| A Dream to Forget By

Arc 1 | A Detectives End

Phase 1 | The 13th Star Etched In History

I had a dream last night, a very vivid and daunting one at that. It felt more like a vision. Right before Luna, Daphne and the two sisters stopped and calmed down Ko from her paranoia. I was at the time unconscious after the impending battle after the defeat of the cindertaur I faced. My face became dreary, my body collapsed in numbness, and the exhaustion finally caught up to me. I was at my limit and could no longer hold my composure to last awake, I had to trust that the others will triumph in their battles. Drifting off exponentially, I never knew there was a fine line between dreams and reality...

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was in some sort of labyrinth. It was very cliche, with a dark and crooked atmosphere; it honestly felt too real to dismiss it as merely a dream. As I wandered through the labyrinth, I could hear faint whispers echoing off the walls, adding to the eerie ambiance.

The sensation of cold dampness seeped into my bones, making me question if this was truly just a figment of my imagination. The place was full of intricate passageways; it was all too abstract and four-dimensional to perceive from a linear perspective.

As I navigated through the labyrinth, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking in the shadows, watching my every move. The walls seemed to shift and change, making it even more challenging to find my way out.

In other words, it would be extremely difficult to render the direction in which the interior and entrance lie if you were a 4-dimensional being.

The labyrinth's complexity seemed to defy logic, with its twisting corridors and hidden doors. It was as if the very architecture of the place was designed to disorient and confuse anyone who dared to enter. I couldn't help but wonder if this eerie atmosphere was intentionally created or if it was simply a consequence of its otherworldly nature.

There were many colored hues embedded in the labyrinth's structure, too many to pinpoint any prominent colors. As I ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the shifting shadows and ethereal whispers added to the surreal ambiance.

Each step I took seemed to lead me further away from familiar reality, plunging me into a realm where time and space merged seamlessly. It was a captivating yet unsettling experience, leaving me with an indescribable sense of awe and trepidation.

There were glass shards scattered in this place; looking through some of them, my appearance was still the same, but all my injuries were gone. I felt no pain. My exhaustion had completely disappeared. I could feel my body and my hands. There was no blood on my clothes, either. I was all in all unscathed and back to normal as if the fight with the cindertaur never happened.

I normally don't get vivid dreams, so I wasn't sure what to make of this at all. If there was more to this dream, then I'm inclined to see what I can find here.

I heard distinct voices from another nearby chamber. Curiosity piqued, I cautiously followed the sound, my senses heightened with anticipation.

As I approached the chamber, the voices grew louder and more distinct, revealing a conversation that seemed strangely familiar yet foreign at the same time. I followed the voices in silence.

[Delphinus]: "The 'Blue Moon' is sooner than we anticipated, Auriga."

[Auriga]: "It is all according to the will of the prophecy; we mustn't afford to fail again, Delphinus."

[Delphinus]: "Indeed, the stakes are higher than ever before. We cannot let history repeat itself."

[Auriga]: "Agreed, Delphinus. The fate of our people depends on our success in harnessing the power of the 'Blue Moon'."

I was lurking at a distance. I dived to the closest amethyst wall and scuttled, my back hitting the wall. I strained my ears to catch every word of their conversation, my heart pounding with anticipation. The mere ambiance was clear enough to hear tenfold any distinct noises I would make. Any sudden movements would hinder my visibility.

Even if this was a dream, I wouldn't take any chances. Two people were conversing with each other: a man and a woman. I couldn't see their appearances, only their translucent shadows as they encompassed the labyrinth.

As I listened intently, the man's deep voice resonated with authority, while the woman's voice carried a hint of urgency. Their words hinted at a clandestine meeting filled with secrets and hidden agendas. It was evident that they were entangled in something far more complex than I had initially imagined.

Only their voices draw me closer. Another set of footsteps joined in. Now there were three of them.

[Carina]: "What has become of Sirius? She was the brightest of us all, yet she was also the most disappointing."

The first two individuals had a rather composed and stereotypical pitch in their speeches. What the hell is this new voice I'm hearing? A singing voice that caresses the notes and phrases.

Sometimes there is a catch in the voice that trades a certain degree of diction for passion. The quality of this voice has a long-lasting impact on the listener. It is often quiet and timid, and it occasionally sacrifices diction and breathing techniques for emotional expression.

This was too haunting to be the voice of any human. It felt as if the voice belonged to an otherworldly being, captivating and enchanting all who had the privilege of hearing it. Its ethereal quality resonated deep within, leaving a lasting impression that lingered in the mind long after the performance had ended.

[Auriga]: "You're eminence. Sirius has been eliminated just as you requested."

[Carina]: "And who executed her? Only other A-tier and higher Stars can kill her."

[Auriga]: "Matriarch Meissa, 'the shining one'"

[Carina]: "Good. I heard that Sirius tried to traverse into another dimension in an attempt to escape her sinful crimes. Hasn't that dog caused enough trouble for us already? I've always pitied her; that luminosity of hers outshone the others, and so did her ideas "

[Auriga]: "Indeed, Sirius was a constant source of chaos. Her attempts to escape into another dimension were futile in the end. It's a relief to finally be rid of her disruptive presence."

[Carina]: "Yes, her ideas were dangerous and threatened the stability of our society. With her gone, we can focus on maintaining order and progress without her interference."

What is this conversation even about? Tsubasa couldn't follow it. The context of what the three shrouded individuals were talking about was Sirius.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky, almost twice as brilliant as the next brightest star, Canopus, which has a magnitude of -1.46. Sirius is also known as the dog star' since it is part of the constellation Canis Major, which translates as "the greater dog."

Tsubasa wondered why the conversation suddenly shifted to astronomy. As the three individuals continued discussing Sirius, Tsubasa realized that they were probably referring to a person or a code name rather than the actual star. Curiosity piqued, Tsubasa decided to eavesdrop further to uncover the true meaning behind their cryptic conversation.

[Carina]: "It is taboo for anyone to breach the 'multidimensional index. Sirius understood that and paid for it with a miserable death. The brighter the star, the darker it gets without its light. She was an A-tier star. But she had the important role of the 'Queen of Heaven'. Without her, who will be the one to rule over her domain?"

Intrigued by Carina's mention of Sirius and the consequences of breaching the 'multidimensional index', Tsubasa couldn't help but wonder about the significance of being the 'Queen of Heaven'. The mention of a possible power vacuum in her domain raised questions about who would fill that role and what it meant for the balance in the celestial realm.

[Delphinus]: "Matriarch Carina, we do not have any suitable candidates that meet that criterion."

[Carina]: "We will discuss that before the Blue Moon, Matriarch Meissa will be present, for she claims she has made an unprecedented discovery."

[Delphinus]: "What do we do about Artemis? The one who failed to capture Daphne"Tsubasa was stunned at what she heard. She was paralyzed on the spot, the menacing aura holding her in a tightening grip upon hearing the names 'Daphne' and 'Artemis'. Artemis, which she briefly heard about from Daphne when they met her in the Astrea Mansion. Now that Daphne was caught up in their topic of conversation, Tsubasa's initial thought of this place creeped her out even more; she couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister was going on. Tsubasa's mind raced, trying to piece together the connection between Artemis and Daphne. She knew she had to find out more. She couldn't leave, even if she wanted to. Who was this 'Matriarch Carina, and what exactly was her goal?

[Carina]: "Dispose of that low-life pawn; she failed her mission; I would like to permanently dismiss her. There is no place for incompetence."

For the first time since her arrival in this new world, she was genuinely petrified. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me.

My brain held me in a loop of torment. "What kind of sick joke is this?" she thought silently. What do these people even plan to do to Daphne?

Gripping her fists tightly, Tsubasa felt conflicted about this turn of events. Daphne was no longer safe. She had always been cautious and calculated in her actions, but now she felt helpless and unsure of how to protect her friend.

Tsubasa's mind raced with thoughts of potential dangers and the consequences of not intervening. She knew that she had to find a way to ensure Daphne's safety, even if it meant defying those in power.

[Delphinus & Auriga]: "Yes, your eminence."

The shadows reflected their actions, and they bowed to their superior—no, their 'Matriarch'.

[Carina]: "You both may be low B-tier stars, but do not fail me now. Dismissed"

And just like that, the command from her caused the labyrinth to shift itself like an algorithm on a Rubik's cube. Utterly altering the space of the labyrinth with the color hues blending over each other. Everything was warping so suddenly that I could barely keep my footing.

Despite not knowing what they looked like, Tsubasa had come to a conclusion. These people aren't humans. They're in their own world entirely. "I need to get out of here before..."

[Carina]: "Before? Is someone there? You are uninvited, but please do show yourself if you seek salvation."

Delphinus and Auriga departed indefinitely, and only Carina was still present. Crap, she heard me! The footsteps grew ever closer, and her shadow went from transparent to opaque in a matter of seconds.

Tsubasa's heart raced as Carina approached, her eyes filled with an otherworldly intensity. Tsubasa's mind raced, realizing that escape might not be as simple as she had hoped. Tsubasa was dreading getting out of this situation. Should she reveal herself? Or make a run for it?

Both options are risky, and neither outcome seemed plausible where it was in Tsubasa's favor. Her heart was throbbing. Sweat dripped down her rosy cheeks, seeking a miracle. But Tsubasa continued to remain as silent as a forgotten melody. Running away would be her last resort, but engaging in fighting against her was an entirely different question. There were many variables that Tsubasa had to consider.

Could she even use her powers in a dream world? Would it even be effective against the Matriarch? Most importantly, how would she escape from this place? Someone would have to wake her up from the unconscious world.

Cold Cold Cold Cold Cold Cold

Tsubasa shivered as the icy chill of the dream world seeped into her bones. The freezing temperatures seemed to intensify with each passing moment, making her question whether she had the strength to endure.

She knew that finding a way out was crucial, but the frigid environment added another layer of complexity to her already daunting task. Why had everything become so cold? Just seconds ago, Tsubasa's temperature was hot enough to make her sweat from the tension. Now everything was so bleak, and the chill I felt engulfing me never ceased. It was like I was fighting Luna.

Tsubasa desperately searched for any signs of warmth or shelter, but the icy grip of the environment seemed relentless. The freezing temperatures seemed to drain her energy, making every movement feel sluggish and difficult.

She couldn't help but wonder if she would ever escape this bone-chilling nightmare. When reminiscing about Luna, who could control ice.

A faint idea did spark in her mind. It was really simple. The only weakness of coldness was my fire. If things went sideways, I may have had a chance of beating her, but this attack relies on any chance to get the jump on her.

Tsubasa had no idea what Carina was capable of; she had to tread carefully if she was going to survive. With that, Tsubasa picked up a glass shard by her side and threw it away from her, tossing it into the unseeable void.

The shard shattered. Each fragment made a reverberating sound that echoed throughout this monument of chaos. Tsubasa's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation.

She knew that her every move had to be calculated, as any wrong step could lead to her demise. With a deep breath, she focused on finding a way to outsmart Carina and turn the tables in her favor. She still couldn't make sense of Carina's appearance; her shadow was the only point of reference she could make sense of.

Her shadow hovered from stairway to stairway and alley to alley, warping in size and translucency. It worked! Now I just need to swiftly excuse myself without getting caught. Turning herself away from the pyrrhic of the void, she averts her face, only to meet one with an enraptured glare.

[Carina]: "I found you."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

What was glaring at Tsubasa was a skeleton with the most horrendous expression. The skeleton's empty eye sockets widened with an eerie intensity, and its jaw, once frozen in a perpetual grin, now hung agape, forming a haunting semblance of a gasp.

Its bony fingers trembled, rattling against each other as if seeking refuge from an unknown terror. The hollow ribs quivered like the wings of a frightened bird, while the spine arched slightly as if trying to retreat from an unseen danger.

The usual sense of stillness that surrounded the skeleton was replaced with an unsettling restlessness, and an aura of fear seemed to emanate from its lifeless form, giving the illusion that it had been startled into this petrified expression.

Despite its immortality, the skeletal figure appeared as if caught in the grasp of terror, forever etching a chilling image of fear frozen in time. Tsubasa couldn't help but gape in terror, letting out a small cry.

She had thought Carina had found her, but she found someone else lurking in the labyrinth just like her. The figure's hollow eye sockets stared back at Tsubasa, devoid of any warmth or life. Its bony fingers were clenched in a permanent state of agony as if it had suffered a fate worse than death.

Tsubasa's heart raced as she realized that this mysterious presence in the labyrinth was not Carina, but another lost soul trapped in this haunting maze. The voices came from above, and some glass shards could only vaguely reflect them.

[Carina]: "It is simply rude to ease down; may I know who you are?

[???]: "An emissary of Matriarch Andromeda"

[Carina]: "Figures...though she won't like it when I behead one of her emissaries?"


Tsubasa's eyes widened in shock as she listened to the exchange between Carina and the mysterious emissary. The mention of Matriarch Andromeda sent a chill down her spine, knowing the power and influence she held over this labyrinth.

Could there be more to this maze than just lost souls? The intruder that Carina caught was pleading. That was how gravitating and outright horrifying these people who held the 'Matriarch' title were.

You didn't need to be a genius to know that these people are not to be trifled with. Even so, Tsubasa could only listen in silence; there were shards everywhere and even floating around. One wrong step could spell her doom.

[Carina]: "You were able to come here uninvited; I'll credit you for that. But intruding is an entirely different matter; how will you redeem yourself? Will you betray your Matriarch or work under me instead?


[Carina]: "Is that so? Then show me both your hands."

It was very faint, but one of the glass shards did reflect an image of two individuals holding hands on top of each other. Their faces were shrouded in mystery.

In the chilling scene, the girl's screams pierced the air, echoing through the surroundings as if they were the cries of a tortured soul. Matriarch Carina, a powerful figure adorned in an elegant yet foreboding attire, gripped the girl's hands with a mesmerizing, almost hypnotic touch.

As she did so, an ethereal array of ice materialized around the girl, its crystalline hexagon shape enclosing her in an otherworldly embrace. The ice, despite its frigid appearance, did not cause the girl physical discomfort.

Instead, it seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere coldness, carrying an unsettling weight that seemed to penetrate her very soul. The hexagonal structure shimmered with an enchanting, supernatural glow, casting an eerie light on the girl's terrified expression.

Matriarch Carina's smile revealed a hint of dark satisfaction, a calculated calmness that contrasted sharply with the girl's mounting panic. Her eyes held an ancient wisdom and an undeniable aura of authority.

In her presence, the girl felt like a mere pawn in a cosmic game, her fate entirely at Carina's mercy. Amidst the girl's cries and the encroaching ice, Matriarch Carina's words hung in the air like an ominous prophecy.

"Sin can only be repaid with sin," she said with an enigmatic tone, leaving the meaning of her cryptic statement to linger in the girl's mind. As the hexagonal ice completed its envelopment, the girl's struggles ceased, replaced by a profound stillness.

Inside the icy prison, her fear slowly morphed into something else—an understanding, a realization that she had been drawn into a realm of consequences beyond her comprehension.

The hexagon seemed to absorb her emotions, leaving her hollow and devoid of her previous innocence. Throughout the encounter, Matriarch Carina remained the embodiment of both power and mystery. Her motives remained hidden, her actions inscrutable, leaving the girl and any witnesses with haunting questions about the true nature of the encounter and what lay beyond that hexagonal veil of ice.

Small snowflakes dispersed, and some made their way to Tsubasa. The longer she stared, the more blood of its victim was filled in those flakes.

Tsubasa couldn't help but shudder as she watched the snowflakes land on her outstretched hand. Each delicate flake seemed to carry a chilling reminder of the darkness that lay beneath the surface of Matriarch Carina's icy facade.

As she brushed the flakes off her hand, a sense of unease settled deep within her, leaving her with the unsettling feeling that this encounter was just the beginning of a much larger and more sinister story waiting to unfold.

Tsubasa didn't see it happen, but she could hear the anguishing screams of the girl who just had her life ended by the Matriarch. Tsubasa was consumed by madness, bawling her eyes out.

She let out a very faint cry. The sound of Tsubasa's cry barely reached Carina's ears, but it was enough to momentarily break through the icy exterior.

Carina turned her head slightly, her expression softening for a brief moment before she regained control and continued on her path, leaving Tsubasa behind in her grief-stricken state.

"Oh my, is there someone else here?"

Carina's voice echoed through the desolate room, filled with a mix of curiosity and indifference. She scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of another presence.

The faint sound of Tsubasa's cry lingered in the air, leaving Carina intrigued yet unwilling to fully acknowledge it. The air was thick with tension, and every step Carina took echoed like a distant heartbeat.

As she ventured deeper into the labyrinth's ominous embrace, she finally caught the faint cries of Tsubasa reverberating through the twisted corridors. Tsubasa's fear was palpable, and her tremulous cries pierced Carina's heart. Knowing who made that cry made Carina smile.

"Only one person cries like that".

"Alice!" Carina called out softly, her voice echoing through the labyrinth's haunting embrace. "It's me, Carina. You don't have to be afraid. I'm here to help you."

Tsubasa tried to find a safe place to hide or catch her breath, but the labyrinth offered no respite. The cold, damp walls seemed to close in on her, and the air felt thin and suffocating.

Panic surged within her, intensifying her hyperventilation. In a desperate effort to regain control, she pressed her back against a cold stone wall, trying to ground herself.

With trembling hands, she covered her mouth to regulate her breathing, attempting to slow down the rapid inhales and exhales. But fear seemed to have a tight grip on her, making it hard to find the calm she so desperately needed.

Images of her friends, whom she had become separated from in the labyrinth, flashed in her mind, adding to her anxiety. She knew she had to keep moving, find a way out, and reunite with them.

But her body refused to cooperate, paralyzed by the aftermath of Carina's despicable display. She was still feeling anxious; she had thought that Carina had caught up to her.

The horrifying labyrinth had already taken its toll on her nerves, but the aftershock she had just experienced had pushed her to the brink. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and her gasps for air turned into desperate, shallow breaths.

She could still feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, her body's fight-or-flight response having been triggered in the face of that terrifying monster. Her vision blurred as she clutched her chest, trying to steady her breathing.

But each attempt to calm down seemed futile as fear continued to grip her. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and she felt trapped and overwhelmed in the claustrophobic darkness of the labyrinth.

The labyrinth was a terrifying place, known to twist the minds and souls of those who entered. Yet Tsubasa's desire to escape the horrors pushed her forward, though her mind and body seemed paralyzed by the weight of her actions.

The turmoil within her grew, and a creeping madness began to take hold, pulling her into the abyss of unconsciousness within the dream world. Carina hastened her steps, driven by the urgency to find Tsubasa before the labyrinth's malevolent magic consumed her completely.

In the dream world, Tsubasa's consciousness drifted between reality and her own mind's chaotic landscape. The memories of the awful act she committed began to fade, but Carina's name remained etched like a haunting scar on her psyche.

It symbolized the presence of a monster. As Tsubasa woke up from her dream-induced slumber, her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself back in the conscious world. She opened her eyes to meet a familiar face. L-luna," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Luna, her loyal friend, and confidante, had been by her side throughout the entire ordeal. The sight of Luna's comforting presence brought a glimmer of hope to Tsubasa's shattered soul, reminding her that she was not alone.

Luna approached Tsubasa with gentleness in her eyes, understanding the turmoil within the girl's heart. "Tsubasa," she said tenderly. "I'm here for you. You're safe now," Luna reassured, her voice filled with warmth and compassion.

Tsubasa felt a wave of relief wash over her as she clung to Luna's comforting words, knowing that she could lean on her friend for support during this difficult time. Tsubasa wanted to forget about that place. But the name Carina was forever engraved into her, and just the thought of her and the threat she posed sent shivers down Tsubasa's spine. Despite Luna's reassurance, the fear still lingered within her, reminding her of the danger that Carina represented. She couldn't let her guard down completely, as now she realized a new foe had arisen. The battle against Carina was far from over. "How I only wish it were a nightmare."