Chapter 12: Misunderstanding

"XAVIER" Leah yelled, Xavier notices her and starts to run away. "Why are you running, did I do something to hurt you?" Leah asks as tears flow down her face.

Xavier stops noticing the tears flowing down Leah's cheek, "Why?" Xavier approaches Leah. "You idiot, I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Lhea speaks with a tearful voice. "Why did you come and find me, don't you have a significant other already." Xavier responds with a frown on his face.

"You misunderstood, I have no boyfriend." said Leah. "STOP LYING TO ME, I saw you with another man." Replies Xavier. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE" Xavier didn't let her finish. "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SAVED ME WHEN I WAS AT MY LOWEST! YOU WERE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF MY TUNNEL!" Shouted Xavier.

Xavier walks off with tears flowing down his face. But Leah grabs his shirt and says "I like you too, I've been hiding it because I was shy". "Then who was that man you were with" Xavier asks. "That was my brother, he had just came back from being overseas".

Xavier was surprised after hearing this, and also the fact that Leah also liked him back. He was speechless but happy, it felt like Xavier discovered a newfound resilience and a reason to fight against the consuming void.

But something was wrong, he could feel it. He doesn't know what it is but something was off.