Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 23

As kazuki was walking through the forest, he gets a flashback of himself as a baby with a man telling him that they will see again some day. Ater the flashback, he monologues to himself saying that the only clear memory he has from his childhood is being in an orphanage being bullied by other kids. He then sighs and asks himself why he felt that he had a connection to shinki by chance, he then takes a deep breath and says that whatever it is,he will get to the bottom of it. Suddenly, a pink lazer beam flies towards kazuki. Kazuki was able to dodge them beam, which ended up destroying a large part of the forest. Kazuki with shock on his face wonders to himself where that lazer beam came from, a lady who seemed to be an assassin complements him for his speed by telling him that her lazer beam attack is almost as fast as light and not many people have been able to dodge it before. Kazuki who doesn't seemed fazed asks her who she is and what she wants, the assasin lady tells her that her name is not what is important right now, kazuki then asks her if she knows anything about shinki by chance. The lady is abit confused and asks kazuki what he's talking about. Kazuki walks past her and tells her that he has no business with her. The assassin lady gets annoyed and kicks kazuki across countless tree's and tells him that by the time she is done with him, he won't be able to stand up again. After the smoke clears, she sees that kazuki's force field is activated and kazuki tells her that he isn't in the mood to waste time and asks her if she wants to die that badly. The assasin lady tells him that her name is izuki and that she has come to take his life. Kazuki then asks her who sent her to kill him and then izuki replies, telling him that that is none of his business. Kazuki then remembers diablo telling him and alex that once the higher ups sense a threat from some particular people, they look for ways to eliminate those threats. Kazuki then gets a serious look on his face and asks her if it was the higher ups that sent her. Izuki then replies him by telling him that he catches on quickly but he needs to die, she then uses her lazer beams to create a sword and asks him if he has any last words, kazuki just smiles tells her she has chosen death. He activates his purple lightning sword and tells her that he has something important to do and that he needs her out of his way. Meanwhile in the city, serena, sukuna, runo and Raquel along side with luck were in a restaurant together eating some food. As they seemed to be enjoying each other, sukuna asks luck were she grew up in. Luck tells her that she grew up in a country far away but then spent most of her life as an assassin, serena asks her what she means by that. Luck explains to her that she was kidnapped from her family as a kid and then she along side with the other trafficked kids were trained as assassins and started going on missions and committing war crimes, she explains that she ran into veronica one day. She then says that veronica saw her as a very formidable fighter and asked her to join her group, Raquel who seemed sympathetic tells her that she most have had a rough childhood, luck just laughs it off and says that its funny that she hates being an assassin, but the fact that she is with the rest if the black fire members makes her feel comfortable, especially when she's with kazui. Runo then tries teasing her by asking her if she likes him and luck being embarrassed says that it's nothing like that at all. Sukuna then tells her that its nothing to be shamed about and that all of them sitting on the table each has someone they are crushing on among the boys, sukuna says that she finds that tobi kid really interesting and runo tells her that he is just 14 while she is 16. Skuna then asks serena how things are with her and kazuki, serena replies saying that she's planning on telling him when next she sees him. She then looks outside the window and wonders to herself what kazuki is doing at the moment. Meanwhile as kazuki and izuki were fighting in the forest as kazuki was moving at top lightning speed while izuki was also moving at an incredible speed while blasting laser beams at kazuki, destroying and evisarating the forest around them with the lightning and lazers they were fireing at one another. As izuki was shooting lazers at him, kazuki was just using his lightning sword to counter all her attacks and then shoot a powerful lightning arrow at her which sent her flying through trees. Izuki then gets up with an annoyed look on his face and charges towards kazuki with an even faster speed and calls him a damn brat, kazuki then charges towards her by maintaining his lightning speed and then they both were just throwing lightning and lazer beams at each other while clashing swords and moving around the forest like beams of light. The fight was so intense that they were just obliterating the forest with every attack they were throwing at each other along side with the speed they were moving at. As they both were fighting at top speed while blasting attacks at each other, kazuki realizes that all of izuki's attacks are almost faster than his lightning levels of speed and attacks, he says to himself that he is on C-rank level which means his speed is only limited, but if he can concentrate more, then he can keep up. Kazuki then begins to blast spiritual shuriken's at her at rapid fire, izuki who was just dodging his attacks then asks kazuki if that was all he got, she proceeds to blitz him and punch him on the face, sehding him flying down a line of tree's. She grabs his leg and smashes him on the ground and begins to blast a barrage of lazer beams at kazuki in which every lazer beam she shot at him was causing massive explosions in the forest. As the smoke clears, she tells kazuki that he is strong and that she can see why the higher ups want him dead, she tells kazuki that she is a special C-rank and that not a single assassin has been able to keep up with her yet alone throw attacks at her. Kazuki then gets up without a single scratch on his body and tells her that he doesn't care at all, izuki then gets a wicked smile on her face and charges towards kazuki at a powerful speed, telling him that she's going to cut off his head. As she was about to speed blitz him, she tells him that he is a very cocky bastard and just when she was about to punch him, she coats her hand with a powerful energy. She ended up punching his force field instead. As she was shocked, kazuki tells her that non of her attacks were even able to touch him and that the whole fight while she was kicking him around, it was his force field that she was kicking instead. Kazuki explains to her that he can make his force field visible and invisible and can also make it last up to an hour, izuki then get annoyed and says that it cant be possible. She dashes towards kazuki with a sword made out of her lazers and was ready to kill him, but giant bolt of purple lightning strikes her down and causes an explosion, that took out a large part of the forest. The smoke clears and izuki is lying inside a giant hole on the ground with some of her body parts obliterated and her other parts burned. Kazuki then jumps over the hole and tells her that if she manages to stay alive after that attack, she should go to the higher ups and tell them that once he is done, he is coming for them.