Chapter 22 : Video call.

Third person point of view

Wonwoo returned to his room. He took a shower and walked out dressed up. He saw Jun who was eating snacks and watching something on his laptop. His phone started ringing. He frowned and looked at it. It was a conference video call. He picked it up and walked to sit on the table. He put his phone leaning against the monitor and sat on the chair.

It was their band conference call with the screen split in to three. Jeonghan, Joshua and Seungcheol were roommates and so used one single phone to join the call. Wonwoo and Jihoon were in different rooms, so the other two were each of theirs. " We need to come to a common conclusion too so that we can finish it tomorrow ". Seungcheol said.

All of them nodded. " Who will start first ? Jihoonie ? " Seuncheol asked and Jihoon nodded. " I get it all, but why call when we live in the same freaking building on different floors ? " Jihoon said frowning. Jeonghan rolled his eyes. " We just went out and used our brains so much and came back and you want to gather again ? No thank you ".

Joshua and Seungcheol chuckled. " Fine. My thoughts are that, we can pick 6 maybe because there are a little too many who did well ". Jihoon said and all of them agreed. " If we put it instruments wise.... Wait a minute ". He typed and opened a doc on his computer. " For drums it is Jeong Jaehyun. His was the most memorable to me ".

" Agreed ". Seuncheol said and the others nodded. " Then..... if we look for vocalists, what would you guys say ? " Jeonghan and Joshua turned to look at each other. " I think it is Dokyeom and also Seungkwan for me ". Jeonghan said and Joshua nodded. " I think so too. Even I had them both in my mind ". The others nodded.

" Out of them, one is a guitarist which is a nice thing and the other one he is just a vocalist but I think he is good enough to be there without instruments ". Jeonghan added. Jihoon nodded. " Oh I remember now. Nice choices though ". Seungcheol nodded. " How about the other guitarists ? " He asked looking at them.

" I would pick Bambam was it ? " Joshua spoke up. He checked the name and nodded. " Yeah that guy and then we also have Kim Mingyu. He was also really good ". Seungcheol nodded and spoke up. " Agreed. Besides you both, not many play both so well. He did a good job ". Joshua nodded.

" What do you say Wonwoo ? " Jihoon asked smiling a little. " About ? " Wonwoo asked. He didn't speak much till then. So Jihoon brought him into the conversation. " Kim Mingyu ". Jihoon said emphasizing his name. " He played well ". " That's it ? " Jihoon asked. The other three were confused.

" Yah. Yah. Wait. What is going on here ? " Seungcheol asked butting in. " What ? I am just asking because he has to give his opinions too ". Jihoon said looking hurt for being accused. " Really ? " " Yah. You kidding me ? " Jihoon said not wanting to reveal anything and acted like it was really nothing. " Alright ". Seungcheol smiled.

Wonwoo rubbed his neck. " I think Mingyu and Bambam are good enough ". Wonwoo finally said. " For the keyboard, I found only one who was good at it and he is Chwe Hansol or Vernon. He is like the one to be there for sure right now ". " Yeah. I thought the same ". Seungcheol added to Jihoon's words.

" We can have Mingyu and maybe Bambam or Vernon to rap ? " Jihoon suggested. " I thought so too. They can be used as sub-vocals along and rap too. Jaehyun can also sing ". Seungcheol said. The others all waved looking at Wonwoo and he was confused. He turned around and noticed Jun behind him.

" Oh ". He smiled and moved aside a little letting Jun be seen. " What are you guys doing ? " Jun asked looking at the others. " Deciding members for the band this year ". Seungcheol answered. Jun nodded. " Fighting ". Jun said raising his fist and they all smiled replying to him. He patted Wonwoo's shoulder. " Continue ". He waved again and walked out of the frame.

They all waved back. " So based on all the things we've put together.... Our line up is like... we have Jaehyun on the drums with vocals if possible, rappers/ guitarists are Mingyu and Bambam, Vernon on key board and rap if possible, Seungkwan on vocals and last but not the least Dokyeom on vocals plus a guitar ".

Jihoon summarized it for the others. " Any changes ? " He asked and none of them had any. " I guess this is it ". Seungcheol said and the other nodded. " Since we are done, bye for now. I want to sleep ". Jeonghan said and the others laughed. They bid goodbyes and hung up. Wonwoo hung up and picked up his phone.

He saw a few notifications and one of them was Mingyu following him. He went to his page and looked through. There were definitely a lot of posts compared to him. He went to sit on his bed. He noticed there were videos of the performances on their music page. He saw Mingyu's was also there.

He watched it and Mingyu did look in his direction. When he saw it again his heart skipped a beat. He put his phone away after locking it. He put his hand on his chest and shook his head. Jun looked up from his laptop. " If you are going to sleep, turn the lights off please ". Wonwoo nodded.

" Thanks ". Jun went back to watching his show. Wonwoo did and put his glasses and phone away. He slept on the bed and turned on his side. He turned to the other side. Jun watched as Wonwoo kept moving. " Yah. What is it? " Wonwoo sat up.

" Nothing. I am not that sleepy I guess ". " Listen to songs or something and try maybe ". Wonwoo nodded. He picked up his phone and earphones. He plugged them in and played a sleep aid playlist. He fell asleep with the help of it.