Third person point of view
Their time together was pretty limited even without the condition Wonwoo put. They met after classes for practice or went to library once in a while after that. Sometimes Mingyu would go meet Wonwoo at the back of the campus and they still had to be careful in case someone would find them.
They would speak in the corridor for a while at night after dinner. If not they would meet at night after everyone was asleep. There were also common bathrooms in every floor. They would meet up there. Mingyu didn't feel all that good at first even though he never showed it nor expressed his thought about it.
He didn't want to make it a bigger issue when he didn't understand it completely. He decided he needs to learn to cherish what they have. He enjoyed the little time they had after seeing it that way. He did feel restless from time to time. But he didn't know how to break it to Wonwoo and it was piling up in his heart.
They were practicing and Mingyu met Wonwoo's eyes. He winked and Wonwoo smiled looking down. Mingyu looked away with a smile and continued his practice. They had weekend to themselves. Mingyu wanted to get away and refresh a little while he has time. Mingyu turned to Jungkook on the bed with his head buried in his phone.
" Jungkook-ah ". " Hm ? " " Mind coming with me to the pub ? " Mingyu asked sitting down on the bed. Jungkook turned to Mingyu. " I don't want to go alone. So mind keeping me company ? Also let's go to my house. We will come back tomorrow ". Jungkook nodded. " Sure ". " Thanks. Also you can bring Jimin if you want. I have a guest bedroom too ".
Jungkook laughed and put the phone away. " Don't you want a friends night ? So let's go. It is fine ". Jungkook said. " Nah. Not a big deal. Hoseok and Dokyeom are not going to be there. He will be left alone. Plus I know he cares about me too since he knows the situation too. So just bring him. I am fine with it ". Jungkook nodded.
" Fine ". " We will leave after a while. Bring a change of clothes if you want. I don't mind even if you use mine. Up to you ". Jungkook nodded and went back to texting. He informed Jimin and he agreed to go with them. They put their things in Mingyu's house and then had dinner outside and went to the pub.
They sat down at the counter. " I will be back in a minute ". Jimin said and Jungkook went along with him because he was just overprotective. Mingyu chuckled. He was looking around while waiting for them. He noticed people dancing around already drunk. His eyes then landed on two people sitting on the other side.
They looked familiar. Mingyu couldn't see clearly so he got up and took a few steps forward. He noticed Wonwoo and Cho Hee who were kissing while sitting side by side. He couldn't believe his eyes. He just stood there like he was struck by lightning. He came out of the trance when Jungkook called him. He went back to them.
" What happened ? " Jungkook asked when he saw Mingyu's expression. But Mingyu was pushing the both of them away from there. " What is it ? " Jungkook asked again. " Nothing. Let's just leave ". Jungkook and Jimin were confused at Mingyu's words. " No, wait why ? " Mingyu didn't listen to them and dragged the both of them out.
They went back home but Mingyu still didn't speak anything. Mingyu stopped in his tracks as they entered the building. " Can you both go get some beer and soju ? " Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other and nodded. Mingyu gave his card. Jungkook said they could share but Mingyu didn't listen and gave it to him.
" Get a lot of them. I will wait in the house ". Jungkook nodded and Mingyu walked to the elevator. Jungkook and Jimin went to the convenience store. " Jungkook-ah ". " Hm ? " " I think I saw Wonwoo hyung at the pub ". Jungkook immediately turned to Jimin in shock. " Really ? " Jimin nodded.
" I am not completely sure. But I think it is him ". Jungkook chewed on his lip thinking about it. " If he really was there, why would Mingyu not go to him ? " Jungkook didn't understand. " I think I understand Mingyu's reaction. But we don't know if it is that reason or something else happened for him to act that way ". Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.
He frowned wondering if something did happen. They got the things they wanted and went to the house. They sat down in the living room. All of them took a bottle each. Mingyu started gulping it down like water. " Yah. Yah. Yah. Slow down ". Jungkook warned seeing Mingyu. Mingyu put it down and took a deep breath.
Jungkook also sat back and picked up his bottle. None of them spoke anything and just drank in silence. Mingyu was drinking too much and got drunk real quick. Jungkook and Jimin sighed not knowing what it was. " Yah. Enough ". Jungkook had enough.
He didn't give it to Mingyu anymore. He expected Mingyu to say something but he didn't. And Jungkook wasn't willing to force it out of him. Mingyu was too drunk to even fight back. Jungkook took Mingyu to his bedroom and put him on the bed.