course. I was closer than my predecessor. If we don't halt this, SHE will decipher our actions. You're not who you believe you are. You are..."

The voice, distorted and raspy, faded away.

Tsubasa could only vaguely retain the essence of those words. Upon opening her eyes, she found herself in a new world.

"What the fu..."

Phase 1: The 13th Star Etched In History

Phase 1: The 13th Star Etched In History

Tsubasa's mind whirled as she grappled with her surroundings. She had tumbled into a realm beyond her understanding, and her body remained intact despite the otherworldly experience. The memory of the radiant light lingered in her thoughts.

"What is this? Why am I here?" Tsubasa pondered, her logical mind seeking explanations. She had no qualms about being transported to an alternate universe; her concern was the puzzling nature of the situation.

"Is time functioning differently here? Or is this a figment of my subconscious?" Tsubasa questioned, pulling out her pocket watch for reference. The watch's hands moved in reverse, a surreal phenomenon that baffled her. "This is getting out of hand."

With a huff, she stowed away the watch, her attention shifting to the looming city in the distance. "What's with that massive tower?" Tsubasa squinted at the towering structure, half-concealed by clouds at its peak. The city held an air of familiarity that puzzled her.

"Have I been here before?" Tsubasa contemplated, biting her tongue to ensure her senses were intact. The sharp pain confirmed her reality.

"First, let's figure out what that ominous tower is," she resolved, her determination unshaken. The journey to the city began.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Is this a hallucination? A creation of my subconscious?" Tsubasa questioned, wrestling with her doubts. The enigma of her purpose in this realm gnawed at her.

"Incomplete information is worse than none," Tsubasa acknowledged a principle that set her apart from her peers.

"Does time even work here?" she wondered aloud, producing a pocket watch from her pocket. The watch's hands defied convention, spiraling in reverse. "This is beyond unusual."

Tired from hours of walking, Tsubasa settled on the gentle terrain, relishing the unfamiliar breeze that carried a soothing touch. She embraced the serene atmosphere and succumbed to slumber.

"Mistress? Mistress? The season is upon us," a soft voice whispered. Tsubasa stirred, uncertain about responding. "Mistress? I've brought food." The mention of food roused her from sleep. Courteously, she opened her eyes to acknowledge the stranger.

"Food, you say?" Tsubasa's eyes lit up as she eagerly accepted the offered sustenance, munching on the potatoes. The bald-headed old man regarded her with concern, relieved that she was awake. Tsubasa, in turn, met his gaze with a reassuring smile.

"I'm a grain merchant, not some ill-intentioned figure," the man introduced himself, recounting his travels and trade. Tsubasa's curiosity extended beyond her hunger. "What is this city?" she inquired, pointing to the city dominated by the imposing tower.

The old man's pride was evident as he spoke of "Ryuken," the city of dragon hearts, and the ancient battle with the malevolent "Grandmaster." Tsubasa's memory stirred, the narrative striking a chord.

"Dragons? Are they real?" Tsubasa's eyes widened, disbelief evident in her tone.

"Dragons are long gone, young lady," the man chuckled, dispelling the myth. "The city commemorates the fierce encounter between Ryuken and the Grandmaster."

As the man departed, Tsubasa called out, "Wait! Can you take me to the city?" Her plea went unheard as he rode away.

"Dragon Ryuken... Where have I heard that before?" Tsubasa mused, pondering the significance of the encounter. Her thoughts swirled with unanswered questions.

"Giddy up!"