
It was almost mid night .few people can be seen walking on the road. A girl was crossing the road this girl name is zhou Qingqing she is in her mid twenties. she was ten years old when her parents died in car accident . she have no relatives zhou Qingqing grow up in orphanage . during the day she study and night she work part-time job in different places . now she was directer and board member in big company . zhou Qingqing look like model her features was black eyes deep like pool, when she blink long eyelashes flatter like butterfly wings, straight nose small lips .her long black hair reached her back. Zhou Qingqing looks match actress in film industry .Inshort she is gorgeous. Qingqing cross the road her phone ring she take out the phone from her handbag and pick up the call from other side girl voice can be hear [Zhou Qingqing today was our department gathering why did you not come ]

sorry yang meili I was busy with work so I forgot

[that's OK I forgive you . Are you going home now ]

I'm on the way today is brother zaho Feng birthday also I am going to propose him today. I think it's good surprise

[oh will not bad for you. you two are together for three years known finally one is willing to take one step more ]

I'm little nervous what you think will he accept

[don't be . brother Feng will be more happy if he hear you ]

Zhou Qingqing look at her watch oh no I'm gonna be late she mumbled

[it's getting late I'm going to sleep. all the best you have my support]

OK good night

[good night ]

Zhou Qingqing put phone back in the handbag after end the call. she reached the resident building Her appartment was in good location .people with wealth can purchase the appartment in this place. zhou Qingqing reach the appartment she take out the keys from her handbag open the door . living room light was off she turn on the lights . she put down the bag on the sofa in the living room and put the cake on the table set the candle in the middle. she turn around and see the bedroom lights on she thought brother Feng is not sleep yet.Main bedroom was on second floor she go upstairs while she call brother Feng are you in the room I have surprise for you. when she was almost near she hear moans bad promotion rise in her heart with trembling hands she push the door. Door was not lock from inside it was easily open Zhou Qingqing was at lost what happening in front of her . A man was embracing the girl under him they were in the middle of love making .she know this man he is her boyfriend Feng. zhou Qingqing was experience many emotions at the same time shocked, sadness, pain of betrayal ,anger .she kack the door it made loud sound the couple on the bed notice zhou Qingqing.

compare to zhou Qingqing zaho Feng looks was average Zaho Feng was sweating he was caught red handed. he get up from the bed and he take the towel side of bed to cover her lower body. girl cover her body with bed sheets. zhou Qingqing rise her voice she was very angry zaho feng how dare you do this to me . Qingqing let me explain . what lies are you going to tell these love marks explain I was very happy I go to shop bring cake because today is your birthday. I was going to propose you today she take ring from her coat pocket and show him she laughed how silly I was. she tossed the ring in the dustbin beside her why you cheated me if you want to be with someone else you can it was not like I was forcing you so we got together. you cheated me break my heart. Zhou Qingqing eyes turn red it she ask him did you even love. was everything lie. she clench her hands like she was suppressing something was the first time zaho Feng see Qingqing this much angry but anger not hide the painful look in her eyes. zaho Feng go to bed side where the girl was trembling inside the bed sheets he embraced the girl. girl was beauty but she can't compare zhou Qingqing beauty. zaho Feng look in the eyes of girl and said I love her we are together for some time I wanted to tell you this but I can't find the opportunity .I'm sorry you find our relationship like this Qingqing let's break up. she slap zaho Feng the girl cover her mouth with hand and tremble seem like she was afraid zaho Feng embrace her pat her back don't be afraid I'm here. girl was staring zhou Qingqing she meet the girl eyes girl smirk at her zhou Qingqing patience reach her limits she yelled get out my house you dog couple only have time until tomorrow morning . zhou Qingqing trun around and went down stairs she pick up her handbag get out of the apartment went to the near park . she set down on bench there was no one at this time her head was hanging on her hands there was small sound like she was crying she doesn't want to show her weak side to them .Her heart was aching eyes was burning her throat became dry tears flow down from eyes she cry until tears won't come anymore . she yelled why you do this to me. I Love you from all of my heart but you cheat me and make fun of love . she set there until she claimed down she made up her mind I will not waste my tears on you anymore. I will also move on she get up on the bench and come out of the park she was crossing the road when her foot slipped and she fell on the road she was trying to get up she felt intense pain .A small cry escape from her mouth she wanted to get when she see in front her face become pale a car was coming to her with fast speed she couldn't get up because of her feet .zhou Qingqing say today is I'm really unlucky . am I going to die she cover her face with hands after ten seconds why car not hit her she lower her hands and open her eyes. she find herself in the strange place everything was dark there was also some light where she was sitting .she was confused where am I, did I died she question herself.

[hello ]

In the darkness she heard sound zhou Qingqing look everywhere but see no one.

[ I'm above you ]

childish voice ring again this voice was eight or nine years old

Qingqing look up there was a white kitten with small wings on her back there was small unicorn horn on his head . run around her with excitement.

[I'm love system called code 00101 you can call me system or anything you like this place is system space. you was going to die I take you to this place if you want to go back you have to make contract with me system explain in childish voice ]

[ system explain happyly if you contract with me and become my host you have to complete missions when you complete all the missions I will grant your wish ]

zhou Qingqing thought for a while and Said why you not send me back now

[ if I send you back now you will die completing missions give me enough spirit power to reverse time and send you back few minutes before ancident happened ]

[ Now do you want to contract with me ]

Zhou Qingqing rise her hand to pet the system on head before I contract with you I have questions .

[ You can ask me any question said cutely ]

why this space is black

[system space divide in five ranks

white, blue, golden, purple and black soul power determined their ranks host your soul is S class so your space is black A rank is purple. B rank golden, c rank bule and D has white space . it my first time seeing S class soul powerful like you it is like a dream ]

what can I gain from contracting with you .

[ your can do what you want in those worlds aside from mission]

what if I don't want to go back

[ then your one wish will be granted and if you want to live any of world you go for mission you can live there ]

Last question what if I failed the mission what will happened to me.

[ failing one or two mission doesn't effect you much but if you continue to fail the mission your soul will be vanished ]

OK I get it let's do this

[ yeeeee system run around Zhou Qingqing system didn't delay anymore and seal the deal host do you want to go first world and excitedly swing it's tail ]

she smile let's go

transmigrating to first world 5%,20%60%...95%100% transmigrating complete