Chapter 32 : Another disaster (?)

Third person point of view

Wonwoo felt like his day went by slower. The last class also went on longer. He went to the club room after the classes. He entered the room and saw there was everyone except Mingyu. He sat down beside Jihoon and looked around again. " Why isn't he back yet ? " Seungcheol said looking towards the door.

" Who ? " Wonwoo asked and Seungcheol answered his question. " Mingyu. He went to look for a guitar strap in the other room ". Wonwoo nodded. " Maybe he didn't find it. Wonwoo go and help him ". Jihoon said. " Yeah. Go see what's wrong ". Jeonghan also said. Wonwoo gave Jihoon a look and got up.

Wonwoo went to the other room and opened the door. He entered and saw Mingyu who was crouched down looking in a box. He walked up to him. " What are you doing ? " Mingyu screamed in horror. " Ah hyung~~ Why would you scare me like that ? " He whined looking at Wonwoo. Wonwoo chuckled.

" I thought you noticed me ". Mingyu put a hand on his chest. " You scared the life out of me ". " Sorry ". Wonwoo said trying not to laugh. Mingyu patted his chest and let out a huff. " Whatever. And why is it so easy for you to say sorry when you won't say thank you ? " Mingyu asked looking up at Wonwoo. " Because now it was my mistake ".

" Tsk ". Mingyu went back to looking in the box. " You are looking in the wrong box ". Mingyu looked up. " Really ? " " Did they tell you it was that one ? " Mingyu nodded. Wonwoo shook his head. " They don't even remember which it is ". He walked to open another shelf. " Come here ". Mingyu walked up to Wonwoo.

" That one ". Wonwoo showed the box which was on the top shelf. Both of them were tall but it was higher and is not reachable. " Is there anything we can use to stand on ? " Mingyu asked looking around. " Let's get a chair from the other room ". " Don't need hyung. Let's just look around first ".

They looked around to see if there was anything. At the end, there was nothing they could use. " Hyung, come here ". Wonwoo walked up to Mingyu. " What is it ? " Mingyu bent down holding Wonwoo around his knees and lifted him up. " YAH ! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING ? " Wonwoo shouted in shock.

He put his hands on Mingyu's shoulders so that he wouldn't fall. " Just take it out quickly. I can't hold you for long ". Mingyu said holding Wonwoo. Wonwoo wanted to start scolding him right there. He was sure Mingyu was crazy. But the box was the priority now. He quickly took the box and Mingyu put him down.

Wonwoo put the box down on the floor and looked up at Mingyu who was massaging his arms. He wanted to scold him a thousand things. He swallowed the curses. " Who asked you to do something like this ? We would've just brought a chair ". Wonwoo scolded. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo.

Instead of answering he observed Wonwoo's face. " You are so red right now. Are you that angry ? " Wonwoo blinked. " Don't you dare do something like that again. Take what you want and come back ". He walked out in a hurry. Wonwoo stood there after closing the door. He was already flustered enough and Mingyu had to do that.

His heart was still beating faster. It finally calmed down a little in a few seconds. He let out a breath and walked to their practice room. Mingyu didn't know what was wrong. He shrugged and opened the box and found the straps. He picked up two and walked to the other room. He gave one to Joshua and the other to Bambam.

They started with their practice. Wonwoo didn't even look at Mingyu again. If he noticed Mingyu looking at him he would look away and act natural. Mingyu didn't know if he was seeing it wrong or it was just happening. He decided to put it away thinking it was just him thinking that way. He didn't find any other reason for Wonwoo to act that way.

They finished and left on their own ways. Mingyu went back to his dorm. He waved bye to Dokyeom on the floor below and to Seungkwan and Vernon at his floor. He took a left to walk to their room and when he walked closer to his room he saw Jungkook and Jimin talking there. He walked up to them and only then did they notice him.

" Hey ". Jimin greeted him. " Hello ". Mingyu greeted back and turned to Jungkook with a smile. " Did I interrupt ? " Mingyu asked and Jimin hurriedly shook his head. " Sure ? " Jimin nodded. " Fine then. But you should've gone inside. Why are you standing here ? " Mingyu asked. " We just ended up talking longer without thinking ".

Jungkook said. Mingyu nodded. " Well, you can just leave me a text, so that I won't barge in and you can talk happily ". " Yah ! " Jungkook was about to hold Mingyu, but Mingyu opened the door and rushed in. He closed it immediately. Jungkook rubbed his neck. Jimin looked away with pink cheeks. Mingyu opened and peeked.

He then slowly closed it and giggled. Jungkook came back in. " Yah ". " Don't be mad. I was just stating facts ". Mingyu said smiling. Jungkook shook his head. He sat down on the bed. Mingyu picked up his phone when he got a notification. A group chat was created for the band members.

Everyone said their hello and they chatted for a while. The 5 of them went to have dinner together. They sat down and started eating. Mingyu saw Seungkwan and Vernon looking around for place to sit. " Seungkwan-ah ". Mingyu called for him. Seungkwan turned to him. " You guys can sit here with us ". Seungkwan walked closer.

" But there are four of us ". Mingyu looked around. " I think we can fit. Do you guys mind ? " He asked turning to look at his friends. They all shook their heads. " See. It will be fine. I will move to the other side ". Mingyu went and sat beside Jungkook. Dokyeom was left on the other side and the other four settled down.

" These are my two roommates. Xu Minghao and Lee Chan ". Seungkwan introduced them. They all greeted each other. " Oh, we know each other ". Hoseok said. " Really ? " Vernon asked. " We are also from the dance club ". Jimin said and the others understood.

They all chatted having dinner knowing how everyone knew each other one or the other way. Their dinner somehow turned more fun. They then went back to the dorm together. They said good nights and went back to their own rooms.