Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 30

As alex was going on a rampage due to his demonic power, he was spitting out beams at bara at rapid fire, bara on the other hand was also moving at an insane speed to dodge them. Each beam they were throwing at each other was so strong that it was causing powerful explosions that were dealing crazy damages to the environment. As levi and tobi were just watching this destructive fight, tobi asks how they are going to stop this rampage. Levi explains to him that alex in his current state has completely lost his mind and he isn't in control, he further explains to tobi that once a person is granted power they cant control, the person looses all sense of control and that the same thing is happening to alex. Bara who seemed to be enjoying the fight realizes that Alex hasn't made a single movement and has been spamming long range attacks, he then comes to the conclusion that the power over flowing through Alex body is so strong that movement is almost impossible. He tells alex that they should take this fight up abit as bara starts to charge up a massive amount of energy. He then dashes off with an incredible speed as he begins to hit Alex with powerful punches that were causing even bigger explosions and shock waves sending alex flying around the place. Bara who was moving at a powerful speed punches Alex up in the air, jumps above him and proceeds to punch him back to the ground. As bara was about to land the finishing blow, he releases a powerful blast wave that was so strong that it caused an even bigger shock wave that completely destroyed the surrounding area. This makes alex angry, as he punches bara up into the air and starts to drag him around the forest. While this fight continued, levi confirms that if he and bara continued to fight, he would have had a hard time keeping up or maybe lost. Tobi had an excited expression as he seems to be enjoying the fight, levi looking at tobi comes to a conclusion that tobi is a psychopath. As bara kept launching blast waves at alex, he is shocked to see that alex is easily walking through them like its nothing. Alex begins to growl with smoke coming out of his body as he creates a blade of death made out of thick red flames. Bara seeing this gets intimidated as alex speed blitz him with it. Bara screams in pain as the attack was so strong that it obliterated every single thing it came across with and blasted bara a couple of feet away. After the smoke clears, bara's robotic arm was completely burnt as bara began to laugh and yells in excitement saying that this was the power he was planning on testing out. Alex then runs towards him at an incredible speed and tears him in half. It then turns out it was a robot alex was fighting the whole time. Alex then releases a loud roar as the roar created a powerful gust of wind. Meanwhile in alex's subconsciousness, alex sees himself floating in a dark void with a giant demon covered in black energy with chains on its neck looking at him, alex asks himself why he cant move and why is he finding himself sleepy. The demon then begins to growl as it uses its arms to cover him up. Meanwhile in the city as kojin was working on some paperwork, ukina who was sitting relaxed on a couch in his office tells kojin that he is a hard worker. Kojin recognizing her voice gets up his chair with destructive energy flowing on his hands and asks her what she Is doing in his office. Ukina then tells him to calm down and that she didn't come to cause trouble. She tells kojin that she just wanted to see how her old friend is doing. Kojin sits down, sighs and tells her to get on with what she wants to say before he changes his mind. Ukina then tells him that she just came to check up on him and that it's been too long since they had a proper conversation, kojin then replies her by telling her that the only reason why he isn't doing anything to her is the fact that they are old friends but considering she is an international threat, he wouldn't want to be around her. Ukina then tells him that he is still mean and straight forward as usual, kojin tells her that she seems be playfully and childish as ever. She then gets off the couch and tells kojin that she only came to just greet him before things get ugly, she explains to him that she just wanted to hold on too the things that made her smile before she throws it all away. As she was about to leave his office, she tells him not to worry about saito and that if she were him, she would get ready for the brutality saito is coming with, Ukina suddenly dissappeared. Kojin then sighs and gets a serious look on his eyes. Meanwhile alex was going out of control as he was blasting beams and fire balls everywhere. As he was doing this, some chains pop out of the ground and ties him by the neck along with his arms and legs, levi who was standing behind alex begins to cast some hand signs and some incarnations as his hand begins to glow. Levi then tells tobi to hold alex off, tobi then swoops in with his sword covered with energy and tries stabbing alex with it. Tobi notices that the sword upon it was covered with a huge amount of energy, couldn't pierce through alex. Levi then yells out "Release" as a circle appears below alex and a bright light just blast out of the ground which made alex scream in pain as it was turning him back to normal. Alex turns back to normal and collapses, but levi picks him up and looks at the damage alex has caused. Tobi then asks him why he didn't allow him to fight Alex and says he could have taken him head on, levi tells him that he might have been strong enough to hold on with Alex at stage 4 but he would have been injured badly.