
door open Mr. zhou and Mrs zhou come in and sat on the bed Mr zhou take her in his arms and asked.

" princess how was dinner, did you like it "

xiao Qing nod her head

" Do you like uncle and aunt "

" yes"

"and what about lu chenan "

" He is very nice and good looking " said softly she thought why is father suddenly interrogation her.

" Is he more handsome than me " Mr zhou frowned

" N-No my daddy is best " she waved her hand

"oK stop , don't tease her anymore " Mrs zhou said

"ok" cough he clear thorat

"princess How About you live with him for some time " Mr lu said doting on her

she was playing with his hands xiao Qing look at Mr zhou with pluzzing expression .

Mr zhou said " your mommy and uncle lu is going on business trip with me maybe it takes long so I want you to stay here until we come back "

xiao Qing have this body memories so she knows that she has no friends and there's only nanny and security uncles after servants went home in evening .she understand his father made this decision for her so she won't feel uncomfortable and lonely. this is also good opportunity to get close to lu chenan.

but she was also sad because in orgianal world her parents died in car accident she always missed parental love . she was happy to know that in this world she has loving family "

" ok" she said sadly

Mr zhou kiss her forehead she was embarrassed . Her cheeks was red she put her hands on forehead Mr zhou punched her cheeks . Mrs zhou was seeing all the process she giggle then gently take xiao Qing in her arms and embraced her .

"times up now it's my turn to spend time with her" Mrs zhou said

" but I also want to " Mr zhou mumbled

xiao Qing giggle and said " let's play together "

1 hour later...

She rubbed her eyes, Mrs zhou gently pet her head and said my baby is sleepy .

Xiao Qing nod her head and the three of them sleep together .

Next day she had breakfast with them, Mr zhou and Mrs zhou say goodbye and promise to Brought her a gift when they come back. After they gone, she thought now I can do my mission but Mrs lu take her to shopping after that Mrs lu take her to dessert shop, when they returned it was already evening . Xiao Qing was tried from all day activities, she get some rest before dinner and servant come to take her to the dinning table, they eat in silence, Mrs lu and lu chenan ask her if she need some thing while eating. After dinner they gone all to their rooms.

Lu chenan get up from the chair ,he just finished his homework ,he look at the wall clock, it was 9:00 pm, 5 min later when he exists the bathroom ,he heard a knock on the door . Lu chenan open the door . Xiao Qing was standing there wearing bunny pajamas and holding a white bunny . Lu chenan first thought Was what is this bunny doing here at this time.

Xiao Qing said : b-brother chenan can I come in .

Lu chenan : yeah come in

Zhou Qingqing see the room it was neat and clean.

Lu chenan said : why do you come so late at night.

Xiao Qing look nervous ,she look at chenan and said :Brother can I sleep with you.

Lu chenan said : what!!

Did he hear wrong.

Xiao Qing hurry explain : I can't sleep, mommy and daddy is not here and I'm not familiar with this place. I'm afraid to sleep alone.

Xiao Qing :Can't I sleep here .

Brother please.

Lu chenan look at her, she look pitiful. He was sure ,she would cry if he refused.

Okay you can sleep here lu chenan said

Hearing lu chenan agreeing , She look happy. she lay down on bed obediently and look at lu chenan.

Xiao Qing cheerfully said : brother come let's sleep .

Lu chechen didn't say Anything and lay beside her. They say goodnight to each other and go to sleep .

Afer that night xiao Qing sleep every night with lu chenan, A week has passed, they play together , reading books toge and Sharing many things in this period of time they were much close t each other , lu chenan read her bedtime stories.

And they live happily ever after, now sleep it's getting late lu chenan softly said.

OK, goodnight brother

It's was midnight ,when xiao Qing Woke up and feel thirsty . She look beside ,lu chenan was not in the room, she call his name but there was no response. she got up and exist the door. She heared a noise coming from the kitchen.

Brother is that you she said timidly.

Lu chenan was standing there, he was holding a knife with bloody hands, there was also blood on the floor .

After hearing xiao Qing voice he turned around , xiao Qing hold her scream in, he was pale like ghost.

Brother what happened she said and walk to him.

Are you afraid of me ,lu chenan said coldly

she thought Where this question come from

She look at him and said : No brother why would I be afraid of you .

Because I look like this, aren't I'm creepy it's was look like he was talking to himself .

I feel happy and Alive when I see blood , I have the argue to kill those annoying people. Are really not afraid of me.

She look firmly and said :No ,I'm not afraid

Lu chenan said : really!!

Xiao Qing nod her head

But they say ....

xiao Qing cut him ,hold his hands and look in his eyes, said : brother don't listen to others . They will say those things to hurt you, you're not like that. You're special.

Lu chenan look in her eyes and wanted to found if she liyng but there was nothing but him .he found himself believing her.

He said lik conforming something : am I

Xiao Qing firmly said : yes , you are special .

Lu chenan eyes got watery and he cry, finally there was someone who accept him he feels like now he exist .xiao Qing simply hug him and said nothing. Xiao Qing take him to room and bandage his injured hand . lu chenan Cliam down .he was embarrassed because he cry in front of her .

Xiao Qing said sweetly : good night

Lu chenan also softly reply, he was holding her hand till now , he think it was a dream even it was a dream he don't want to wake up .