
The sound of swords clashing can be here form afar .

Vice captain : I'm always amazed to see their duels .

Captain : yeah , more than that His majesty look like he is enjoying it .

Xiao Qing and Levi were having a duel , it has become their daily routine. It's started one week ago when Xiao Qing make a fuss , how his daily life is unhealthy and boring.

" Its draw today too " vice captain said

" Well, their skills are per with each other " but it's seems like they are holding back captain thought.

With expressionless face Levi said " they are here again "

Xiao Qing playfully said " please ignore their impudent your majesty, they're here to report me "

Levi ignore her and leave her on the training grounds . Xiao Qing come to the warehouse they were already waiting there .

After they reported. Xioa Qing expression become serious " eliminated them if you feel any threat "

After they left, Xiao Qing fell in deep thoughts , according to the report nobles were acting suspicion, some suspicion activities was going on around capital. It's time to move .

In evening, she received a message. Sender was duke William. Xioa Qing smirk evily " it's seems like,I have to pay visit this duke William "

Later at night, xioa Qing dress like assassin and get in duke William mansion. Duke William is powerful Mage , he put barrier around the mansion but it can't stop a swordmaster , she gets in office there was some documents on the tables . It's related to supply resources like water , food and some materials but the amount was huge without any price. Xioa Qing felt a presence outside of the door, she hide in the shadows.

A man in mid twenties come inside and lock the door, black hair, blue eyes, straight nose, thin lips and body was well build for a mage . The air around him was no joke, xioa Qing can sense he is dangerous man . So he is duke William. There are really people like him in the world, who are handsome and powerful like male lead . Xiao Qing gets strange feeling from him , Xiao Qing move fast and gets behind him and point her dragger on his throat.

But the next moment William grabbed her hand and spell bind her legs . William trun to face her . She pout " you caught me again "

" If you know why do you do it every time " he smiled but his eyes were cold.

" Is that's why you let you guard down , you know I can kill you " xioa Qing flinched.

" You can't " he touch her face.

He smiled mysteriously. She has a bad fleeing, Her soul mark glow . So he is the owner of the soul mark .

She sigh and back off . She set on table and playfully said " so , why you call me here . Is there anything I can help you with "

William stay there and said with cold expression " I heard you fail to killed the target "

Xiao smile but her eyes were cold " you have good ears duke "

" Why did you not killed him " duke walk towards her.

" Because I fall for him " Xiao Qing blushed and playfully said.

William expression harden " what do you mean "

Xioa Qing smile " I don't have to explain my private life to you, do I ? "

He grabbed her shoulders " you are joking right "

" And why would I joke around " Xiao Qing was annoyed.

" Because we're lovers " duke William said seriously.

Xiao Qing almost believe him , if he was not mark owner. So he wants to manipulate me , I'm not that's easy .

" What lovers . You must be drunk duke " xioa Qing feel irritated.

She try to walk away but suddenly William grabbed her from behind and corner her between the wall .

Xioa Qing frown " what are you doing ? "

William didn't give her answer but kiss her suddenly.

Xiao Qing : !!!!

Xioa Qing try to push him away but he hold her more tightly. His kiss were scoffing and dominating , let me breath you idiot.

Duke William felt sharp pain on his lips. He back away , his lips were bleeding . he got surprised by xioa Qing appearance , her eyes were misty and red lips were sucked now look more kissable, her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. His Adam apple roll , he was not satisfied and wanted to kiss once more.

That's when little white appear and was angry to see this " How dare you "

Little white : (⁠╬⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠)

Little white give him electric shock " serve you right "

Xiao Qing take this chance any push him away, she rub her lips mercilessly.

She was really angry , she slap him " you took your jokes too far "

" But I really love you " William pitifully look at her.

She grabbed him from corler " don't push your luck "

She trun to leave but stop in front of window

She trun around " don't play these tricks on me because they won't work on me anymore and if you dare to touch my beloved, ready to pay for consequences "

She vanished from there, leaving behind duke in daze .

After few minutes, he laughed creepily

" Now I wants more "

" We will meet soon "

Xioa Qing was on way to the palace . Xioa Qing was talking with little white ( you really come for my recuse, my little prince )

(Little white : It's my duty to protect my host )

She can feel his excitement from his voice. She thought he is really cute .

( So when did that bug bastard come )

( Little white was surprised : how do you know )

How can I not when he acts like that .

( You can say , it's guts feeling . When I was finally forget him , he comes to remind me)

She was really angry. How dare he lay his hands on me , I will kill him ,She claims down herself.

( I just don't know how he got here )

( Little white though for moment and said : it must be he find a loophole in this world barrier and get here )

When Xiao Qing enter her room through window , Levi was already waiting for her in the room.

" Where are you coming from " Levi face was expressionless, she don't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Qing was nervous but she didn't show . she removed her masked " well, there was some undone work left "

" Hmm "

Levi stand up and reached the door but She block him , she hug him from behind and whisper in his ear " your majesty were you worried about me "

Levi ears trun red and heart beats fast , he was afaired rose might hear it " I was worried you might a run away "

Xioa Qing pout " you don't believe in me your majesty. Your majesty don't have to worried about me running away, if I wanted to run away, I wouldn't have made a contract with you "

Levi feel relaxed, xioa Qing blew air in his ear " Are you not going your majesty "

Levi flinched, he open the door and run away

Xioa Qing : cute .