
Lu chenan become more clingy. Others also noticed it. Shen qi asked xiao Qing if there is something going on between them but xiao Qing deny it.

IN lu villa xiao Qing was having a dinner with Mr and Mrs lu. Whenever she comes, they treated her warmly.

" dear we were thinking about telling lu chenan you're his fiance " Mrs lu gently said

" cough... cough.... What?!!! " xiao Qing choke on water .Her body shake like leaf ,her eyes become watery . It's look like someone just bullied her.

" Are you OK child " Mr lu worriedly said

"Y-Yeah I'm okay " xiao Qing softly said

" lu chenan known at some point he has fiance but he don't know who she is, so we want to introduce you to him as his fiance..... ." Mr lu carefully observed her and continue

" we were thinking about telling him to come home this weekend and also your mom dad coming back next month "

" I know but uncle this weekend we are going on campus trip ,dinner won't be possible because trip gonna last for 2 or 3 days " xiao Qing nervously said

" then we will have family dinner at next weekend " Mrs lu said with smile .

Xiao Qing cheerfully said "ok"

" by the way why are you still calling me uncle, call me dad " Mr lu said in teasing tone

" ah.... hmm.... d-dad " xiao Qing blushed and looked down.

" stop teasing her " Mrs lu glar at him

Mr lu cough and look serious. Xiao Qing spend some more time with them and come home. she fell on her bed, many thoughts were running on her mind .when lu chenan known about that I'm his fiance, how will he reacted? what expression he will have? Will he disappointed or happy? And that bug bastard ,I don't where he is and what he's planning. I'm having bad feeling about this.

Days pass and it was day when they were going on trip. Nanny stop her from going because xiao Qing poor health but couldn't win against xiao Qing. Shen qi set with xiao Qing and didn't give lu chenan chance to get close to her. They arrived at hotel in afternoon. First they have lunch and their teacher said them to have rest. After a hour they started climbing up, xiao Qing was panting. Lu chenan take her bag and slow down his speed. When they reached on top it's was already the time, sun was setting.Xiao Qing looked at it and said " it's beautiful " Lu chenan didn't look at the view in front of him but looked at xiao Qing , she look more cheerful and cute. Lu chenan mumbled, xiao Qing couldn't hear so said

" what " look at him with clear eyes . Lu chenan gently and slowly kiss her , he stop when xiao Qing couldn't breathe .lu chenan look at her dumbfounded expression and chuckled, he give her peck on lips again. What??? What's up with this guy always attack me out of nowhere. Xiao Qing Put her hand on chest, her heart was beating very fast ,He is dangerous .

Before it got drak they were already set the tent . Teacher divide their work for dinner, xiao Qing was very tired but she help them set the table while others ready dinner. Xiao Qing was in her tent, lu chenan come to tell her that dinner is ready but he stop when he saw xiao Qing taking medicine. Her bag was almost full of them, lu chenan asked her Is she is seriously ill , why she has so much med . Xiao Qing hurryly explain that she has weak body so doctor recommended her some nutrition and vitamins. There is nothing to worry and that's how she got away barely.

After dinner they set around fire and play some games and telling horror stories . When it's got late ,Teacher tell them to sleep, xiao Qing look around but noticed shen qi was not there. Then she remembered that she has gone to walk, she walk on her direction while talking with little white. After 5 min walk she spotted her she was going to call her name but she stop on her tracks.

Shen qi was kissing someone and that someone was lu chenan. For a second she forget to breathe, she feel angry, betrayed and jealous but she expected this at some point, they meant to be together because they are main character in this world. Xiao Qing trun around and walked away without looking back. From xiao Qing angel it's look like they kiss but Little white was floating so he knew that they did not t kiss but he didn't tell her and he got his revenge.

Little white check her host state but her emotions was very unstable. Little white wanted to comforted her.

( little white : host are you okay)

( I'm okay )

But that's not your emotional state says. Little white hesitate ( do you love him)

Xiao Qing look surprised ( no, I don't)

she deny it, it was like she wasn't denying little white but herself and don't want to admit it.

Xiao Qing enter in the tent and try to sleep but couldn't sleep, that scene play again and again in front of her eyes. Shen qi come 5 min later ,she saw xiao Qing was laying down on mattress with close eyes, she thought maybe she asleep so didn't disturbed her. Xiao Qing get up early in the morning, she couldn't get a wink of sleep. She go to teacher tent ,teacher has just wake up ,he looked at her. She look pale and not in good condition, xiao Qing tell him the reason for coming and said she was going home.

Teacher look at her in concern and said

" buses will be coming in two hours. You have to wait until then "

Xiao Qing reply " don't worry teacher, my driver uncle has come. I call him last night "

Then teacher saw a man with huge build coming towards them. He respectfully greet her and take her bag, she said good bye. after promise to send a message when she reached home safely. Xiao Qing get in the car set in back row and fell asleep and she sleep until they reached home. It was 8:00 am in the morning, first send a message to teacher after reaching home. She take a shower and had a breakfast but eat very little that ,it was concerning. Her appetite was lately declining , she fell asleep again in her room and come out in afternoon. When she comes to the kitchen, she got surprised, her mom come back. She hug her happyly ,they chatted and xiao Qing mood improved.

Mrs zhou gently said " I miss you and couldn't wait so I dumped my work and come back "

" I miss you too and dad. How is he doing " xiao Qing asked her softly

" don't worry baby, your daddy is coming in two weeks. Almost all paper work has done "Mrs zhou dotingly said

Xiao Qing phone vibrated there was many messages from classmates and lu chenan, shen qi, Hua ji. she replied them " don't worry about me, I was not feeling good now, I'm okay so enjoy yourself "

IN evening Mr and Mrs lu come, they had dinner tonight. The atmosphere was humorous, they also talk about Business and coming projects. Mr lu told xiao Qing mom about family dinner and invite her.

When they go back, Xiao Qing watch movie with her mom.when movie ended, She feel sleepy so they trun off the lights and gone to their rooms. Xiao lay down on bed and thought what will happened now, what about mission? and she fell asleep like that.