Chapter 71 : Celebration time.

Third person point of view

Wonwoo wanted to go to the library and Mingyu followed him there. Wonwoo was looking for the books and Mingyu was watching him standing on the side. " Don't keep staring like that ". Wonwoo said continuing to look for his book. Mingyu chuckled. " I finally have the chance to look at you openly. So don't be stingy and let me have some fun ".

Wonwoo shook his head. He found the book and went to sit at a table. Mingyu followed him and sat beside him. He pillowed his hands for his head and continued to look at Wonwoo. Wonwoo picked up a book and put it in front of Mingyu's face to block his view. Mingyu looked up and saw Wonwoo smiling.

He put the book away and continued to just stare at Wonwoo. Wonwoo rubbed his ears which he knew turned red for sure. " You are seriously annoying. Let's leave ". Wonwoo said picking up his things. Mingyu chuckled and followed him to the dorm. He stood at the door of Wonwoo's room. " You are not going back to your room ? " Wonwoo asked putting his things away.

" Nope ". Mingyu replied and walked in after closing the door. " Jungkook said they have things to do and will be late, so I guess it is the same with Jun hyung too ". Mingyu said and sat down on Wonwoo's bed. He pulled his legs up and sat with his back to the wall. Wonwoo nodded and took out his book.

" Hyung~ Come here ". Wonwoo put his bag away and went up to Mingyu. Mingyu pulled Wonwoo and made him sit in between his legs. " Yah ! What are you doing ? " Wonwoo yelled. " Just sit ". Mingyu said pressing Wonwoo's back to his front. " You can just study comfortably and I won't disturb you ". Mingyu said right beside Wonwoo's ears.

He waited for Wonwoo's answer. Wonwoo gulped looking away and nodded. Mingyu smiled taking out his phone and started playing. Wonwoo was stiff but gradually relaxed. He sat more comfortably and continued reading his book. He felt it was rather nice. He could feel Mingyu's arms around him.

Mingyu's breathing was rather soft. He would say something under his breath while playing. It was feeling too good to be real. Wonwoo smiled and flipped the page. They just stayed like that. Mingyu looked down after a while and saw Wonwoo was asleep. He smiled and removed Wonwoo's glasses trying not to wake him up.

He also put the book away. He then picked up the blanket to cover Wonwoo. He went back to playing. After finishing, he put his hands around Wonwoo as he continued to sleep. He just loved having Wonwoo in his arms. After a while, he checked the time and the others will come back. So he slowly got up putting Wonwoo on the bed and picked up his things.

He walked out of the room. He closed the door softly and turned around to see Jungkook who was standing there with his hands on his hips and narrowed eyes. " What do I take this as ? " Jungkook asked. Mingyu quickly opened the door and rushed Jungkook inside. " Woah. Woah. Stop. So what is it ? " Jungkook asked chuckling.

" We came back together and since you weren't back I just stayed with hyung. He fell asleep after a while, so I was being silent ". Mingyu explained quickly. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Mingyu gasped and was ready to hit Jungkook. Jungkook laughed moving away. " Fine. I believe you ". Jungkook raised his hands in defense.

Mingyu shook his head and put his things away. Jungkook also did and spoke up. " I am so happy things have cleared up and you two are actually together ". Mingyu turned around and pouted with a teared up expression. He went to hug Jungkook who hugged him back. They just stayed like that and Jungkook patted Mingyu's back.

They pulled away and both of them smiled. " So you are also officially my brother in law from now on ". Jungkook said and both of them burst out laughing. " Yes, yes ". Mingyu agreed. Jungkook grinned. " Brother in law~ " Jungkook called in a teasing tone and Mingyu cringed. Jungkook went into another fit of laughter.

After a while they all went to have dinner like they planned to. Mingyu and Wonwoo sat beside each other. All the others also settled around and they all chattered away happily. " So as a celebration and congratulation to our dearest couple, everyone please raise your glasses ". Soonyoung took the lead. " Congratulations ! "

They all raised their glasses and clinked with each other's. " Woohoo~~ " They had a nice dinner together. Mingyu sneaked a kiss on Wonwoo's cheek before wishing him good night. He was happy with how it all turned out. Everything was sorted out and there were no more secrets. He fell asleep with a smile on his lips.