Chapter 67 : Downpour.

A/N : These are it for today and the remaining will be out probably in the next two days if I finish them. Enjoy. 🤗

Third person point of view

A few minutes ago.

Jun met someone on the way to his room. He spoke to them and then went up. He saw Wonwoo sitting on the bed looking worried. " What is it with you ? You look pretty worried these days. Something wrong ? " He asked and Wonwoo shook his head. " I don't want to believe it considering how your brother is behaving ".

Wonwoo looked up at Jun. " What do you mean ? " He asked. " When I was coming up Jungkook and Jimin were running out. Did something really happen ? " Wonwoo immediately stood up. He knew Mingyu was not going to pick up his call and he wondered if Jungkook would. But it felt like the chances are low too.

He tapped his finger on the phone. He suddenly remembered and opened the tracking app. He had it on Jungkook's phone before. He tried and Jungkook still had it. He saw Jungkook's location was being tracked. " Come with me ". He took Jun with him. Seeing how Wonwoo reacted Jun didn't question it and followed him.

Wonwoo gave the directions to the taxi driver and reached the pub. When he was about to go inside he saw the three of them who just walked out and Mingyu looked drunk. Jungkook let Jimin hold Mingyu and stood in front of him. Wonwoo frowned. " What happened ? " Jungkook huffed trying not to snap.

" I have nothing to say. But I don't want him to talk to you right now as well. So don't. Just go back. I will bring him to the dorm tomorrow when he is sober. We can discuss it there ". Jungkook said leaving no place for discussion. He took Mingyu to a taxi and put him in. Jungkook looked back at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo didn't know how to feel. He has seen Jungkook look at him in a lot of ways before; anger, happiness, sorrow, admiration and a lot more; but never disappointment. This was the first time he saw Jungkook look at him with those eyes. He was clueless to what even happened. He just watched as they left.

They reached the house. They took Mingyu in and closed the door. They carried Mingyu to his bedroom as he wasn't sober and also sleepy. The both of them threw Mingyu on the bed and helped him sleep comfortably. They sat down on the couch. " I can't believe he did that ". Jungkook said sounding mad and disappointed.

Jimin patted his back. " I did know he was there but I don't think he is someone like that. You also know that ". Jungkook let out a huff. " I don't know what to say. I didn't see and I can't say Mingyu saw it wrong. I do believe in hyung but..... ugh ". Jimin hugged Jungkook sideways. " It will be fine. We will talk about it tomorrow and solve it ".

Jungkook buried his head in Jimin's neck. They also got up after a few minutes and fell asleep like before. The next day, Mingyu woke up late into the afternoon. He went to the bathroom and finished his things. He walked out to the living room and saw Jungkook and Jimin who were sitting on the couch. He went and sat down on the chair.

" Want to eat ? " Jimin asked. Mingyu nodded and Jimin brought him the food. Mingyu had it slowly. He finished it and they just stayed like that in silence. They left to go back to the dorm in the evening. Jimin insisted on staying with them and was with them in the room. After a few minutes, they heard a knock.

Jungkook went to open it. He saw Wonwoo and wanted to just close the door on his face. But he stopped himself from doing it and just stared at Wonwoo. " Can I come in ? " Jungkook looked him up and down and then opened the door to let Wonwoo in. Mingyu looked up at Wonwoo when he entered the room.

Jungkook closed the door. He and Jimin stood to the side. Mingyu smiled but it looked sad. " Mingyu-ah ". Wonwoo walked closer to Mingyu wanting to speak about what was happening. Mingyu stood up from his bed. " It is fine hyung ". Wonwoo didn't understand what Mingyu meant. Mingyu continued to speak.

" I understand. I should've known. It was my mistake. I didn't know it was this hard for you too. It is not right with both of us hurting in a relationship. It is not good for any of us. It is fine if you don't want to be with me or if you are being with me because of some other reason, you need not do that any more. It is alright now. So.... let's just... "