Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 2

After fighting the shadow puppets, alex, kinto, and Baraka were taking a walk down the street while talking. Kinto tells alex that the last 3 years has been a real pain since they were taken to C- rank level, baraka then says that ever since they were admitted into C-rank his mom has been constantly giving him harsh training through out the 3 years they had to train. Alex then says that he actually found it kind of cool that he was train his ass out through the entirety 3 years, kinto then sighs and tells alex that his love for training and getting stronger doesn't cease to surprise him. Alex then says that its been a while since he last saw kojin and that it wont be a bad idea to visit him, meanwhile kojin at his office was working on some paper work. As he was working, he sighs and monologues to himself saying that things dont really seem to be all that different, he then looks outside and asks himself if it has actually been three years. kinto and Baraka then walk into his office, kinto then tells kojin that he is sorry for walking in without knocking and kojin tells him that he has no problem with that at all. Kojin then asks kinto if they were able to take out the shadow puppets. Kinto says that taking them out was actually the easiest mission he could give them, alex then walks into the office and tells kojin that its been quite a while since its been 3 years. Kojin gets a pleasant look on his face and tells alex that he is surprised to see him and ask him how he is doing, alex tells kojin that he is doing well and tells kojin that he doesn't seemed to have changed abit in the last 3years. Kinto then tells alex to knock it off for abit and kojin starts to laugh, he looks at Alex and says that he hasn't really changed at all, he proceeds to complement him by telling him that he looks more grown up than 3 years ago. Alex then smiles and says that he has been training really hard in the last 3 years. Kojin then tells him that its good to see him again, he then asks him how Rambo is doing. Alex then says that grandpa rambo decided to take care of a little issue before returning to the city, kojin then tells alex that if he sees him he should send his regards to him. Later on as kinto and alex were walking down the streets, alex is abit surprised on how things have changed in the city, kinto then says that he Hope's things could be as peaceful and calm but unfortunately it's only a matter of time before things start to get harsh, alex then smiles and says no matter what happens, they're going to pull through. Kinto then tells alex that he has to go home and take care of some errands, Alex then tells he will see him later and they part ways. As diablo was in the training fields having a sparing match with serena, serena is running at lightning level of speed with the her body covered with electricity, she was so strong that her punches were packed with a crazy amount of electricity causing massive explosions. As alex was approaching the training ground from a far distance, he see's huge explosion made out of powerfull electric discharges. Alex with a goofy expression on his face says that their is no doubt it, serena is over there. As the smoke clears, diablo who had no scratches nor injuries tells serena that she has really gotten stronger and output of her electricity is far more powerful and dangerous than it has ever been. Serena lying on the floor looking worn out tells diablo that she is really glad to hear that, she then gets up and tells diablo that they should go one more round, alex then tells her that it looks she is having some fun. Serena is abit surprised and tells alex that its been a while, diablo smiles and asks alex how he doing. Alex tells him that he is doing well and just finished a mission not quit long, diablo looking at alex was able to notice how strong he has gotten, he tells alex that it looks like he really has gotten alot stronger and alex then says that he had 3 years to train so offcours he'd get far stronger. Serena then asks alex why he came to all the way to see them, alex smirks and says he came to have a sparing match with diablo. He remind diablo that it's been a while since they had a sparring match and he wants to show him how strong he has become since then, diablo then smiles and says he has no problem with that at all and then serena tells alex that she is also going to be joining him while fighting him. Diablo tell serena and alex that they should go all out and not hold back, serena then says that she is the least person to be holding back and alex says that its been so long since he was in a real fight with someone. Diablo then tells them that they can start but before he could finish his sentence, alex jumps up and creates over a thousand blade of death and starts blasting it at diablo at rapid fire which began to caused a massive explosion that started to take down hills. The smoke of the explosion was clearing and diablo is unharmed and tells alex that he has really improved but then, he realizes that alex is behind him pointing a dagger at him with flash fists surrounding diablo. Diablo who is abit amazed tells Alex that his ability to strike and corner his opponents has really improved as well as his attack speed, alex then tells diablo that he appreciates the comments but it wont work. Diablo then tells him that as he is in a battle with an opponent, he needs to learn how not to get easily manipulated and then alex realizes that diablo has been behind him the whole time.Serena with her incredible speed and with a crazy amount of electric power on her fists starts to throw punches at diablo but diablo was just weaving and dodge her punches while his hands were in his pockets. While diablo was dodging her attacks, she uses an attack called voltage burst in which she creates a bullet made out of electricity and then throws it at diablo with an amazing speed. Diablo dodges this attack effortlessly and tells serena that her attack speed and physical strength has increased as well but she and Alex would have to work harder if they want to beat him. Serena gathers even more electricity which seemed to be going berserk, she blasts this attack and was able to destroy the training area around them