Chapter 42 : Stars of the year.

Third person point of view

Jungkook and Mingyu finished their work out and came back to their room. Mingyu went to shower first. Jungkook picked up his phone which he left in the room for charging. He saw Wonwoo left him a text. He read and replied. Jungkook knocked on the door. Mingyu responded from inside. " What is it ? "

" Hyung said that he uploaded all the behind photos in the drive ". " Oh right. We didn't do it yet ". Mingyu said. " Yeah. But we should check and upload ". " Then let's do one thing. We can upload with another ID and then shift the ones we can to the other one ". Jungkook nodded. " Let's do that ".

Jungkook went to his system in the mean time and did that. They didn't have that many anyway. So he was done with it quickly. Mingyu walked out after the shower. " I am done with it. Just use my system and upload them ". Mingyu nodded. He dressed up and got it done while Jungkook showered.

Once they were done, they picked up their bags and went to have breakfast. They parted ways to go to class. A lot of them openly gushed over them. They understood that the photos were up. " What is this ? " Mingyu said resting his head on the desk. " I know right ". Dokyeom said wanting to cover his face.

" By the way the photos came out really well ". He praised. Mingyu smiled. " Thank you ". " You are so good ". " Not that good. Wonwoo hyung helped a lot with the editing ". Dokyeom nodded. " I looked up for the previous year's and they were all really good. And he even did it all by himself at that ".

Dokyeom sounded impressed by Wonwoo's work. Mingyu nodded. " I thought the same. I like his style of editing ". Dokyeom nodded. The professor walked in. " Oh ! Our music stars of the year are in my class ". All of them cheered. Mingyu and Dokyeom covered their faces. " Sir~~ " Mingyu whined making all of them laugh.

The professor smiled. " Fine, fine. Let's start with the class ". Everyone went back to their own world. Their day went by with way too much attention and as much as some even asking for photos if they find them outside. Mingyu and Dokyeom entered their practice room. All the others were already there.

They sat down heavily. The seniors laughed. " Why do you all look so exhausted ? " Seungcheol asked looking at their states. " People will recognize us even if we cover ourselves from top to bottom, so putting on a mask is not even an option at this point ". Mingyu said looking bummed out.

The seniors were enjoying it, while the juniors were tired. " So this is how it feels ". Jihoon said laughing. " I know right ". Joshua said joining in. " It is fine. You will get used to it ". Jeonghan said assuring them. " To the attention ? " Dokyeom asked. " No. To being tired ". Jeonghan joked shocking the juniors.

They burst out laughing again. " Sorry. Just kidding ". Jeonghan said seeing the juniors looked like they would cry. " Before you guys actually cry let me tell you something else too, then you can cry for all of it together ". They all turned their attention to Seungcheol.

" You guys will be giving a performance next week. It is like an orientation. You will show them 'this is us' kind of a thing ". All of them were shocked. " We didn't fix the date yet, but definitely some day in the next week. So if you guys pick a song quickly and practice it, it would be nice ". Jihoon added. They nodded.

" Where will we perform though ? " Jaehyun asked. " Generally we wouldn't want to disturb classes, so it will be during lunch hour. You guys need to remember to inform the professor who has a class before and after your lunch about it. So that you won't be blamed for skipping it ". Joshua continued.

" Don't think that it would be fine because you are only going to miss two classes. I suggest you definitely inform them beforehand. In case you have an issue with attendance later on, you can request using that and make them give you attendance ". All of them nodded in understanding.

" The place would be the main building. If we walk in a little to the inside, there is an open area. We will set everything up there. The flow of students there is the highest ". Jeonghan concluded. The juniors nodded. " Anymore questions ? " They looked at each other and shook their heads. " Alright. So what do you want to do about the song ? " Seungcheol asked.

" Do hyungs have any suggestions ? " They looked at each other. " We all found out a few minutes ago as well. So not really ". Wonwoo said. " Then we will look for it together ? " Dokyeom asked. The others nodded. " You guys try finding one as soon as you can. Don't go too far, it is just for an introduction. Go easy ". Seungcheol said.

" Okay ". The juniors sat together to discuss. The seniors were just having fun and also thinking for songs. They couldn't find something nice at the end. They decided to conclude it by night for sure. They all sat together in the practice room. The seniors left and told them they will let them know in case they find something.

" Ugh. How is a single day so exhausting ? " Bambam said dropping his head. The others groaned as an agreement. " We need to hang in there. We will be able to find something for sure ". Dokyeom said. " Shall we change the location ? " Seungkwan suggested. " I think that's a nice idea ". Vernon said and they all walked out of there and went to a cafe outside.

They all ordered whatever they wanted and sat down with it. " How about this ? " Dokyeom said playing a song. All of them listened and nodded. " Put this one on the list ". Jaehyun said and Dokyeom did so. " I remember one too ". Seungkwan said and played it for them. " Not bad ". Mingyu said and they put that aside too for a choice.

They did find a few nice ones and were to choose between them. " Like hyungs said we need not go too hard and go for something that doesn't feel too easy too ". Vernon said. The others agreed.