Chapter 26 : Love expert.

Third person point of view

They also got to know where the others besides Wonwoo and Jun lived. Jungkook and Mingyu entered their room. Mingyu went to take a shower. He came out and Jungkook went in next. Jungkook also finished and sat on the bed. " Yah. You cannot be any more obvious, you know that right ? " Jungkook said with a smirk.

Mingyu rubbed his head. " Am I ? " " Hell yeah ". Jungkook said and chuckled. Mingyu shrugged. " I guess it is fine, but who else knows ? " " Jimin saw when you were giving food to hyung ". " Ahhh.... " Mingyu slowly nodded his head. " So.... ? " He asked and Jungkook understood what he meant.

" He is going to stay silent about it. He thinks you guys are cute together ". Mingyu smiled. " Who else knows ? " " Jihoonie hyung ". Mingyu nodded. " Him..... I kind of guessed. He was there with Wonwoo hyung a lot of times when I talked to him. So I guess it is understandable ". Jungkook nodded. Mingyu's eyes sparkled.

" By the way, you never told me if you like anyone ? Do you also have anyone ? " Jungkook grinned. " Ohh~~~ So you do ? Who is it ? " Mingyu asked curious. " Well I don't really know if it is much.... " Jungkook said rubbing his neck. " Just tell me. Who is it ? " " Jimin ". Mingyu gasped. " Really ? " Jungkook nodded.

" I've had a crush on him since the start of high school ". " Woah. Then did you tell him ? " Jungkook shook his head. " Why ? " " No particular reason. I just don't have the courage I guess ". Mingyu rubbed his chin. " But I have a feeling he might like you back too ". Jungkook's eyes were as wide as plates.

" Why would you say that ? " " I have a hunch ". Jungkook was contemplating. " Really ? " Mingyu nodded. " Then answer a few things and I will tell you ". " Are you some love expert ? " Jungkook asked and both of them laughed. " Maybe. I am definitely proficient than you ". Jungkook rolled his eyes. " Yeah, yeah ". Mingyu smiled.

" So, did he have a nice first impression about you ? " Jungkook nodded his head. " Yeah ". " Then how did your friendship go ? " " It was always nice ". " Does he smile when he sees you ? Every time ? " Jungkoook nodded. " How about when your eyes meet ? " Jungkook nodded again.

" Did you see him blush when you are near him ? " Jungkook fell in thought. " I did see a few times like when we are too close ". Mingyu nodded. " Did he date during high school ? " Jungkook shook his head. " Did he come and tell you about everyone who proposed to him and that he rejected them ? " Jungkook nodded vigorously.

" He did every single time. He would always inform me about how it went or what happened ". " Did he ever say he likes someone ? " Jungkook shook his head. " Did he ever give you gifts for birthday, Christmas or valentine's day; on days like that ? " Jungkook nodded. " He always gave me one every year ". Mingyu sighed.

" Now, did he do all of this with Hoseok too ? The three you are friends all through this time right ? So ? Did he ? " Jungkook fell silent. Mingyu fell on the bed. " Yah ! Are you a fool ? " He asked looking at Jungkook who became mute. Jungkook finally opened his mouth after a few minutes of silence. " Are you sure ? " Mingyu groaned and sat up.

" Let's do this. You can try getting a little closer to him slowly; step by step. And make small advancements. If you still think I am wrong, I will do anything you want me to. I can bet anything that I am right ". Jungkook thought again considering how confident Mingyu sounded. " Okay. I will try ". Jungkook said and Mingyu smiled.

" All the best ". " If you are right, then I am definitely going to do anything for you too. I will also help you in getting my brother ". Both of them chuckled and hugged, patting each other's backs. They laughed and pulled away. They chatted for a while. Later turned the lights off and fell asleep.