Chapter 50 : Peace please.

Third person point of view

Mingyu entered and saw Jungkook looking sulky and glaring at Wonwoo. " What happened ? " Mingyu asked and turned to Wonwoo. Wonwoo shrugged. Mingyu turned to Jungkook who was pouting. " Jungkook-ah, what happened ? " " My brother is hitting me ". Jungkook complained to Mingyu. Mingyu turned to Wonwoo. " Really ? " Wonwoo shook his head.

Mingyu turned to Jungkook again. " He did ". " I didn't ". Wonwoo said. " Yes ". " No ". " Yes ". " No ". " Stop ". Mingyu chimed in stopping them. Both of them turned to Mingyu. " Enough now. Stop fighting ". Both of them fell silent. " Don't fight from now on. No hitting ". Both of them nodded. " Here. You have your food ". Mingyu gave the food to Jungkook.

" And hyung should get to work. Upload all of them in the drive while he finishes eating ". Mingyu said and Wonwoo nodded. He immediately got to work. Mingyu sat down on his chair scrolling through the ones Wonwoo uploaded. Jungkook finished and joined too. " Jungkook-ah, quickly go see the fifteenth video ".

Mingyu said urging him to do it quickly. Jungkook opened and burst out laughing. Jihoon was acting all cute while singing a song. Wonwoo also opened and understood what it was. " How did you get him to do it ? " Mingyu asked looking really curious. " We kept pestering him, so he did it at the end ". Wonwoo said and chuckled.

They laughed and enjoyed looking through them all. " I put the audio too. Listen to it ". Wonwoo said. Mingyu and Jungkook listened and it was really good. " It is really nice ". Jungkook said. Mingyu was grooving to the beat. " It will definitely come out really well ". Mingyu said. " Now for photos... "

They discussed the order for photos and small clips in between. Wonwoo started working on it. Jungkook and Mingyu took a small break. " Jungkook-ah. Let's start with yours too ". Mingyu said and Jungkook uploaded them all in another drive. They looked through and the song was already picked so they had to add the content to it.

Jungkook and Mingyu discussed and came to a conclusion on how it should be. Mingyu edited the photos while Jungkook worked on the videos. They finished with editing them and the sun was already setting. " Done ". Wonwoo said. " I uploaded it. Check it once ". Mingyu and Jungkook immediately clicked in.

They watched the video and liked it a lot. " Oohh~~~ hyung~ how are you so good ? " Jungkook said watching it for the second time. " You do it just fine too ". Wonwoo said. " Aye~~ " Jungkook said turning back to his screen. " It is really good hyung ". Mingyu said and smiled widely. " Plus we all look good ".

All of them laughed. " How far did you come with Jungkook's ? " Wonwoo asked. " We finished editing them. He is going to put them together is all ". Mingyu said. Wonwoo nodded and spoke up. " So I am sending it ? " The other two nodded. Wonwoo sent it and stood up stretching. Jungkook got back to work.

Mingyu had nothing to do. " I am bored ". He said swinging in the chair. " Practice your parts for the song ". Wonwoo said and Mingyu shook his head. " Too tired for that ". Wonwoo didn't say anything. " Hyung, let's play for a while ". Wonwoo nodded and sat down with his laptop. They just played while Jungkook worked.

They finished a few rounds and Jungkook was also done. They checked the video and it came out well. " You are also good ". Mingyu said after watching the video. " Thank you ". " When will they be posted hyung ? " Mingyu asked. " Tomorrow morning. The posters will be put around the campus and will also be posted on social media ". The other two nodded.

" Let's go ". Wonwoo took his things and went to his room. The other two went to have dinner. They informed the others that it was done. They asked to show but they told them to wait and check it out when it is posted. They had fun like always and went back to their rooms.

" We really finished everything ". Jungkook said staring at the ceiling. Mingyu was doing the same too. " Right and hyung won't come to our room anymore ". " It is fine though. Not like we don't meet him or something ". Jungkook said and Mingyu hummed. They fell asleep.