| A Stroll In ThreadMill

Arc 1 | A Detectives End

Phase 1 | The 13th Star Etched In History

"Mmm..." When was the last time I slept this soundly? "Mmm...so soft, this warm feeling...so nice". I heard faint footsteps.

It grows louder and more distinct with each moan of relaxation I exhale. Curiosity piqued, and I slowly opened my eyes to investigate the source of the approaching sound.

As my vision adjusts, I realize that someone is standing at the doorway, their concerned gaze meeting mine. "Tsk.

Can't this person leave me alone? Can't they see that I am fully indulged in my beauty sleep?" I let out an annoyed sigh, hoping that my obvious irritation would deter them from disturbing me any further.

However, their expression remained unchanged, and they took a step closer, their concern turning into a gentle smile. Reluctantly, I sat up, preparing myself for the inevitable interruption to my peaceful slumber.

Tsubasa thought to herself as she found herself in what looked to be a nursing institution. "Looks like someone's awake; hmm, it appears so, Caid" (Caid=Officer).

"How might I assist you?" Tsubasa sits upright in a white uniform of cotton pajamas, then rubs her eyes to remove eye gunk. Tsubasa's hair was rather short; normally it was seen tied up in a ponytail-ring donut-like style. With her marigold silky hair tinted crimson red at the tip of her bangs and front hair, very much like her eyes. Her eyes were a striking shade of crimson, which seemed to glow in the sunlight that filtered through the window. As she looked around the room, Tsubasa noticed the faint smell of antiseptic and the sound of soft footsteps echoing in the hallway outside.

Her appearance could be compared to a female office worker waking up from a hangover (in other words, she looked like a mess). Well, for starters, you should get your daily check-up and some breakfast in your belly!"

Carol the Caid pointed to Tsubasa's shallow belly. "Another check-up," she says in annoyance. Tsubasa sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and exhaustion.

She had been in the hospital for what felt like an eternity, and the constant check-ups were starting to wear her down. However, she knew that Carol was just looking out for her well-being, so she reluctantly nodded and mustered a weak smile.

"Alright, Carol," she replied, "I'll go get my check-up and grab some breakfast afterward." "You're now gone,", Carol says, pointing to the tray of food left by the nurses on the lamp table between her and Luna, who is still sound asleep. "It is futile to disobey Carol.

She did take care of us under her watch while Luna and I were in rehab, and she's also been one of the first few people I've grown to tolerate since I arrived in this world (not that I've met many people yet anyway).

Tsubasa carried her food tray on her lap and began munching slowly as she set her gaze on Carol, who had been standing in front of her bed with her arms on her hips in approval.

Tsubasa couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Carol for her unwavering support during their time in rehab. Despite her initial reservations, Tsubasa had come to appreciate Carol's presence and the stability she brought to their lives.

As she observed Carol's approving stance, Tsubasa couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this new world had in store for her. "She really does want to take care of me well. It's rather embarrassing for her to always check up on me like a mother."

"Mother...". Tsubasa felt choked upon thinking of her own mother. The memories of her mother's absence during her difficult times in the past resurfaced, causing a pang of sadness in Tsubasa's heart. She couldn't help but yearn for the comfort and support that only a mother could provide.

She shook her head rapidly from side to side to keep her head away from the thought. Now that she thinks back to the moment, her breakfast consisted of roast beef, caramelized onions, homemade garlic mayo, gruyere cheese, and seasonal greens on soft artisan ciabatta bread, topped with poached eggs.

"I'm in heaven," Tsubasa munched to herself in pleasure and gratitude. As she savored each bite, Tsubasa's taste buds danced with delight.

The combination of flavors and textures brought a temporary respite from the ache in her heart. "I used to eat pretty much only instant noodles from convenience stores because they were, well, convenient.

But this sandwich, this masterpiece of flavors, reminded her of the joy and satisfaction that can come from taking the time to prepare and savor a truly delicious meal. It was a reminder that sometimes indulging in something truly special is worth the extra effort.

"I never actually knew what it was like to enjoy good food since my mother passed away". Again, her thoughts of her mother intruded on her and made Tsubasa give a sad face.

Mmm, hm, something smells nice," Luna said softly. She woke up slowly and stared at Tsubasa with a big smile. "You're safe"

[Tsubasa]: "Thanks to you", Tsubasa stares back with a reassuring gaze. Luna's smile widened as she reached out and gently squeezed Tsubasa's hand. "I'm just glad I could be there for you," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine warmth. Tsubasa felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, knowing that Luna's presence had brought comfort and solace during such a difficult time.

[Tsubasa]: "And you're finally up now, huh?"

[Luna]: "What do you mean 'finally'?"

[Tsubasa]: "I mean, you've been asleep for so long. It's good to see you awake and well."

[Luna]: "Oh, I didn't realize it had been that long. I guess time flies when you're recovering."

[Tsubasa]: "You've been passed out for days, I'd say."

[Luna]: "W-what!"

[Carol]: "You shouldn't overexert yourself with mana, Ms. Cresselia", Carol joins the conversation.

[Luna]: "I didn't realize it had been that long. I guess I lost track of time."

[Tsubasa]: "You were really pushing yourself to protect me, Luna. You need to take better care of yourself."

[Carol]: "Tsubasa is right, Luna. Your well-being is important too."

[Luna]: Sorry, ma'am."

[Carol]: "But of all people, the one I'd expect to pass out the longest would be you, Tsubasa."

[Tsubasa]: "Hmm, why is that Carol?" Tsubasa averted her caring gaze from Luna.

Tsubasa was genuinely worried about her since she risked her life to save her and even got hurt in the process. She feels she owes Luna and has developed a liking for her cheerful personality.

[Carol]: "I heard from Sword Saint Theresia that you just used your Divine Aptitude for the first time, so it'd be very draining for you."

[Tsubasa]: "Ah, I see. I guess using my Divine Aptitude really took a toll on me." Tsubasa's expression turned thoughtful as she considered Carol's words. She knew she had pushed herself to the limit, but hearing it from someone else made her realize just how much energy she had expended.

[Tsubasa]: "It was a very weird power to use, I do admit." She stares at her own hand in confusion—the one that charged a spiral of flame at her enemy. She continues to fiddle with her own hand.

[Luna]: "Strangely, you're only using your aptitude now," Luna points out.

"This kind of ability should have been known to you at birth, or at least you should've been aware you had that ability, yet you said you didn't bear one."

[Tsubasa]: "I know it's a lot to grasp, but I seriously didn't know I had an ability prior. That really was the first time I used it, and I don't really know how it works."

[Luna]: "It's fascinating how your ability suddenly manifested itself in such a powerful way," Luna muses. "Perhaps there's a deeper reason behind why it remained dormant until now."

[Tsubasa]: "I can't deny that it's perplexing," Tsubasa admits. "I guess I'll have to explore and understand my newfound ability further to uncover its true nature."

[Luna]: "I did catch a glimpse of it; it seems to be fire-related."

"Could you be a potential candidate for a fire Archmage?"

I really don't know what Luna was going on about; I do have some degree of fantasy knowledge, and most certainly an archmage is a user of fire magic at an advanced level, hence the name 'arch'.

But do I really possess such power? When I first activated my Divine aptitude, it felt like my brain was on fire in response to my frustration with Ryuosuke.

When I first recovered a few days before Luna just recovered, I tried to use the same power again, but nothing came out like last time. What was different? I pondered the possible reasons for the disparity in my ability to wield fire magic.

Perhaps it was due to my emotional state during the initial activation, or maybe there were external factors at play that influenced its effectiveness. Regardless, I was determined to uncover the truth behind this sudden change and regain control over my formidable powers.

I just nodded at Luna's remark. "Back on topic, you only became conscious just now, and the nurses used Life magic to sustain you. "I see; I'll be sure to thank them when I see them".

"You can thank me now if you'd like." A nurse came into the room and overheard Luna. "Let's get you checked up now, shall we?"

The nurse used magic to scan Luna for injuries. "It looks like you're good to go!" "R-really? Thank you for everything!" Luna bounced off the bed and hugged the nurse tightly. The nurse hugged back and then left the room with satisfaction; probably Luna was the first patient to do that.

The nurse smiled and patted Luna on the back. "You're welcome, dear. It's always nice to see a patient leave happy and healthy." Luna grinned and waved goodbye as she walked out of the room, feeling grateful for the care she had received.

"Wait, what about her daily checkup?" Tsubasa tries to stop the nurse: Oh, there's no need for that since she's good and healthy". Tsubasa then impulsively shouts childishly, "THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF MY DAILY 'CHECKUPS"? "Oops, looks like I have another patient to attend to; you both may check out at the reception if you wish to leave!"

Tsubasa's face turned red with embarrassment as Luna chuckled softly. "Well, I guess it's better to be safe than sorry," Luna said, patting Tsubasa on the back.

"Let's go check it out and celebrate your good health!" The nurse salutes all three of them and dashes off as it looks like Tsubasa is about to explode. Well, at least we didn't suffer any fatal wounds, right Tsu?" Luna winks at Tsubasa cheekily.

"Y-yeah...TSU?!" When Tsubasa thought she had calmed down, she got flustered by Luna calling her 'Tsu'. "What's the matter, Tsu?" Luna continues to tease her about the name.

"No one has ever called me that". Tsubasa blushes and looks away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. "Well, I think it's a cute nickname," Luna says playfully.

"Maybe I'll start using it more often." Tsubasa's cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red as she tries to hide her smile.

[Carol]: "All right children, let's get out of here."

[Tsubasa]: "Wait, where is Theresia?"

[Carol]: "She said she had to attend a Gala ceremony; she also wanted me to keep an eye on you; that's all she told me."

[Tsubasa]: "All right, let's go."

The three of them headed to the reception area. They signed off as they were both fully recovered and occupied by Carol, even though the two of them don't actually need a guardian. It was just a safety precaution if the Demon Worshippers tried to attack again.

The receptionist at the hospital handed back their clothes. Luna's uniform was in terrible condition, so she refused it and let it be thrown out. Tsubasa, however, just didn't like her clothes since they would attract unwanted attention and she would most certainly be made fun of. But she did keep her detective cap with her. "The only thing that reminds me of your mother," she thought to herself. A gift given to her is something she could never let go of. "I want to be like you—a real detective." Tsubasa cherished the detective cap as a symbol of her aspiration to follow in her mother's footsteps.

She believed that wearing it would give her the courage and determination to become a true detective, just like her mother. With every glance at the cap, Tsubasa felt a sense of connection and inspiration, fueling her desire to solve mysteries and uncover the truth. They decided to get new clothing; well, Luna actually had a place to stay, so she could just change clothes. But Tsubasa was under different circumstances and had asked Carol to accompany her to buy clothes. "Clothes for detectives, you say?"

"That's right That's right," Tsubasa nodded with confidence.

"There is one place...a tailor I know of, and since Theresia has taken note of your unknown background, she does wish to speak to you personally. But in the meantime, she put in shares of Denarios at your disposal, so finance should not be a problem."

"How generous of her..."

No, seriously, that's too much. I just met this strong woman; naturally, wouldn't she be a bit more wary of me, especially because there isn't any background on me?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

'ThreadMill', was the name of the tailor shop referenced by Carol. On the outside, it looks rather small, but it does have a good display of quality craftsmanship.

"What a fine place... the Inner City is definitely an upgrade compared to the Outer City". They both entered the shop. "Welcome! Now what can I, Chachi, the shopkeeper of ThreadMill, do for you?"

Chachi was very petite by Tsubasa's standards, as she was considered average female height. Chachi looked very old, wearing retro glasses that were tinted a bronze color, and he was an old man in a black suit and brown bow tie. His facial features had many wrinkles and beads of old hair dangling from his grey beard; he was like a little butler.

Yet Tsubasa couldn't help but stare at everything in the shop; there were a variety of suits, tuxes, armor, and even detective wear. "I'm looking for a detective outfit".

Tsubasa's eyes lit up with excitement as she imagined herself solving mysteries and uncovering clues. She had always been fascinated by detective stories, and now, standing in the midst of all these outfits, she felt a surge of determination to find the perfect one.

As Chachi observed her enthusiasm, a mischievous smile crept across his wrinkled face, and he motioned for Tsubasa to follow him deeper into the shop.

Ah, of course, we have that here. Let's see." The shopkeeper analyses Tsubasa intensively, like a predator spying on its prey, knowing the exact time for the hunt.

"Um, would it be ok if I could check it out myself?" Tsubasa was uncomfortable being analyzed. One could say she got paranoid the last time someone got close to her.

"It is the outfit that chooses the wearer; I have seen enough."

Chachi toddled away and began rummaging for clothes for Tsubasa. This gave her the time to analyze the store in detail. She was honestly amazed at it; she wouldn't expect to see an established tailor that outshines the ones back on Earth.

There were a variety of ties in different sizes and styles in monochrome colors, which Tsubasa loves. The walls were adorned with elegant suits and dresses, each one meticulously crafted and displayed with pride.

Tsubasa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as she imagined herself wearing one of these exquisite outfits. The attention to detail was unparalleled, from the intricate stitching to the luxurious fabrics used.

It was clear that this store catered to individuals who appreciated true craftsmanship and style. Despite having no fashion sense herself, she left Chachi to his own devices and trusted his judgment.

There were also oxford and brogue shoes and garments that felt like new silk and fabric (maybe because they are). This was the perfect place to find clothes, but it was pricey.

The prices reflected the quality and exclusivity of the items, making it clear that this store was not for the budget-conscious shopper. However, for those willing to invest in timeless pieces that would last a lifetime, it was worth every penny.

The impeccable customer service and personalized attention further justified the higher price point, ensuring a truly exceptional shopping experience.

Everything here goes above 1000 DS. Tsubasa didn't understand the metric unit's value compared to Dollars, Pounds, or Yen. It was all too foreign, but based on Carol's reaction, it was without a doubt expensive.

Carol herself tried on many of the clothes, vests, and other garments. And when she looked at her wallet, She frowned.

I gave her at least enough to afford what she wanted. It's the least I can do since she protected me in rehabilitation. And she seems like a good person. I still had a lot on my mind that needed explaining. Why were those people after me? What happened to Daphne? What even are these powers? Am I still human? What abo-

Tsubasa's collection of questions kept her mind occupied. With so much that happened, Tsubasa wanted to take things slow and up her pace once she'd been more informed of her place in this new world, yet nonetheless, she found the excitement she had long sought.

"So what do you think of this one?" Chachi handed over a set of clothes to Tsubasa, which he deemed to be an absolute fit for her.

Tsubasa had never been to many clothing shops before; normally she would buy mediocre clothes online or her mother would choose the clothes for her instead.

But her thought process tells her that there is no reason to doubt Chachi; he is in a professional line that specializes in clothes, so logically, fashion would be right up his alley. While Tsubasa wore her clothes in the changing room, Carol was contacting someone through a medium communication device.

"We can't make such acquisitions without the approval of the higher echelon; even if the local authorities dislike her, Daphne's crimes aren't critical enough to warrant a death sentence!"

Another voice spoke from Carol's transmitter, which is shaped like a small plate. "If we let her go, she will continue to disrupt the people in the Outer City! It is unacceptable for her to go unpunished!" It was a man's voice shouting angrily over a conversation with Carol.

[Carol]: "If she were just an ordinary thief, then the circumstances of her punishment would be different...but the Demon Worshippers were out to get her; she must be too important, and it'd be best if she were on our side."

[???]: "Is that why you allow her to live in a fancy palace? Eating the best food anyone could dream of I know these are the orders of Master Theresia, but she can be a bit too kind, don't you think?"

[Carol]: "I understand how you feel, Gerald; just be patient and look after her, okay?

[Gerald]: "I understand very well."

Gerald's voice left in defeat and surrender. "Tsubasa-san! You're almost done in there?" After Carol finishes her conversation with a man named Gerald, she calls out to the young but strange girl changing. Um, Yeah, I'm finished." She comes out of the changing room, oozing confidence and a sly sneer. "Whoa, that really does fit her, Chachi."

[Chachi]: "Of course it does!"

"From just a look at someone I've never met, I can still determine the perfect clothes for the wearer." Chachi grumpily shakes his head from side to side. Satisfied, young lady?"

[Tsubasa]: "It's perfect. It's neither too tight nor too loose. The color blends so well with my cap." Tsubasa couldn't take her eyes off herself in the mirror's glass. She swayed her body around at different angles with a brazen smile.

"Chachi, I tip my hat to you." And so Tsubasa literally tipped her detective cap to him and bowed in gratitude. This is what I always wanted. An actual outfit made for adventurers! The ones I bought on Amazon were trash compared to this fine, delicate, but not too delicate, set of fabrics.

The intricate stitching and attention to detail were evident in every seam, making Tsubasa feel like a true professional. As she admired herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence, knowing that her new outfit would not only enhance her appearance but also provide the functionality she needed for her adventurous pursuits.

To think it even smells better than a brand new car—such refined detail at a microscopic level Tsubasa stared very closely at the fabric of her sleeves; there were criss-cross patterns that weren't visible to the human eye.

Tsubasa was sporting a beige Crombie coat with yellow lining, a white long-sleeved shirt, a black v-cut jacket underneath the coat, dark blue trousers, and sturdy black oxford shoes, as well as a crimson bow tie that matched Tsubasa's irises and golden elongated pen shaped accessory that was advised by Chachi to clip to the midpoint beneath her collar.

Of course, this outfit suited Tsubasa's detective cap from her home world. It was rather normal; it had a Scottish criss-cross pattern covered with a shade of dark brown and another that was light brown. There was also a semi-large golden button attached to the side of it.

For as long as Tsubasa had known the cap, it indeed had that button. Tsubasa continued to show it off to herself; the red bow tie and yellow lining really complemented Tsubasa's own natural features of her marigold hair and her flaming crimson eyes.

She admired how the cap added a touch of sophistication to her overall appearance. As she twirled in front of the mirror, Tsubasa couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence, knowing that her detective cap was not only stylish but also a symbol of her sharp intellect and keen observation skills.

[Chachi]: "Never doubt a master in work."

Tsubasa smiled, knowing that Chachi's words were true. With her detective cap on, she felt ready to take on any mystery that came her way. She couldn't wait to showcase her skills and prove herself as a true master detective.

Chachi stood proud.

[Tsubasa]: "So how much will that be, Chachi?"

[Chachi]: "It's on the house, kid."

"W-WWWHAT-" Tsubasa and Carol both spewed out their faces in disbelief.

[Carol]: "The famed ThreadMill is giving something 'on the house'?"

[Chachi]: "There are exceptions."

[Tsubasa]: "But this is at least worth 100,000 or more yen!"

[Chachi]: "I don't know what 'Yen' is, but I'm more than happy to give you the clothes for free this time, kid."

Chachi was scratching his buttocks; he was perhaps too fatigued to deal with conversation and seemed to have sat down by his wooden stool. "May I ask why?" Tsubasa stiffened her face and voice at Chachi. She already felt like she was in Theresia, Luna, and Carol's debts; she couldn't afford to be let off so easily like in most Isekai she's watched."You remind me of a customer my great-grandfather told stories of that he would pass down for generations." Chachi began feeling his string of beard threads and presumed to look deeply at Tsubasa.

"One day he met a very peculiar and strange young woman, probably around your age, as he would describe; she had crimson hair tinted with marigold, much like you."

Chachi points to Tsubasa, who also has these same features.

Though not quite, it was an inverted description between the two. Tsubasa had marigold hair that was tinted with crimson red, not the other way around.

"Go on-"

"He met her on a stormy night in this very shop, just when he was about to close shop. She came.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rain whipped down like crystal nails, and streaky lightning emblazoned the sky. The sea swells rose, and his beard rime froze as the north wind blew and sped him to his doom. Lacerating rain stung everything outside like ice, and the sea throbbed grey with woe. There was no way anyone would come into my shop in this horrid condition. I began to keep things in the store away in case the storm would spew ferocious gusts of wind that would pierce my delicate windows. 'Hurry, my heart kept telling me. My life would be in danger if I didn't barricade myself to safety. But this is my shop! My legacy for future generations!

This will one day be the finest of tailoring. Hurry...hurry...hurry. Yes, almost done: neck-ties, trousers, bow ties, shoes, garments, blouses... check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check. Now it's just the last display to put away! Sweat drips down my neck and my face as I keep propelling myself to rapidly finish my errands. Just as I was about to reach for the last set of garments, I heard loud thundering and knocking that was even louder than the torrential thunder outside.

"Who's there! We're closed, you hear?" The gnashing against my wooden door continues. Could it be a bandit? I will allow absolutely no one to interfere with my business! I grabbed my sharpened, heavy mace and prepped for battle. I unlocked the door. Here it comes:

"My humblest apologies, kind sir." It was a young girl with Crimson hair tinted with marigolds, and her most noticeable feature was her golden, glamorous eyes, who had entered the store. Such elegant and fiery beauty. She looks exasperated. "I mean you no harm, just out here and about". She was in some sort of detective outfit. She had a strapped bag and a pen on her ear.

[Chachi's great grandfather]: "I...am confused."

[???]: "Well, I heard there was a tailor around here. Hope I got the right place?"

[Chachi's great grandfather]: "Y-you are here as a customer?"

[???]: Yep," the unknown girl smiled.

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "Can you not see the devastating weather outside as of now?"

The girl turns her back to see through the window and face the whipping storm outside.

[???]: "Ah, I forgot about that." She scratches her head in confusion.

"That honestly doesn't bother me; actually, this means that it scares off everyone else, so I can go on about my business faster!" Chachi's great-grandfather raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the girl's response.

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "Well, you certainly have a unique perspective. What brings you to our humble shop on such a treacherous day?" The girl chuckles softly and leans closer, her eyes glinting with mischief.

[Chachi's great grandfather]: "You aren't wet...but how?" The girl was just outside; how could she enter without being drenched?

[???]: "This is how-" She unveils her open palm and a spark of energy blooms from it.

[Chachi's great grandfather]: Fascinating." I wanted to study this power in-depth as it was so foreign to normal folks like myself. "So this is what you call Divine Aptitude?"

[???]: "Precisely, you catch on quick, doncha?"

Just when I thought she couldn't get any weirder, she winked at me.

I was in my early 50s; surely this isn't the age to start hallucinating. Her character was quite bizarre; as she was talking this whole time, she paced herself back and forth around my shop and looked around quizzically.

[???]: Well, as I said, I'm here to get tailor service, but you mentioned you were closed?"

I had already packed up almost everything; what was she expecting out of me?

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "Yes, sorry to waste your time, but we are closed."

[???]: "Ooh, what's that lying there?"

This girl dares interrupt me, then launches herself at the only piece of clothing in sight—the garments on display.

[???]: Hmm, yes, this will do nicely! How much was it? There appears to be no price tag."

The girl is holding and analyzing the fabric in astonishment; her eyes are gleaming. Did she not hear what I said? Kids these days...

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "If I sell you that fabric, will you please leave?" Not to be rude, but the sign clearly says it's closed; if anyone is rude, it's this prepubescent delinquent! Chachi glances at her great-grandfather with a mischievous smile and replies, "Of course! How much do you want for it?"

How convenient; it appears to be in her size, and it's very similar to the clothes she's wearing; it's almost like fate. "That would be 7,500 DS (Denarios)". The girl gulps in despair. "I didn't bring any."

"Please leave," the great-grandfather repeats, his voice firm but not unkind. Chachi's mischievous smile fades slightly as she realizes her mistake. She turns to leave, disappointed that she won't be able to purchase the fabric after all.

Just as I was about to escort her out, a booming wave of wind pierced through my windows. Just as the shards from the glass would have ruined my store, she stepped in.

Spirit Art: Temporal Blast

The girl raised her arm and emitted a radial burst of energy that slowed down the impact to an extremely slow state. The shards of glass seemed to hang in mid-air, suspended by the power of her temporal blast.

Time itself appeared to slow down as she carefully maneuvered through the frozen scene, effortlessly avoiding any harm. With a calm and confident expression, she made her way toward me, proving that her powers were not just a coincidence.

I have never seen anything like this; I've seen basic spellcasting and swordsman duels, but nothing like a Divine aptitude. Truth be told, not many can wield such a rare ability. She then took a wand out of her trench coat and swung it with great technique and precision to repel the storm and glass shards away from the store.

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "Amazing! You are an Archmage!"

The girl looked back, turning only her head, and nodded.

"The wand says it all; what was that aptitude?"

[???]: Oh, that wasn't an aptitude; it was just a sorcerer's technique I learned; The truth is, I never really need to use my aptitude."

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "A sorcerer's technique? That explains your exceptional skill. But what is your aptitude then if you rarely need to use it?" The girl smiled mysteriously and replied, "My aptitude lies in something far more powerful than magic. It is a gift that goes beyond the realms of sorcery."

She placed her index finger on her lips in silence.

[Chachi's great grandfather]: "How can I repay you for saving my life and my store from greater destruction?"

The girl simply didn't ask for anything in return. For some reason, the storm seemed to be less aggressive when she was around. We spent hours conversing with each other about trivial things like her obsession with getting into trouble with her clothes. She had a mischievous spirit that seemed to attract chaos wherever she went.

Despite her penchant for trouble, there was an undeniable charm about her that made it impossible to stay mad at her for long. As we laughed and shared stories, it became clear that her rebellious nature was just a small part of the enigmatic puzzle that made up this extraordinary girl.

"I'm really in no hurry for the clothes. I just felt like it, I suppose". I even helped her patch up her current clothes and let her keep the one on display. I had developed a mutual liking for this person; she definitely wasn't any normal customer, besides the fact that she was someone powerful. There was an air of mystery surrounding her as if she held secrets and abilities beyond what met the eye.

It intrigued me to think that someone with such power and influence could be so down-to-earth and genuine. From what I could tell, she was rather fun to be around. I do enjoy fresh company every now and then. It's not like I have that many customers. She told me great stories of her adventures. Her tales transported me to far-off lands and ignited a sense of wanderlust within me. As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with excitement, and her passion for life was contagious. I couldn't help but be captivated by her presence, eagerly hanging onto every word she uttered. It was as if she possessed the ability to make the ordinary extraordinary, leaving me yearning for more of her enchanting stories. She was very passionate about everything and even gave me pointers on how to run my business; she was the reason why the shop is called 'ThreadMill. Despite her unusual and childish antics, she was wise and very kind. I never did catch her name, nor did I see her again, but she referred to herself as 'The Investigator'. Soon after, she left the store, even though the storm was still present.

[Chachi's great-grandfather]: "Are you sure about leaving now with the storm still out? It's not safe."

[The Investigator]: Hm, I'll manage just fine."

[The Investigator]: "Don't worry, I've dealt with worse storms before. Besides, I have a feeling that my work is needed elsewhere." With a confident smile, she stepped out into the pouring rain, disappearing into the misty night.

She left the store, but I realized she dropped something. It was her pen that was on her ear from before. I quickly grabbed it from the floor and rushed outside to give it back to her. But as soon as I opened the doors, It was a cool and breezy morning.

A strong gust of wind blew against my face.

"It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky. She was gone, and so was the whipping storm. I stood even further, looking left and right. I noticed that my windows were completely fixed.

What a strange girl! I stared at the pen; words were engraved on it, and it read 'Seijuku Reia'.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Tsubasa]: "And then what happened?" Tsubasa demanded inquisitively.

[Chachi]: "That's all my great-grandfather laid out in his stories of her."

[Tsubasa]: "So, we don't know what happened to Seijuku Reia after that?" Tsubasa asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

[Chachi]: "No, unfortunately not," Chachi replied with a shrug. "It's like her story just ends there, leaving us with a mystery."

[Tsubasa]: "She never came back?"

[Chachi]: "No. Others in my family think that my great-grandfather was delusional when they heard his story of her."

"They found it preposterous that someone wielded that kind of power."

[Tsubasa]: "What do you think, Chachi?" Tsubasa asked him for his own personal judgment and opinion.

[Chachi]: "It is kind of hard to believe, but you really do sound similar to the girl in his story."

[Tsubasa]: "What about her pen? Where is it?"

[Chachi]: "The pen was lost a long time ago, I'm afraid; this story happened generations ago, and it's hard to pinpoint what my great-grandfather did with the pen."

Seijuku Reia. She has the same surname as me—how is that possible? I don't recall anyone in my family's bloodline with that name, Reia. Could she be someone entirely unrelated? It is highly unlikely that we both got transported here. Could this person be my ancestor? Would she still have remnants of herself in this world? Once again, I'm left with even more questions that need answering. "How frustrating!" Tsubasa gritted her teeth. *Yawns Carol had finally awoken after that long story. "Are we done?" (she yawns again).

"But it's safe to say that ThreadMill would not be here if it weren't for that girl; It was dark times back then in his life; making a living was hard, and tailoring wasn't appreciated. That girl gave wisdom and hope to my great-grandfather. ThreadMill wasn't always this pristine.

"I see." Tsubasa nodded, her frustration easing slightly. She couldn't help but wonder how one person could have such a profound impact on the lives of others. It made her realize that even though someone may no longer be physically present, their influence and legacy can continue to shape the world long after they're gone.

Tsubasa smiled empathetically after hearing what Reia had done; it wasn't out of selfish desires or anything like that. Reia simply held out a helping hand.