Chapter 40 : Good night.

Third person point of view

They went back after dinner and sat down at their desks. Jungkook heard his phone ringing and saw it was Wonwoo calling. He picked up. " Oh, hyung ". " It will take 10 more minutes for me to come ". " Alright ". Jungkook hung up. " He will take 10 more minutes ". " Okay ". Mingyu nodded. They were just waiting while chatting.

Wonwoo opened the door and walked in. " Sorry ". " It is okay hyung ". Mingyu said in a sweet voice. Jungkook gagged silently. Mingyu noticed and both of them chuckled. Wonwoo sat down and opened his laptop. " Next who ? " Mingyu asked. " BamBam ". Jungkook said and they started with his. Mingyu was flapping his hand calling for Jungkook.

" What is it ? " Jungkook asked looking through the photos. " Look at that... which one..... " Mingyu hurriedly spoke and looked up. " Thirteenth one ". Jungkook also looked at it and opened his mouth. " That lighting ". He sobbed. It came out really good and they were so impressed by their own skills.

Wonwoo shook his head looking at the two being over dramatic. " How did it come out like that ? And how come I didn't notice it ? " Mingyu said looking at it. " Wow ". They finished gushing over it and got back to work. They picked in a 3:3 ratio. " Last but not the least, the star of the day, Kim Mingyu ". Jungkook said and laughed.

Mingyu wanted to die from embarrassment. " Woah.... Look at that pose ". Jungkook teased. " Yah ". " Why~ ? You look super cool ". " Come here ". Mingyu got up to get a hold of Jungkook. Jungkook got up and went to sit beside Wonwoo. " Don't come near ". Jungkook threatened sticking to Wonwoo. Mingyu did stop.

" We are going to be roommates and he will leave after we finish. Remember that ". Jungkook mocked Mingyu and Mingyu went back to sit on the chair. Jungkook went and sat in his chair too. He scrolled to the last and started scrolling up. He noticed that he uploaded a picture of Wonwoo and Mingyu which he took, by mistake.

Even though he did upload one before, no one knew he had more. None of them looked through the others parts, so even Wonwoo and Mingyu didn't know. He hurriedly removed it from the drive. Wonwoo was silent in general and now he was even more. Jungkook checked Wonwoo's expression and nothing seemed out of place.

He sighed and then continued teasing Mingyu. Wonwoo was looking at only one picture. It felt his heart stopped for a second. He did see the picture which was uploaded, but he thought it was the only one. But now he saw another photo and this is the one in which Mingyu looked like he had heart eyes while looking at him.

The photo was already downloaded to his laptop. He went back and saw Jungkook has removed it. Jungkook noticed the unusual silence and called Wonwoo. " Hyung ". Wonwoo looked up at Jungkook. " Did something happen ? " Wonwoo shook his head. " I just zoned out a little ". Jungkook nodded.

" Did you choose any ? " Jungkook asked. " Since he is here, he can pick what he wants ". " Thanks for the privilege ". Mingyu gave a bow. Jungkook huffed. " But you only get to pick the nice ones. I will pick the other three ". Jungkook said folding his hands. Mingyu shook his head. " No way I will allow you ".

" I didn't ask you. Hyung, what do you say ? " " I like what you said ". Wonwoo supported Jungkook. Mingyu pouted. " You both brothers are ganging up on me. This is unfair ". " Nope. So just choose the nice ones ". Jungkook concluded. Mingyu chose and told them. Jungkook and Wonwoo made a few suggestions and they were done for the day.

They also picked the group and unit shots, which was comparatively easy. Wonwoo packed up his things. " We can't slack off tomorrow. So be prepared ". " Yes sir ". Both of them answered at the same time. Wonwoo smiled and walked to the door. " Good night hyung~ ". Jungkook said going to his bed.

" Good night hyung ". Mingyu smiled. Wonwoo went to his room and opened the door. He almost closed it, but stopped. He looked up to see Mingyu looking at him from the opposite side. " Good night ". He closed the door and went into his room. Mingyu's eyes went wide and he turned around. Jungkook saw Mingyu's expression and was confused.

" What now ? " Mingyu closed the door and walked in. He pointed at the door and then back at himself a few times. " Yah. Fucking speak ". Jungkook snapped. " He just told me good night ". " HE DID ?! " Jungkook asked not able to take it. " Did you not hear ? " Mingyu asked. Jungkook scratched his head and shook his head.

" Did I imagine it ? " Mingyu said not sure anymore. It is not like he can go up to him and ask if Wonwoo actually said it. He looked at the door. " YAH ! " Mingyu was startled by Jungkook's yell. " Aish, kapchagiya. What happened ? " " He said it ! " Jungkook confirmed. Mingyu's eyes widened again.

" I thought you just said it twice and didn't care. So it was hyung the second time ? " Jungkook said almost jumping. " Woah.... It is true. He did say it ". Mingyu fell on the bed. " You are seriously something else ". Jungkook said impressed. Mingyu smiled.

He picked up his phone and looked at the photos he took secretly when Wonwoo was focused on work. " I can't believe it too ". He sighed happily. He sent a text to Wonwoo. " Sleep well hyung. Hope you have sweet dreams ". Mingyu put his phone away and decided to sleep.

Jungkook turned the lights off. Wonwoo opened the text and smiled. Jun saw Wonwoo and his smile. " What is it ? " Wonwoo looked up and his smile vanished. " Nothing. You are sleeping right ? " Jun nodded. Wonwoo switched the lights off and went to bed.