Chapter 19 : High school photos.

Third person point of view

Jungkook went back to his room while Wonwoo was speaking to his mom. He quickly started searching. His brother wasn't a fan of people looking at his photos or taking them, but they were always there. He had a lot of people take them. And at some point just got sick of it and let it be. They used to send it Jungkook to give it to him or asking him to show them.

But Wonwoo only told him to delete them without even as much as glancing at them. But Jungkook didn't have the heart to do so. Some were just too good in various aspects; be it lighting or angle. So he kept them. There was a time when Wonwoo found out that Jungkook actually never deleted them.

He warned him to do it right away. Jungkook promised to do so and moved them all to a hard disk. He deleted them from the PC. He then hid the hard disk from his brother. And considering how his brother wouldn't really look into things or clean up that deep, he was a little assured that it won't fall in Wonwoo's eyes.

He rummaged through the room. The both of them shared a room before Wonwoo moved out to live in the hostel. He then had the room to himself for awhile. He forgot where he put it so that it wouldn't fall in his brother's eyes. He rubbed his head in frustration. He searched all the cabinets and it was nowhere to be found.

He then remembered and took out the box under the bed. He opened the lid and looked through. He then found it in there along with some of his old gaming equipment. " What are you doing ? " Jungkook froze when he heard Wonwoo's voice. Wonwoo was standing leaning against the door. Jungkook looked up from the box. " Ah... this..... "

He looked into the box and picked up a Nintendo switch console. " I was looking for this". Wonwoo nodded without any doubt. " Come out. Mom is asking for you ". Jungkook nodded. " I will find the other one too and be back ". Wonwoo nodded and left. Jungkook felt his soul return to his body again. He let out a huff.

He picked up the console and also the hard disk and put them in his bag. He let out a breath and walked out. He sat beside his mom speaking to her. They spent time till evening and decided to return to the dorm. They returned to their own rooms in the dorm. Jungkook saw Mingyu who was sleeping on the bed looking through his phone.

" Welcome back ". Mingyu said sitting up. Jungkook smiled. He put the snacks his mom gave on the table and sat on the bed. " What did you do ? " Mingyu shrugged. " I just stayed inside. Dokyeom and Jimin went back too. So it was only me and Hoseok. We both just stayed together the whole day. He went back like 10 minutes ago ".

Jungkook nodded. " Nice ". He put his bag on the bed. " Also I have something for you ". Jungkook said looking excited. Mingyu was curious. Jungkook put his hand in the bag and took it out. " Ta-da ". Mingyu raised an eyebrow. " That ? " Jungkook turned to his hand and saw it was the switch.

" Oh. Sorry ". He picked up the bag again. Mingyu chuckled. Jungkook looked through properly and took out the hard disk. Mingyu's eyes lit up. " You found it ? " Jungkook nodded. " I wonder if it will work though. It looks a little dusty. It has also been over an year since I took it out ". He went to his PC and plugged it in.

Mingyu pulled his chair and sat beside Jungkook. Jungkook opened the folders and smiled. " It is working just fine. You should be lucky ". Jungkook opened and scrolled through them. He pulled all nighters arranging them all in chronological order. Mingyu was staring in awe. " I really wish we met in high school ".

Jungkook chuckled. " To that extent ? " He asked and Mingyu nodded totally star struck by Wonwoo. " Can you send a few to me ? " " Sure. I don't mind, but if he finds out about this... you will get a new roommate then ". Mingyu chuckled. " I value you so much. How can I afford to do that ? " Jungkook smiled.

" Tell me what you want. I will do anything for you ". Mingyu said looking extremely sincere. " I will tell you if I ever want you to do something for me ". " You should. It is a promise ". Mingyu looked dead serious. Jungkook nodded. Mingyu nodded too looking all serious. He got the photos and couldn't stop admiring them.

Jungkook was eating snacks and laughed at Mingyu who kept looking at the pictures. " Enough. Your phone will have a hole in it if you continue staring ". Mingyu looked up clutching the phone. Jungkook shook his head. " I think I know what songs to play for the selection ". " Really ? " Mingyu nodded. " Cool ". Mingyu took a deep breath.