Chapter 8 : Seeking approval.

Third person point of view

Mingyu knew that Jungkook loved boxing. He gulped in fear. Jungkook sighed and sat back. He won the game. He picked up a bottle to drink water. He turned to Mingyu who was almost stiff like a statue. " Also, if you want to know about that person let me know. I will ask my brother to help you find that someone. He is also from the music club ". Jungkook said.

Mingyu smiled sadly and looked up at Jungkook. Jungkook just offered in asking Wonwoo to help Mingyu court Wonwoo himself. " Ah ? " Mingyu asked looking at Jungkook. Jungkook was a little confused at Mingyu's response. Mingyu got up from the bed and sat on the floor on his knees.

" YAH ! What is it ? " Jungkook was shocked and he immediately rushed to Mingyu. " What happened ? " He pulled Mingyu up and made him sit down on the bed. " I have something to confess ". Mingyu said looking down. Jungkook stood in front of him. " What is it ? " " That is...." Mingyu gulped. Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

" Did you put paint on my clothes ? " Mingyu looked up in shock. " NO ! " " Did you replace my paste with shaving foam ? " " Not that ~~ " " Did you mix something in the water ? " " Ahh no~~ " Mingyu whined. Jungkook put his hands on his hips. " Then what is it ? " Mingyu rubbed his hands on his knees.

" The person I like.... " He was speaking in a small voice and Jungkook couldn't comprehend what Mingyu was saying. " Huh ? What ? " " Ummm..... that person.... " " Yah. What now ? " Jungkook was frustrated. Mingyu clenched his hands into fists. " It-is-your-brother ". Jungkook took a second to process it.

" Huh ? " He was confused and Mingyu said it so fast he didn't know if he understood it right. " The person I like.... Is your brother ". Mingyu repeated it properly this time. He closed his eyes not knowing how Jungkook would react. He slowly looked up and saw Jungkook who was staring at him blankly.

" If you think it is wrong or anything, you can let- " Jungkook laughed. " What do you mean wrong ? And what made you think I would not be okay ? " Mingyu was the confused one now. " Ah ? So you don't mind it that it is your brother ? " Jungkook laughed again. " I am just surprised. Also what is it got to do with me ? It is between you and him. I don't mind it. For real ".

Mingyu sighed in relief. " I really waited for your right hook to hit my jaw ". Jungkook laughed bending over. " I am not that bad of a person ". " Not that you are bad, I just didn't know how you would react, so... " Jungkook chuckled. " It is fine. And I give permission for you to court him ". Mingyu gave an expression like he was about to cry out of happiness.

" Thank you so much. Should I call you brother in law then ? " Both of them laughed. " I like the sound of it ". Jungkook said going to back to his computer. He drank some water. His throat was dry from all the laughing. " I seriously love that you are the one chasing my brother. Considering the kind of person he is and all...... wow... I am totally supporting you ".

" You are such a nice guy ". Mingyu said wiping fake tears. " Aish. Don't overreact. You only told me you like him but never any details. Did you try anything ? How is the response so far ? " Jungkook asked intrigued. " He doesn't even as much as look at my face unless it is necessary. It is like I am air sometimes ". Jungkook muffled his laughter. Mingyu pouted.

" Yah. How can you laugh at someone else's misery ? " Jungkook laughed out loud not able to hold it in. " Sorry. It is just that, it is so like him. Don't worry, you will maybe have some progress once you join the club ". Mingyu nodded. " Also you didn't realize till now, but he lives opposite from us ". Jungkook was shocked.

" Really ? " He went to the chat and read it again. " Right.... How did I not realize ? " Mingyu laughed. " Now you did ". " Let me tell him our room then ". Jungkook started typing. Mingyu nodded. " Woah. This is seriously crazy ". " I know right ". Jungkook said chatting with Wonwoo. He burst out laughing again.

" Mingyu-ah. You made a wonderful first impression with my brother ". " Why ? Did he call me a nut case again ? " Mingyu asked. Jungkook laughed again. " Did he call you that ? " Mingyu chuckled in disbelief. " After hearing your reply, looks like he gave me a new name this time ". Jungkook couldn't stop laughing.

He let out a few gasps trying to catch his breath. " You are right. He called you a crack-head and nuisance this time ". Mingyu pouted harder. Jungkook saw his expression and chuckled. " But you know what, I really see potential, so don't stop chasing him ". Mingyu raised an eyebrow. " Really ? "

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically. " I definitely know my brother. Don't you think it is important to leave an impression rather than worrying about it being a good or bad one ? And a bad one is remembered longer. And yours is not even an actual bad one. So no problem at all ". Mingyu nodded.

" I can't believe what you just said, but it is okay. In a way what you said is not completely wrong too. Also I guess I will be taking your help more often ". Jungkook nodded. " I will only give advice, so that you don't anger him too much. But other things, since you like him, you should find out from him ". Mingyu sighed.

" Fine. I guess that much is helpful ". Jungkook giggled and put on his headphones and started playing again. Mingyu slept on the bed. He found out too many things for the day. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Jungkook finished playing and saw Mingyu was already asleep. He switched the lights off and fell asleep too.