Third person point of view
The next morning, Jungkook and Jimin woke up first. They both finished and went out for a stroll. Wonwoo was the next one to wake up. He went and took a shower. He was picking his clothes with a towel around his waist. Mingyu woke up and sat up in the bed. He looked around and saw there was no one else beside Wonwoo and himself.
He saw Wonwoo's topless back and his eyes went wide. Wonwoo didn't notice Mingyu who just woke up. Mingyu noticed the tattoo and saw it clearly this time. It was indeed a dragon. It started in the front on the side of the waist and crawled towards the back. The tail ended a little lower and at the waist band of his jeans.
Wonwoo pulled down his t-shirt. Mingyu looked away and picked up a water bottle on his bed side and took a few gulps. Wonwoo turned around and saw Mingyu. " I was going to wake up. Nice to see you already did. Go get ready. We should have breakfast quickly and leave ". Wonwoo put on his glasses and turned to Mingyu again.
" What happened ? " He asked when he got no response from Mingyu. Mingyu shook his head. " Did you hear what I said ? " Mingyu nodded. Wonwoo frowned but nodded. " I will go out ". He said and left. Mingyu groaned and went to the bathroom. He finished everything and picked up his phone.
He walked out and saw Wonwoo was standing there on the side. " Hyung, what are you doing here ? " " Waiting for you ". Mingyu's eyebrows shot up. " For me ? " Wonwoo nodded. " Let's go ". He started walking and Mingyu followed him. The others were already gathered for breakfast. They also sat down and finished their breakfast.
There were a few places to look around. They went around, took photos and had lunch in one of the places nearby. They returned and were all playing in the beach. They all changed into swim suits and they went into the water. When the sun was setting, they all went back to their own rooms.
Mingyu finished his shower and was sitting outside on the stairs with his feet in the sand. Wonwoo was with the others and he was about to go to their room when he found Mingyu sitting outside. He stopped and went to Mingyu. " What are you doing ? " Wonwoo asked sitting down on the step above the one on which Mingyu was sitting.
Mingyu turned to Wonwoo with a smile. " I am just enjoying it ". Wonwoo nodded. He was about to get up but Mingyu stopped him. " Where are you going ? " Mingyu asked. " Room ". Wonwoo answered. " Don't. Wait for a while ". Wonwoo didn't understand. " Why ? " " Aye~~ You don't even know your brother's heart. Just give them a little privacy ".
Mingyu said and turned to the sea again. Wonwoo sat back down but didn't understand. He looked back at the door and understood. " How did you know ? " Mingyu turned back to look at Wonwoo. " I am his friend and roommate ". He answered haughtily and went back to looking at the sea.
Wonwoo tilted his head. " How come I did not know ? " " Well.... Did you ever ask him ? " Mingyu asked without looking back. Wonwoo had no answer. " It is fine though. We tend to share these kinds of things with friends first more than siblings ". Mingyu said still looking at the sea. Wonwoo also stared ahead.
Mingyu stood up and dusted his pants off. He turned to Wonwoo and extended his hand. Wonwoo looked at Mingyu's hand and then at his face. Mingyu waved his hand asking him to take it. Wonwoo reluctantly took it and Mingyu pulled him up. He walked them forward near to the sea.
He stood at a distance where only their feet will get wet. They just stood there taking in the view for a moment. Wonwoo was looking at their hands and then up at Mingyu. Mingyu had a smile on his face as he stared far ahead. Mingyu let go of Wonwoo's hand. He put his hand on Wonwoo's back and pulled him closer.
Wonwoo's eyes went wide in shock. He clenched his hands at the end of his shirt crumpling it. Mingyu turned to Wonwoo with a smile still lingering on his lips. He took Wonwoo's hand and put it to where his heart is. " Do you feel how loud and fast it is ? It is all because of you hyung ". Mingyu said looking Wonwoo in the eyes.
" I will always keep looking at you hyung. So... can you just turn back once and look at me ? I will be on my knees for you if you do so ". Wonwoo only stared at Mingyu not able to come up with anything to say. " Looks like you don't have an answer now, but give me one later at least. Whatever it is ". Mingyu smiled.
Wonwoo came out of the daze and nodded. Mingyu smiled wider. " Let's go back ". He slowly moved away from Wonwoo and started walking back. Wonwoo also moved and walked a few steps behind Mingyu. Mingyu saw Jungkook who was standing outside their room. Jungkook gave a suggestive look and Mingyu laughed it off.
Wonwoo walked into the room. Mingyu stood there along with Jungkook. " How did it go ? " Jungkook asked and Mingyu shrugged. Jungkook patted his shoulder. " Believe me, he wouldn't even let you come this close if it is nothing. I think you will get an answer soon and a positive one at that ". Mingyu nodded. " What about you ? "
Jungkook gave a wide grin. " Was it a success ? " Jungkook nodded. Mingyu gave him a congratulatory hug. " I am happy for you ". " Thank you and best of luck to you ". " Thank you Jungkook-ah ". They just spent time outside. Jimin came out after a while and they waited for Wonwoo before they go out for dinner.
Wonwoo also joined them and they went for dinner. They all finished and decided to not get drunk. They only ate the food and went back to their rooms tired from all the playing around of the whole day. Mingyu fell asleep first as the tiredness caught up to him. Wonwoo stared at Mingyu's sleeping face. He sighed and turned the other way falling asleep.
The next day they all woke up at the time they wanted and had breakfast. All of them packed their things and then got on the bus. They were all hyper and were going crazy on their ride back. They stopped for lunch in between. It was evening by the time they reached and everyone bid goodbyes and left to their own rooms.
Mingyu and Jungkook fell on their beds. " Yah. Don't fall asleep. We didn't even eat dinner yet ". " Oh right ". Mingyu sat up afraid he will sleep if he lies down. He went to take a shower and sat back on his bed. Jungkook went in next and was done too. The others were also slowly gathering, so they went and had dinner together. They went back to their rooms and fell asleep.