Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 19

As alex and kazuki were fighting tobi in the training in which they both charge towards him ta an incredible speed and starts to go in close combat with tobi, tobi was just blocking and dodging alex and kazuki's punches and tells them that they can do better than that. While alex and kazuki were going blow for blow with tobi and showing great and incredible combat skill, Alex jumps in the air and starts to shoot flash fists at tobi at a quick speed, tobi was just running and dodging the flash fist alex was firing rapidly without stopping. As tobi was dodging Alex's attacks,kazuki activates his spirt mark and his lightning sword and with the speed of lightning, he charges towards tobi in order to hit him. As kazuki was about to use his lightning sword to hit him, tobi uses his sword to counter kazuki's lightning sword and then both of them begin to clash their sword as they were moving at an insane speed. As kazuki and tobi were clashing swords, kazuki creates a lightning arrow and begins to fire multiple lightning arrows at tobi, tobi seeing this gets a smirk on his face and starts to use his sword to slice through kazuki's lightning arrows as they were flying towards him at an incredible speed. As tobi kept blocking and slicing through kazuki's attacks, alex jumps behind him with a blade of death on his hand and attempts to hit tobi with it, but tobi quickly jumps out of the way. As one of kazuki's lightning arrows was about to hit Alex, he quickly flash steps into the air and then tobi appears above him and compliments alex by telling him that he is fast. Tobi then kicks alex to the ground, causing a crator on the ground. kazuki uses a move called "purple flaming dragon" in which he uses his purple flames and forms a dragon and blasts it at tobi. As tobi is in the air, he spots this attack and then quickly dodges it in mid air. He then lands on the ground and then kazuki tells him not to lose focus as he activates his purple flames sword and starts to clash sword with tobi. As both kazuki and tobi were having a sword fight and slicing everything in their path, tobi uses a technique called death beam in which he shoots out a lazer beam from his sword at rapid fire towards kazuki. As tobi was blasting his death beam at kazuki, he tells kazuki that his "death beam" is over a hundred times hotter than an actual laser beam. Kazuki begins to move at the speed of lightning as he kept on dodging tobi's death beam and then as he was dodging them, he prepares a purple flame on his hand, dahses towards him and blasts it at tobi. Tobi manages to dodge the attack and then flashsteps behind kazuki and kicks him through the area. Tobi then tells kazuki that he can do better than that, alex rusjes to tobi at an incredible speed and manages to hit tobi on the face. As tobi flies back, he manages to get his balance and then alex activates his energy fist plus 50 and begins to flash step around tobi faster than he has even done before. Tobi then tells alex that he is more amazing than he thought and that he is really glad that he met someone as strong as him. As Alex was flash stepping around him, he begins to throw punches at tobi that were so strong to the point they were causing explosion. Tobi just keeps dodging his punches upon alex was flash stepping at a very fast pace. As tobi was dodging Alex's punches, alex realizes that tobi is very good at dodging and his physical strength is actually very strong despite how he looks. Alex then prepares a blade of death( Star blaze) and fire it at tobi, as tobi sees this incoming attack, he smiles and uses a move called "Gear deflector" in which he releases a blast wave that deflects alex attack back at him at a greater speed and causes an explosion. Alex then appears behind him and tells him that an attack like that won't work on him. As he was just about to hit tobi, tobi tells alex that he knows that he is to smart for an attack like that to hit him, so he had another plan. Tobi then grabs alex hand before he punches him and then blasts a very powerful beam at alex which caused an explosion that clears a large part of the training field. Kazuki then dashed of with a very powerful speed and then uses a move called "Complete incineration" in which he combines fire and lightning together and blast it at tobi. As diablo was watching this fight, he admits that Alex and kazuki have improved extremely in speed and strength, but yet, tobi is stronger than both of them combined. Tobi see's this attack, smirks and then punches the attack back towards kazuki. Kazuki then activates his force field in order to block the attack that tobi back fired at him which caused a massive explosion. After the smoke clears, kazuki switches off his force field and then tobi flies out of nowhere and kicks him so hard that he flew through a rocks and a couple of tree's. Tobi then compliments alex and kazuki by telling them both that they are really strong, diablo then tells them that they've had enough sparring for one day. Kazuki then gets up looking so beat up and asks Alex if he is okay, meanwhile alex was so beat to the point that his eyes were completely white. Diablo then asks him If he is doing okay and alex then mumbles saying that he thinks he has had enough training. Tobi then smiles and tells them that they were stronger than he thought so they should be happy they excided his expectations, kazuki and alex then jumps to their feet and calls him a little brat and diablo tells tobi not to push it.